Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6903 Fight in groups!

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The noise resounded non-stop, and after the initial annoyance, anger and panic, the eighteen large city monsters on the ring gradually calmed down.

The rules have been changed, and it's useless for them to refuse!

The City Lord's Mansion is the organizer of the star competition selection, and they have the final say on the rules. As fighters participating in the selection, they can only adapt to it!

"Everyone, this seems to be aimed at us!" A young man in yellow robe said in a deep voice.

"Obviously, they look down on us at all, and want to use this method to eliminate us instantly, leaving only those ten local monsters to compete with each other!"

"Hehe, if we were stronger than the other party, would they still change like this?" Someone shook his head and smiled bitterly, his face full of despair.

"It's useless! We don't have the right to speak about the rules, since we're here, let's fight with all our strength!"

"Yes! Although we don't have the advantage, ten local evildoers have to bear the same pressure under the same rules. After all, ten of them also need to decide the winner, and only one of them can win in the end!"

"Fight! Fight with all your strength!"

"Fight with them!"

"The evildoer in our large city is definitely not a coward!"


Everyone raised their arms and shouted, making a strong declaration!

Among the eighteen people, only Jiang Tian remained silent, or calm.

His emotions have always been stable, and the change of the rules did not actually have a big impact on him.

Because he is on the reward list of the Dao Palace, is the selection competition of the Star Competitors more cruel than the pursuit of the reward list of the Dao Palace?

of course not!

So for him, the small changes in front of him will not affect his will.

But this reaction made the other 17 people feel uncomfortable!

"Jiang Tian, ​​are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid it's useless. This is the Star Competitor's selection. Now that you're here, you can't hide!"

"In fact, don't worry too much, it's just a competition, it doesn't matter life or death, at least life is safe!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​your realm is a bit low, but you can achieve success in the reward list of the Dao Palace, and you must be very powerful in leapfrogging. But these local evildoers are not ordinary people. Although their number is smaller than ours, they put me under great pressure!"

They looked at Jiang Tian and offered words of comfort.

Jiang Tian was somewhat surprised, after all, they were all monsters from different cities, and they were supposed to be at war in Xingling.

But because of the temporary change of the rules, they felt like they were being bullied, and even felt a little bit like they were fighting against each other!

"Everyone, in view of the current situation, I suggest that the eighteen of us join forces to resist these ten local evildoers!"

"I'm afraid it's useless. Do you really think we can defeat them all together?" A young man in white robe said shaking his head.

"I'm not sure, but at least this can increase our chances. If we can defeat one of them, if we defeat about half of the opponent's hands in a short period of time, our winning rate will increase significantly!"

"This plan is feasible. If we can really defeat all ten of them, it won't be too late for us to decide the outcome. But before that, we must work together, otherwise there is no hope of winning!"

"Ok, deal!"

The seventeen evildoers quickly negotiated and decided to fight in a group.

Jiang Tian remained silent, with a calm expression.

"Jiang Tian, ​​are you still afraid?"

"The evildoer who is on the reward list of the Dao Palace shouldn't be so cowardly!"

"Don't worry, we won't shoot you until we defeat them, because that's pointless!"

"After all, this is the Star Arena stage. We don't expect you to perform any miracles in front of these powerful enemies, as long as you don't hold us back!"

"Remember, don't force yourself in the face of these people. You can wait for the opportunity to pick up the leak next to us, and take the thunder whenever you have the opportunity, understand?"

Several people reminded Jiang Tian to make some tactical arrangements.

Jiang Tian was a little surprised by their attitude, and was glad that these people could stay awake.

In this way, they can unanimously speak out.

Under the changing rules, reduce the disadvantages of the scene with group response!

According to the vision of the City Lord's Mansion, it might be a chaotic battle of twenty-eight people.

But if they act according to the tactics of these people, it will undoubtedly become a confrontation between the two camps!

In this way, the situation will be relatively clear, and the confusion during the fight can be minimized!

"There is indeed some truth in what you said, it can be regarded as a solution, but..."

Before Jiang Tian finished speaking, he was interrupted by the other party.

"Jiang Tian, ​​the situation is serious, there is no hesitation, just listen to our arrangement!"

"Remember, don't shoot blindly, you must be shrewd and decisive, and seize the best opportunity!"

"Even if you can only pick up the leak and defeat one person, it is your greatest contribution!"

"Yeah!" Jiang Tian nodded lightly and said no more.

Above the Star Arena, there is not much time left for everyone to communicate.

The competition is about to begin, and there is no chance to argue a lot.

For him, no matter what the rules are, he has to step through.

Now that these companions have reached a consensus, he naturally doesn't need to refute and change.

"Everyone is ready!"

The red-robed elder gave an order, and the ten local evildoers still stood in place with calm expressions.

The eighteen monsters from the large city spread out a little and stood in an attacking formation!

Their strength is at a disadvantage, so naturally they can't wait for the opponent's husband to make a move, because it is difficult to hold back under passive defense!

You must take the initiative to attack, and you must launch a thunderous attack as soon as you come up, trying to prevent your opponent from having a chance to breathe!

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly an old man raised his hand and shouted!

"Why did you interrupt the old man?" The red-robed elder's face was slightly gloomy, and he stared at him coldly, obviously not sullen.

"Dare to ask the elder, why didn't you read out the list of competitions?"

"The list? Chi, there's no such list!" The red-robed old man said mockingly, "Under the new rules, only the final winner is eligible to leave a name on the star ring, and the others... are destined to be foils!"

"What a foil!" The old man's face was a bit ugly, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

After all, those losers will indeed not be remembered!

"Starring selection, start now!"

The red-robed elder ignored the other party, issued an order, and rushed to the nearby battle platform.


Accompanied by a roar like thunder, all the eighteen monsters from the large city rushed out and launched a mad attack!

Crack... bang bang, bang!

The violent bang resounded through the void, all kinds of spiritual power exploded wildly, and the void collapsed!

Waves of spiritual power swept out like a tsunami, and rushed straight to the ten local evildoers on the opposite side!

"As expected, these people are not too stupid!"

"It's a pity they can't change anything."

"Let's do it!"

The local evildoers showed sarcasm and shot one after another.

The ten people used their own means to set off a wave of fierce offensive, and the momentum instantly overwhelmed the spiritual power tsunami on the opposite side!

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