Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

Such an opponent, if he was before the advanced stage, might feel extremely strenuous, and might even be suppressed by the opponent.

But for him now, it was nothing!

"Sword Intent, cut it for me!"


With a wave of Jiang Tian's fingers, the purple sword intent instantly tore through the void and slashed straight at the opponent's front door.


The elder in red yelled violently, and the red moon suspended above suddenly fell, slamming into the sword abruptly.

Crack, crack, boom!

A terrifying roar erupted suddenly, and under Chi Yue's collision, the purple sword intent was forced to explode.

"Huh?" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, secretly surprised!

Since entering the late stage of the Starry Sky Realm, his sword intent has been astonishingly improved, and he can tear the void with a single strike.

Although the blow just now was not fully released, its power should not be underestimated!

But with just such a blow, Chi Yue unexpectedly knocked him out!

On the other hand, look at the red moon vision.

At this moment, it was violently turbulent, and there were traces of red currents spreading out, and the breath was consumed.

But in general, the consumption is not big, not even ten cents!

The red-robed elder was also shocked!

In his opinion, the vision of the red moon should be able to easily crush that sword intent, but the actual result was not satisfactory.

This surprised him deeply!

But no matter what, the Chiyue vision finally took the initiative, and killing Jiang Tian was only a matter of time!


Without hesitation, the red-robed elder made another wild move.

Push forward with both palms!


The huge scarlet moon vision blasted out, hitting Jiang Tian's body directly!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian pointed and waved again!


The pressure of the sword intent rose sharply. This sword not only tore open the void, but also aroused violent space rage!

This space rage is not formed by pure space spiritual power, but is driven by a large amount of void power!

The power is strong, and the ordinary space turmoil is completely different!

Bang, click... Boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void again, and the void rift torn apart by the purple sword intent stretched forward rapidly, like a demon god's tentacles blatantly tearing towards the red moon!

Crack... bang!

The vision of the red moon shook wildly, and the huge power exploded violently, frantically resisting the double impact of the sword intent and the space crack.

But after a few breaths, the vision of Chiyue finally couldn't hold on, and was torn apart with a strange noise!

Bang... click!

"How can it be?"

The red-robed elder was shocked!

The vision of the red moon is his blood vision, needless to say how powerful it is.

And the mid-stage cultivation of the original God Realm that he was proud of couldn't even win a mid-stage Starry Sky Realm?

Isn't this too long and exaggerated?


The red-robed old man's complexion suddenly changed, and he clearly noticed something strange!

If it was really the middle stage of the Starry Sky Realm, it would be impossible for Jiang Tian to have such a sky-defying combat power.

This shows that the opponent's realm is doubtful, and it is likely not the middle stage of the starry sky realm, but the late stage of the starry sky realm that deliberately suppressed the realm, or even the peak monster!


As soon as he thought of this, the huge spiritual sense of the red-robed old man immediately enveloped Jiang Tian, ​​wanting to forcibly find out his details.

But his face immediately sank, and his eyes became extremely gloomy!

"It turned out to be in the middle of the Starry Sky Realm! But how is it possible?"

The old man in red was shocked!

At least from the sense of spiritual sense, there is no problem.

It seems that Jiang Tian is really only in the middle stage of the starry sky realm, but with such a realm, he has such a leapfrog combat power, and even fights him on an equal footing, isn't this too heaven-defying?


There must be something wrong!

The red-robed old man's mind raced, guessing all kinds of possibilities.

Maybe the other party has practiced some kind of special secret technique that hides the realm, so that even a power in the original god realm like him can't see through it.

Or the other party possesses some kind of special secret treasure, which can isolate the detection of outsiders.

In short, this kid can't just be in the middle stage of the Starry Sky Realm!

"Die to the old man!"

A strong warning surged in the heart of the red-robed old man!

If this entanglement continued, he might stumble and even pay an unexpected price!

As a mid-stage power in the original God Realm and a top senior elder in the City Lord's Mansion, he would never allow himself to fall into that situation.

You must not allow a junior in the starry sky to shake the sky in front of you!


Chi Yue shook wildly, and the red-robed old man held his right hand in the air, and a special magic weapon in the shape of red snake teeth appeared in his hand.

As soon as Fang appeared, he exuded a terrifying murderous aura, covering Jiang Tian from the air!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, his heart was terrified!

fairy treasure!

This is a genuine fairy treasure, and its murderous aura is stronger than the magic weapon in the hands of the ten local monsters before.

A huge sense of crisis enveloped him, and he no longer hesitated!

With a big mouth, aimed at the incomplete Chi Yue!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"


The space was distorted and turbulent, and the seemingly mighty Chi Yue suddenly disappeared without a trace!


The aura of the red-robed old man dropped sharply, and he was far away from the middle stage of the original god realm in an instant, and fell to the early stage of the original god realm!

"Huh? Hiss!"

The red-robed old man held the red snake-tooth magic weapon in his hand, and was horrified for a moment!

"Damn! How could this be?"

"What about my cultivation?"

"Blood vision! You swallowed my blood vision?"

"Give it back to the old man!!"

The red-robed old man's mind almost collapsed, and he roared sharply and rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​assuming a posture of fighting for his life.

The blood vision was swallowed, causing his cultivation to plummet, from the middle stage of the original god realm to the early stage of the original god realm in an instant.

For a powerhouse of his level, it was a fatal blow!

If he can regain the blood vision, his cultivation will have a chance to recover in an instant, and he will reappear the glory of the middle stage of the original God Realm!

"Give it back to the old man!!"

"Die to me!!"

The red-robed old man was completely insane, with billowing red flames burning in his eyes, he roared and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

The snake tooth magic weapon in his hand swung wildly, swinging out a dense net of snake teeth, with a murderous aura!

Hiss, hiss... Boom!

The ear-piercing noises were like demonic snakes spitting out deadly messages, the void oscillated crazily, and began to collapse layer upon layer!


At this moment, Jiang Tian was full of contempt.

The red-robed old man in the middle stage of the original god realm can't bring him too much pressure, and he won't be his opponent after the realm falls.


Jiang Tian stepped forward, and the void in front of him was instantly crushed by him!

"Uh... poof!"

The red-robed old man was wounded in the air, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his forward momentum was abruptly stopped, and he was extremely violent!


Terrible coercion!

At this moment, he felt unprecedented pressure!

The opponent's strength and realm haven't changed in any way, everything is due to his own fall in realm.

It was his strength that plummeted, which made him powerless and even vulnerable to the same pressure!

"I want to die with you!!"

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