Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!


They get it!

This elder is completely in the same group as the ten local monsters!

All of this is obviously the arrangement of the City Lord's Mansion of Chiyue City!

"Could it be that they have the treasure of the Lord's Mansion of Chiyue City in their hands!"

"It turns out that everything is to deal with Jiang Tian!"

"If they succeed, will they even kill us together?"


Thinking of this, they couldn't help but gasp!

They are people from large cities, not native warriors of Chiyue City.

Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to have the last laugh in this selection.

This means that there is a high probability that they will be buried with Jiang Tian and be ruthlessly silenced by the people of Chiyue City!



"Why did Chiyue City engage in such a conspiracy?"

"Is this still the selection of the Supernova Conference?"

"You Chiyue City City Lord's Mansion, what exactly are you going to do?"

They looked at the red-robed old man and asked sharply!

The red-robed old man completely ignored them!

Standing up from the supervisory platform, he looked coldly at the young man in the middle of the ring.

"Jiang Tian, ​​why don't you make a move, keep going!"



The seventeen evildoers on the ring were shocked when they heard this!

If Jiang Tian makes a move, they will definitely die instantly!

"Jiang Tian!"



They looked at Jiang Tian, ​​hesitated to speak, their faces were extremely ugly.

"You can make a move." Jiang Tian's face was unusually calm.


"No! We don't want to fight you!"

"it's useless!"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

Ten local evildoers were killed by Jiang Tian instantly, so how could they be Jiang Tian's opponents.

Even if seventeen people rushed forward, they would only be killed instantly!


"Jiang Tian, ​​we didn't have any malice towards you from the beginning, so naturally we won't embarrass you now!"

"Hehe, it sounds so nice. It's not that we make things difficult for him, but we should beg him not to take our lives!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​we admit defeat, can you accept it?"

"There is really no need to fight anymore, we are not your opponents, can you give us a chance to survive?"

The seventeen evildoers all surrendered and did not want to fight Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian nodded lightly: "Yes...huh? Not good!"

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed!

The red-robed elders on the supervisory platform suddenly rushed into the star ring, clapped their palms together and blasted at the seventeen evildoers.

Crack... Rumble!

A terrible roar resounded through the void, and two red palm prints rose up like two rounds of bloody scorching sun.

The terrifying coercion instantly swallowed seventeen figures!

The frightening aura roared like a blood-colored beast, followed by a shrill scream.





The screams were swallowed by the red light, and pieces of residual limbs were scattered in all directions.

The blood light receded, and there were only seven figures left there!

Even though ten of the seventeen had reacted, they were still forcibly killed.

And the remaining seven people were all injured!

Some of the injuries were so serious that they could only breathe a sigh of relief!

In the worst case, he was vomiting blood constantly and his breath was sluggish!

"What a murder to kill, it seems that today, your City Lord's Mansion has no plan to let us foreign warriors live!"

There was a cold light in Jiang Tian's eyes, and he locked on to the elder in red robe.

"Yes, but so what?"

"You killed the son of the city lord, and you still dare to come to our Chiyue City?"

"Hey! But even if you don't come, sooner or later you will die!"

The elder in red robe had a ferocious expression on his face, looking at Jiang Tian as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Do you think it's over if you kill them? Let me tell you, Chiyue City has already laid a net, no matter how powerful you are, you will not escape death today!"

Crack... bang bang bang bang!

While speaking, the elder in red robe flew out with a palm blade, obliterating the remaining seven evildoers!



The entire square was shocked, and the warriors and the people were completely terrified!

"What a terrifying method!"

"Why did the City Lord's Mansion do this?"

"Didn't you hear clearly, the elder said, Jiang Tian killed the son of the city lord!"

"Is there such a thing?"

There was an uproar at the scene!

The City Lord's Mansion has not announced this matter to the public, so the people in the city do not know about it.

Hearing what the red-robed elder said now, he understood the reason.

Jiang Tian killed the son of the city lord, and now he came to Chiyue City to participate in the star competition selection, no wonder Chiyue City would deal with him like this.

"So, Chi Heng is the son of your city lord?"

"That's right!" The aura of the red-robed old man continued to rise, reaching an astonishing level!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you have committed such a crime, and today you can only pay for it by dying!"


The red-robed old man opened his arms, and two red streams shot out, twisting towards Jiang Tian like two blood-colored giant pincers!

"Then let's see if you have the ability!"

Hiss... Boom!

The white cold flames rolled out wildly, and after touching the red mad flow, violent noises erupted.

The frightening heat wave unleashed by the crimson frenzy was able to counteract the suppression of the Black Ice Forbidden Fire all of a sudden!


Jiang Tian urged the Xuanbing forbidden fire to continue to climb.


While suppressing the crimson mad current, the forbidden fire enveloped the red-robed old man.

"Damn it!"

The red-robed old man thought he had the advantage in cultivation, but in actual combat, he found that his opponent was far stronger than he had imagined.

Seeing that the crimson madness was about to be completely frozen, he took a decisive step forward!


Crack... bang rumble!

Stepping out with one step, the void shook violently!

The red madness exploded in an instant, and the white cold flame was violently turbulent, and its power fluctuated!

The red-robed old man rubbed his hands together into a knife, and slashed straight at Jiang Tian's face with the fastest speed, wanting to kill him in one fell swoop!

Click... Boom!

Amidst the loud noise, the red-robed old man retreated again and again, looking at his right palm with a face full of horror!

At this moment, his right palm has been turned out of shape, and the bones of his forearm have all been cracked!

"Flesh and domineering!" The red-robed old man looked at Jiang Tian, ​​deeply shocked!

"The elder of the City Lord's Mansion of Chiyue City, that's all!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold.

He punched out just now, colliding with the opponent's knife with his physical strength.

As a result, no surprise, the elder of the city lord's mansion in the middle of the original god realm, his physical strength was much worse than his.

"No wonder you are so strong, but it's useless. In the face of a powerful realm, there is only one death!"


The red-robed old man crazily stimulated the spiritual power of the blood vessels, and with a finger between his eyebrows, the vision of the blood vessels was aroused!


A round of phantom of the red moon then rose up, and the huge coercion filled the entire star ring, and it was about to break through the surrounding spiritual power walls!

"Red Moon?"

Jiang Tian looked at the red moon and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This red moon is not complete, and the top is somewhat incomplete.

This round of Chi Yue, which is not full, shows that the purity and level of the other party's blood is not perfect.

Compared with the old He and Long Xuan back then, this person's strength is weaker.

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