Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6901 Monsters gather, rules change?

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"It seems that he really got the tokens of two large cities!"

"Jiang Tian first became famous in Bailian City, that is to say, he got the token of Bailian City first. How could Sakyamuni allow him to go to the Star Arena and compete for the spot?"

"That's not clear!"

They come from different large cities, and no one knows the details of what happened in Sakyamuni.

Although the elders at the reception knew something, they didn't bother to explain to these people at all.

Because there is no need.

"Quiet, hand over the token!"

The elder motioned everyone to be quiet, and after checking all the tokens, he immediately led them out of the teleportation hall.

The Teleportation Hall is located on the southwest corner of the City Lord's Mansion. After walking out of this area, the opposite is the square of the City Lord's Mansion - Chiyue Square!

At this time, a huge arena with tens of thousands of feet in length and width was set up in the square!

"The arena is so big!"

"As expected of a super city, this momentum is magnificent!"

Even the well-informed young monsters from a large city are stunned by this ring at this moment!

In a large city, Wanzhang Arena is already extremely spectacular.

And here, the tens of thousands of feet of the arena shocked them even more!

"The audience is silent!" On the ring, an elder in a red robe scanned the audience and said in a deep voice.

His eyes were extremely cold and arrogant, his face was majestic, and his aura was overwhelming!

The warriors and common people who came to watch the battle were all suppressed by his aura!

"Everyone, all the star warriors have arrived. There are 18 warriors from the large city, and 10 monsters from Chiyue City. A total of 28 monsters will compete here!"

The voice rang out, and the audience began to commotion!

"Twenty-eight people, a total of twenty-eight people!"

"These people are the pinnacle of martial arts among the younger generation around Chiyue City!"

"If nothing else happens, they will support the martial arts level in Chiyue City for thousands of years to come!"

"Look carefully, these people are the young generation's super monsters, each of them has the potential to become a giant in the future, and everyone will be a super power in the future!"

The audience exclaimed incessantly, and there was a great sensation.

There is no way, the super evildoers of the younger generation are already extremely conspicuous. At this age and on this stage, it is destined to be the time for them to burst into brilliance!


The red-robed elder raised his hand and pressed falsely, and the noise in the audience quickly subsided.

"Twenty-eight top monsters are competing in the same field, the rules of this competition will be changed!"

"Rule change!"

"Why change it? Aren't the previous rules good?"

"Yeah, no one has changed the rules before, why should they change now?"

"Whether to change or not is not a matter of the city lord's mansion. It is meaningless to entangle this!"

"Yes, the most important thing we should know is how the rules have changed?"

Eighteen young warriors from a large city talked a lot, and Jiang Tian was also a little puzzled.

Why change the rules?

Although they don't know the reason, they all have a bad feeling, as if this rule change is aimed at themselves!

Compared with the local monsters in Chiyue City, warriors from large cities have no advantage.

Wouldn't it be more passive to face rule changes now?

"This junior is a martial artist from Ziyun City. Dare I ask the elders, how have the rules changed and why?"

A young man in purple robe asked, with some kind of worry in his words.

The old man in red glared at him coldly, and there was a weird sneer on the corner of his mouth!

"You can guess how the rules have changed!"


"Let's guess?"

"This...isn't it a joke?"

Several people looked at each other, their expressions became extremely complicated.

The selection of Star Competitors was supposed to be an extremely serious matter, but this elder actually played a charade with them!

Although this may be just a joke, it is unavoidably strange to appear on this occasion and at this time!

At this time, the more than one million spectators in the audience were also greatly surprised!

"Have the rules of the Star Ring been changed? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Maybe it was decided temporarily by the City Lord's Mansion!"

"How did it change?"

"I don't know, but the previous rules were to randomly select one person to be the champion, and then randomly select one person to challenge. Although it is a bit cruel to be eliminated every game, the result makes people speechless!"

"Yes, after all, the people who can survive to the end are all indisputable monsters!"

"The rules are already very good, why should they be changed, and how should they be changed?"

Everyone was very curious, waiting for the answer from the old man in red.

At this time, eighteen young evildoers from a large city suddenly looked at the ten youths on the opposite side!

Those are all local monsters, that is, their biggest opponents.

They have made all kinds of preparations and will do their best to defeat each other when they encounter these opponents!

But at this time, they were surprised!

Because these ten local evildoers are very calm, and there is even a narrow look in their eyes!

Obviously, they knew about the rule change a long time ago!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"It's unreasonable, they are simply cheating!"

Eighteen monsters from a large city gritted their teeth and clenched their fists.

Compared with those ten people, they were all outsiders, and they also came up from the city below.

And the opponent is not only born with the advantage of cultivation conditions, but also can wait for work with ease!

the most important is!

Each large city has only one quota, but there are ten super cities, which in itself is a great injustice!

But there is no way, because they also have to admit that there is indeed a big gap between the martial arts background of a large city and a super city.

Although this gap is not that big for the younger generation, it cannot be ignored!

Fortunately, due to the short training time among the younger generation, the strength gap has not been completely widened, otherwise there is really no need to compete!

Jiang Tian looked at the ten people on the opposite side, his eyes were also extremely indifferent!

Obviously, those people knew about the rule changes in advance, and they just waited for them to come!

And he also has a strange feeling: this rule change is likely to have something to do with him!

"Is it an illusion?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, then shook his head slowly.

It will not be an illusion!

Because his intuition has always been very accurate, the intuition of any warrior is extremely accurate!

At this moment, he noticed that the eyes of the ten local evildoers on the opposite side were also falling on him more!

has a problem!

The situation is probably not simple!

"Could it be because of the Dao Palace's reward list?"

Jiang Tian frowned in thought, then shook his head.

There may be a reason for this, but it's worth scrutinizing.

Because this is the selection of the Supernova Conference, it has its own rules.

It is impossible for Chiyue City to change the selection rules of the star competition because of a reward list!

That is another reason!

Jiang Tian silently guessed all kinds of possibilities, puzzled in his heart.

at this time!

Inside the Mansion of the Lord of Chiyue City!

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