Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6902 The new regulations shocked the audience!

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The lord of the city, Chi Xuntian, sits high on the throne, wearing a large red robe that burns like a flame, and his aura is extremely powerful!

He looked at an injured old man below, with a cold light flickering in his eyes.

"I didn't kill you this time because of your life-saving grace back then, but Chi Heng's death has already offset the kindness of that year. Next, you owe this city lord even more!"

The injured old man below is none other than He Lao!

Chi Heng, who was beheaded by Jiang Tian before, was one of the sons of the city lord Chi Xuntian!

The reason why Elder He has such a high status is that he saved Chi Xuntian back then.

At that time, Chi Xuntian was hunted down by a powerful enemy, and it was only with the help of He Lao that he escaped.

After that, he invited He Lao into the City Lord's Mansion and gave him extremely high treatment.

But all of this changed because of Chi Heng's death!

Now Mr. He is a guilty body, and all the kindness of the past has been written off!

His injury was also caused by Chi Xuntian's shot.

The injury was very serious at that time, but Chi Xuntian then gave him a secret elixir to take, pulling him back from the verge of death.

With such a combination of grace and power, Mr. He has nothing to say!

In the past, in front of Chi Xuntian, he was a little arrogant because he believed that he had done a good job in protecting the Lord, but after this time, he was completely knocked down to the ground and reduced to an ordinary subordinate.

"City Lord, please calm down. This old man committed an unforgivable mistake. He should have committed suicide and apologized. It is only thanks to the City Lord's magnanimity that he can survive. The only way to alleviate the crime is to kill the enemy and avenge the young master!"

"This person has successively set the ranking records in the Dao Palace's reward list. Are you really sure to destroy him?" Chi Xuntian asked in a deep voice.

Mr. He nodded his head heavily: "Don't worry, Lord City Master, that person's strength is clear to everyone. Even if he rewrites the ranking of the reward list one after another, he has not exceeded the previous estimate. This arrangement can be said to kill two birds with one stone and be seamless. He will definitely be killed on the ring!"

"This is the selection of Star Competitors. If the Supernova Conference finds out about the situation, the City Lord will be under tremendous pressure!" Chi Xuntian frowned, obviously scruples.

Although he couldn't wait to kill his enemies, he didn't want to incur criticism from the top management of the Supernova Conference.

Although the opponent cannot directly govern him, his strength is greater than the sky. Once the opponent puts pressure on him, his life will definitely not be easy.

"Don't worry, Lord City Master. The fighters selected by the star ring come from all over the world, and they don't have a strong background. Not to mention that he is still a junior in the Central Region. Even if the Supernova Conference knows something, he will never insist on embarrassing our Chiyue City for an insignificant dead person!"

Mr. He was confident about this, and he wasn't nervous at all.

Chi Xuntian nodded slowly, obviously agreeing with this.

As long as you don't leave too much ground, it won't cause criticism from the top of the Supernova Conference, and the death of a monster in the middle region has no reason to make the top of the Supernova Conference angry.

No matter how you look at it, the risk is extremely small, even negligible!

"He Xuan, all your judgments are based on one result. If there is a problem with the result, everything will be overthrown, and the city lord will also face tremendous pressure. You'd better pray that nothing happens, otherwise the old man will not spare you!"

"Master City Lord, please rest assured!" He Xuan was full of confidence and said with confidence: "The subordinate's arrangement is absolutely foolproof, and the subordinate dares to guarantee with his head that he will never leave the star ring alive!"

"I'm waiting for your good news!"

at this time!

On the star arena outside the city lord's mansion, eighteen monsters from a large city and more than one million warriors who came to watch the battle were completely overwhelmed.

They asked the red-robed elders on the stage to announce the new rules and solve everyone's doubts.

Faced with the urging of the audience, the red-robed elder said loudly: "This time, the star challenge will no longer use the one-on-one elimination system of previous years, but will be changed to..."

In the middle of speaking, his eyes glanced leisurely at Jiang Tian!

There was an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth, and a chill in his eyes!

"...the whole field is in a melee!"


"Full melee!"


As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked!


The faces of the seventeen monsters from the large city all changed!

Jiang Tian frowned, his eyes became extremely cold!


Sure enough, it came!

This rule change is obviously aimed at him!

The words of the red-robed old man caused an uproar in the audience, and even the warriors and common people who came to watch the battle were deeply puzzled!

"Why do you want to change it like this?"

"Isn't this rule too cruel?"

"Twenty-eight young evildoers are fighting in a melee. Compared with the single elimination system, the difficulty has increased by not one or two points!"

"This is natural. The difficulty of the melee system is more than ten times higher than that of the single elimination system!"

"That's right, especially with so many people. In the chaotic battle, no one knows which direction the opponent's attack will come from, and no one knows whether someone will join forces to make a surprise attack. The complexity of the situation is simply beyond imagination!"

"Such rules are a huge test for any evildoer, so who will be the last lucky one?"

"I don't know, but there is no doubt that such rules are more beneficial to our local monsters in Chiyue City!"

"Yeah, although their pressure will also increase sharply, but in the end, those with superior strength will have a better chance!"

Millions of warriors and ordinary people looked at the ten local monsters on the Star Arena.

These ten people looked extremely excited, and their aura was quite calm, obviously they had already been mentally prepared for this.

In other words, they are likely to know the rule changes in advance, so they can not be surprised by the changes!

On the contrary, the eighteen people on the opposite side all had ugly faces at the moment, and were deeply shocked!

There is no other reason, just because this rule change is too bad for them!

"Look, these evildoers from large cities are already panicking!"

"At the moment of the war, the mind is in a mess. These people are afraid that they will lose before the battle!"

"Needless to say? They don't have an advantage in strength, and if they are disturbed by the rules of the City Lord's Mansion, they have actually lost!"

"Hey, in my opinion, what the City Lord's Mansion is doing is simply nonsense. The old rules have been used for many years and have never been changed. Why should they be changed this time?"

"It's really unreasonable. Even us local fighters in Chiyue City feel that it's too unfair!"

Among the millions of spectators, there were too many people fighting for the eighteen people.

They were already at a disadvantage, now it's even more difficult!

"No way, they were just a foil, but now they just lost more completely and ugly, there is no difference in essence!"

"Yes, the world of martial arts is cruel and cold-blooded. Everything is based on strength. Those who have no strength... are not worthy of pity!"

"Aren't you convinced, is it unfair? It's useless, if you want to break it, you can only use stronger strength!"

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