Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6905 Instant kill + freezing = group destruction!

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"Since we want to divide life and death, I will send you on your way!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly and made a decisive move!

Faced with these people who insisted on putting him to death, and who had premeditated it, of course they would not have the slightest hesitation or mercy!


Instant killing technique!

Buzz buzz!

The moment Tangling Xiansuo attacked his body, Jin Huanghuang's rope body had already formed a semicircle, and it was about to wrap him to death.

At this moment, Jiang Tian's figure suddenly disappeared!

At the same time, Jiang Tian, ​​who disappeared, appeared in front of three opponents by turning one into three!

Chi, chi, chi!

Purple light flashed suddenly, and three sword intents wiped the necks of the three of them.

Puff puff!

Three heads flew up in an instant, and three pairs of eyes widened with anger, all of them were full of horror, despair and hatred!

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The head fell to the ground quickly, and the three corpses also fell to the ring.

Before everyone could react, the three of them had been instantly killed by Jiang Tian!


The arena was silent!


The whole square was dead silent!

Everyone was stunned by Jiang Tian's shot!

Even the red-robed old man on the supervisory platform froze with a sneer on his face, and his eyes were full of shock and astonishment!

"How can it be?"


"Oh My God!"

"Instant killing technique!"

"Instantly kill three people!"

"It's still against the offensive of the fairy treasure entangled with the fairy cable!"

"And that red heavy saber, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the Crimson Moon Blade!"


"Red Moon Blade!"


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again!

"Chiyue Blade, isn't that the treasure of the City Lord's Mansion, why is it in that person's hands?"

"Could it be that he is fighting on behalf of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"No! He is not from the City Lord's Mansion, he is the number one evildoer of the You family in Chiyue City!"

"Strange, the number one evildoer of the You family, how can there be such a magic weapon as the Red Moon Blade?"

The warriors and common people watching the battle also exclaimed, shocked by the appearance of Chi Yueren and Tang Xiansuo!

It might be easier to talk about Tang Xiansuo, but Chi Yueren is hard to explain.

Because the relationship between the You family and the City Lord's Mansion is not good, there were even some conflicts.

As the famous treasure of the City Lord's Mansion, whoever gave the Chiyue Blade should not be used by the evildoers of the You family!


The situation is not right!

Amidst the wild shouts of the audience, Jiang Tian waved his right hand lightly, and the Chiyue Blade and Tang Xiansuo disappeared without a trace at the same time!

"Huh?" The old man in red robe on the battle supervisor's platform suddenly sank!

That is the treasure of the City Lord's Mansion, how could Jiang Tian take it away?

"Why are you guys still staring blankly?"

The sound transmission of spiritual power came out, and the remaining seven local evildoers rushed towards Jiang Tian while shouting violently!

And not far away, the seventeen monsters in the large city were all stunned, and they all forgot to make a move!

They are here to participate in the star competition selection, not to gamble with each other.

At this time, they no longer know what to do!

"kill him!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​die for me!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Crack, squeak... bang rumble!

Terrible roars resounded through the void, and the seven local evildoers each burst out with extreme combat power, and each of them sacrificed their immortal treasures to start a frenzied culling!

Instant killing technique?

it's useless!

The crazy attacks of the seven local evildoers have locked the void.

Under such a dense and violent offensive, Jiang Tian has no possibility of teleportation!

Even if he forcibly uses the instant killing technique, it is impossible to withstand such a dense killing net!

This is a must-kill formation that has been rehearsed against him in advance!

Although there are three people missing now, it makes their killing intent even stronger!

it's over!

At the moment when everyone shot wildly, Jiang Tian could not escape the end of falling!

"Kill me at any cost?"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and white cold flames surged from his body!

Hiss... Boom!

Kacha... Kacha!



"not good!"

"This is... Xuanbing Forbidden Fire!"

"Why are you so strong?"

"Break it!"


The cold flame swept across the void, and the seven local monsters were instantly frozen!

With their strength and background, the freezing of this cold flame for a moment is not enough to be fatal.

But the problem is, their opponent is Jiang Tian!

So even a momentary delay may cause them to lose their lives and be harvested wildly by the other party!

"Don't have to struggle, wouldn't it be nice to just die like this?"

Jiang Tian sneered, a flash of hostility flashed in his eyes!


The cold flames rose sharply, completely freezing the seven people!



"It's over... it's over!"


The cold flame completely froze the void!

The seventeen evildoers in the large city were also frightened, and they all retreated at this moment, fearing that they would be affected.

The red-robed elder on the battle supervisor's platform was horrified at this moment, and couldn't hold his breath any longer!

"Jiang Tian, ​​stop!"

"People don't kill me, I don't kill people, tell me to stop, which reason is this?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, flicked his fingers towards the cold flame void in front of him.


Crack... Rumble!

The void shrouded in cold flames trembled violently, and exploded into pieces like ice crystals!

The seven local evildoers who were imprisoned in it all turned into ice slag, fell and died!

Hiss hiss!


The frying pan was directly fried in the square of Chiyue City, countless warriors and common people gasped, and the sound of uproar resounded endlessly!

"Oh My God!"

"What kind of method is this, why is it more terrifying than the instant killing technique?"

"Ten local evildoers, those are the priceless treasures of our Chiyue City, are they gone like this?"

"Why did Jiang Tian kill them?"

"Are you stupid, didn't you see that they were going to kill Jiang Tian first?" Someone said angrily, not knowing which side they were supporting.

"Then...why did they target Jiang Tian?"

"Isn't it the Star Competitive Selection? Why do you want to kill me?"

The warriors and ordinary people present hardly understood the situation, and even the seventeen monsters from the large city were at a loss.

Why did the local evildoers of Chiyue City besiege and kill Jiang Tian on the Star Arena?

"Elder, why is this?"

"Please give us an explanation!"

"In the selection competition for Xingling, why would someone besiege him, and even kill him?"

The seventeen evildoers looked at the supervisory platform and asked the elders.

The red-robed old man's face was extremely gloomy!

This kind of ending was something he never dreamed of!

The ten top local evildoers were supposed to carry the dream of Chiyue City and go to the grand stage of the Supernova Conference to shine.

But within a few breaths, they were all beheaded by Jiang Tian!

For Chiyue City, this is an incalculable loss!

And all this is because they underestimated Jiang Tian's strength!

"Which of your eyes saw them besieging and killing Jiang Tian?"

After a moment of silence, the red-robed old man said sullenly.




The seventeen monsters in the large city were stunned!

Such an obvious fact, do you even need to think about it?

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