Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

All efforts are in vain

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Bang, click... 呲啦... Boom!

"not good!"

"Be careful!"


"Back! Back quickly!"

The expressions of the evildoers from the large city suddenly changed!

They originally wanted to take the lead and put the other party under a berserk offensive, and they couldn't even breathe.

Now I realize that I was thinking too much after all!

Even if the gentleman on his side makes a move, attacking wildly.

The opponent also counterattacked once, and directly reversed the situation and took the lead!

Crack, crack... Rumble!

Accompanied by a terrifying noise, the offensive launched by the eighteen people disintegrated instantly.

The spiritual power tsunami was torn out huge gaps by the offensive of the ten people on the opposite side.

The local monsters passed through these gaps in an instant, condescending and launched a fierce counterattack!


It is not so much a counterattack as a suppression!

Ten local evildoers passed through the gap of the spiritual power tsunami, condescendingly launched a strong suppression of these evildoers in these large cities!

Bang, boom, boom!

Whoops... Boom boom boom!

Violent roars rang out intensively, and the ten local evildoers used their own methods, knocking out ten opponents in an instant!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"It's over, it's over!"

Seeing that ten companions were sent flying, the rest of them panicked too!

The situation of group confrontation was broken in an instant, and their carefully conceived formation had completely disintegrated before it started to play a role!

All efforts are in vain!

They didn't dare to hesitate, and they swooped down with lightning one after another to prevent being severely injured by the opponent's pursuit.

But when they stood still, they saw an astonishing scene!


"Why isn't he hiding?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​get out of the way!"

Looking at the figure who seemed to be standing there in a daze, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and their scalps went numb!

Jiang Tian's realm is the lowest among all people, only the middle stage of Starry Sky Realm!

But he stood there recklessly, and didn't escape!

At this time, ten local evildoers were just above him!

It is conceivable what kind of danger he will face next!

At this time, the ten local monsters were also taken aback!


"He didn't hide!"

"Is this confidence, or stupidity?"

Looking at Jiang Tian standing below, the ten people seemed to have forgotten to make a move.

That's right, their target is Jiang Tian!

But they had already made sufficient preparations, and planned to deal with this evildoer who possessed the space escapism technique, and spend a little effort to deal with him.

They never expected that the other party would stand where they were in the first wave of collision, and they wouldn't even try to hide!

"Too much, Jiang Tian, ​​you are too much!"

"Anyway, hiding for a while is considered a respect for us!"

"There is no response like this, are you scared stupid?"

Ten monsters formed a circle and surrounded Jiang Tian!

"It's over!"


The faces of the evildoers from the large city all changed!

Surrounded by ten local monsters, Jiang Tian couldn't fly with his wings!

I'm afraid that if the opponent doesn't need to make a move, he will have to admit defeat!

"Jiang Tian, ​​admit defeat!"

"It's useless, no need to struggle!"

Someone even reminded Jiang Tian to give up resistance, because it was meaningless.

Not to mention ten local monsters, even if there is only one, Jiang Tian has no chance of winning!

If you want to avoid a severe beating and beating, you can only admit defeat!

"Admit defeat? We will never accept it!"

"Since you are in the Star Arena, you must speak with your strength!"

"Although he is destined to lose, he must be defeated in a head-on contest!"

"You will never be allowed to admit defeat in this contest!"

Boom... Boom!

Accompanied by stern shouts, the auras of the ten local evildoers soared, and the terrifying coercion locked Jiang Tian in an instant.


"Can't admit defeat?"

"Is there such a rule?"

The expressions of the evildoers from the large city suddenly changed!

The rules of Xingling have never restricted admitting defeat, this is the basic rule!

Has even this basic rule changed?


Everyone immediately looked at the red-robed elder on the battle platform, wanting to seek answers from him.

But the elder watched the battle with a cold face, turning a deaf ear to what happened on the star pendulum!


"It's over!"

"It's over!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't you have space escapism, run away!"

"One pick ten, this is courting death!"

Everyone's scalp was numb, reminding Jiang Tian to escape with all his strength.

Ten people beat him up, even if he didn't kill him, he would still be seriously injured.

It was the most stupid decision to end up in such a match that was destined to be impossible to win.

Such a tragedy must be avoided!

"Space Escape Technique? Hahahaha!"

"I must remind you that this time, the arena of Xingling has specially set up a space barrier. No matter how strong his escapism is, he still cannot escape the range of the arena!"


The monsters in the large city were completely stunned!

There is even a space restriction on the star ring, isn't this aimed at Jiang Tian?

"Why do I feel...like targeting him?"

"Be confident and get rid of the 'feeling'!"

"Don't you understand, they are targeting him!"

"Obviously, the record of the Dao Palace's reward list has made these people jealous!"

"They want to defeat Jiang Tian in the Star Arena to prove their strength!"

The evildoers in the large city had extremely ugly faces, and they all sweated for Jiang Tian!

But they obviously didn't really realize the seriousness of the matter!

I thought that these people besieged Jiang Tian just to catch the popularity of the Dao Palace's reward list.

They didn't know that the purpose of these people's siege was to put Jiang Tian to death!

"A battle of life and death?"

Jiang Tian looked at the other party coldly, already feeling a strong killing intent.

"Destroy him!"


Boom... Boom!

There was a roar, and three local evildoers took the lead!

One of them held a red long knife and slashed wildly at Jiang Tian, ​​who was only ten feet away!

The other two clapped their palms together, blocking Jiang Tian's retreat.

With a left hand pinch formula, a golden rope magic weapon was thrown out with the right hand, like a spirit dragon winding towards Jiang Tian!

This treasure is called Tang Xiansuo, and it is a magic weapon of confinement.

And it's a real fairy treasure!

Feeling the strong murderous aura and the killing intent of the red heavy sword and the winding fairy rope, the evildoers in the large city were completely shocked!

"The situation is wrong!"

"This is not a competition!"

"They're going to kill him!"


Isn't the star competition only for the winner?

Jiang Tian didn't even use the magic weapon, why did these people just take out the treasure and start attacking?

Realizing that something was wrong, their faces turned pale with fright!

If the same method is used on them, wouldn't it be difficult for them to survive?

"Elder, what's going on?"

"Why do people kill?"

"Is this still a star competition?"

How many people asked sharply!

"What are you talking about? The old man can't help but listen through the restraining circle, don't be distracted, let's compete with all our strength!"

The red-robed old man responded with a half-smile, and then ignored everyone's protests.

His cold eyes were fixed on Jiang Tian, ​​as if he saw him being attacked and killed by everyone!

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