Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!


The red-robed old man roared sharply, no longer having any hope.

Obviously, it is impossible to regain the lost blood vision.

Because his strength is already difficult to threaten the opponent, then there is only one thought in the next step: to risk his life and drag the opponent to die together!

Because he himself is also part of the strangulation plan against Jiang Tian arranged by the City Lord's Mansion!

The entire strangling plan is divided into several steps:

The first step is to siege the stars!

It was carried out jointly by ten local evildoers. For this reason, the City Lord's Mansion took out a lot of treasures to arrange for these ten evildoers.

This is also the reason why Tang Xiansuo appeared in the hands of that young Youshi!

Otherwise, do you really think that the city lord's mansion and the You family have settled their suspicions?


The relationship between the City Lord's Mansion and Youshi has always been different, but Youshi's background is quite deep, and the City Lord's Mansion dare not offend to death.

This time in the star competition, the City Lord's Mansion communicated with ten evildoers in advance, bought a few fairy treasures and a large number of rare and rare treasures, and asked them to besiege and kill Jiang Tian!

And these ten evildoers are very interested in Jiang Tian themselves!


The reason is actually very simple!

It's just because Jiang Tian has been too showy recently!

Four scans within half a day, five scans within two days of the Dao Palace reward list!

These record-breaking feats are said to have attracted the attention of a high-level executive at the Superstar New Conference.

It is unacceptable for them to have attracted the favor of a big boss of this level before they have entered the selection of the super city.

Why, a foreign martial artist, a junior in the Central Territory, can cross the sky of the super city and get the attention of Gao at the Supernova Conference?

As monsters in the super city, they will never allow this to happen, and they will never tolerate the existence of such a person!

He will not let him continue to grow and become stronger!

Therefore, strangling Jiang Tian was actually their consensus.

No matter whether this opponent is really monstrous or has a temporary reputation, they will not allow the opponent to grow smoothly.

Before the City Lord's Mansion conspired with them, most of them were ready to abolish Jiang Tian.

Under normal circumstances, although the rules of the Star League do not allow killing, there are always accidents when warriors fight, and it is not uncommon for warriors to be seriously injured and their cultivation level to be abolished in previous Star League competitions.

And after receiving the order from the City Lord's Mansion, they no longer had any scruples!

Being able to kill Jiang Tian is naturally the best result, because that will completely eliminate future troubles.

After all, no one wants to leave behind a potential enemy, and this enemy is still an existence with superb aptitude and strong talent!

These ten people hit it off with the City Lord's Mansion, and they took advantage of the various benefits of the City Lord's Mansion!

In the fight just now, they also tried their best to put Jiang Tian to death.

It's a pity that they were too arrogant and seriously underestimated Jiang Tian's strength, leading to the instant group destruction!

In the fight just now, the siege of ten local monsters was actually within Jiang Tian's expectations.

After all, as soon as he came on stage, these people were full of murderous intent towards him, all targeting him, and even letting go of their divine sense to investigate him recklessly!

This obviously malicious approach aroused his vigilance from the very beginning.

It can only be said that the other party has become so arrogant that he doesn't hide it, and he doesn't mind him taking some precautions.

Because ten to one, the odds are good!

What really made Jiang Tian angry was actually the cruel act of killing innocent people indiscriminately by the old man in red!

Seventeen young evildoers from a large city were killed by him before they could even react, and they all fell!

This made his disgust towards Chiyue City reach its peak!

Even if the red-robed old man didn't attack him, he would ask him for an explanation!

The plan of the City Lord's Mansion is far from that simple!

Beforehand, they had anticipated that the ten evildoers might capsize.

So the red-robed old man who supervised the battle was the second gate!

It's just that no one thought that those ten evildoers were so vulnerable that they were instantly wiped out by Jiang Tian!

This means that Jiang Tian is not in vain, and his talent, aptitude, will and means far exceed everyone's predictions!

But the more this happened, the more he couldn't be kept!

It must be wiped out with all its strength to eliminate future troubles!

Otherwise, if he is allowed to grow up smoothly, will Chiyue City still have a good life in the future?

As the second gate, the red-robed old man was on the verge of collapse!

That's why he held the Snake Tooth Immortal Treasure at all costs, and went up together, launching a common attack on Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​come and bury this old man with me!!"

"I have to say that you are indeed very evil, even against the sky. It is worth it to let such a heaven-defying evildoer accompany the old man on the road!"

Hiss, hiss... Boom!

The Snake Tooth Immortal Treasure danced wildly again, and the killing net it danced was denser than before!

At the same time, the red-robed old man directly ignited the power of blood, and the blood flames burned all over his body!

Although he has fallen back to the early stage of the original God Realm, as a former power in the middle stage of the Original God Realm, he still has an extraordinary background.

Burning blood and self-destructing with such background is enough to drag Jiang Tian to his death!

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Jiang Tian survived by chance, he would definitely not escape serious injury!

Then, he has fulfilled his mission and lived up to the great trust of the city lord!

Hiss, hiss... Roar!

Rumble rumble!

The Snake Tooth Immortal Treasure has been crazily thrown by him with his infusion of spiritual power, and it has turned into a huge red dragon with a size of one thousand feet, slamming down with a terrifying aura!

And he himself, surrounded by billowing blood flames, rushed towards Jiang Tian and launched a fatal blow!

"What gave you the confidence that you really thought you could do it?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, and he clenched his right hand and was about to punch forward.


At this moment, he suddenly frowned, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, his figure flickered, and he swept upside down a thousand feet!

"Oh!" The red-robed old man's eyes were sharp!


Jiang Tian is back!

He is scared!

"Hahahaha! Jiang Tian, ​​you can't escape, die!"

The red-robed old man looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his overwhelming arrogance burst out to the extreme.

At this moment, he seemed to have regained his peak feeling, and even broke a bottleneck that had never been broken before.

Being able to scare Jiang Tian like this, he has no regrets!


Thousands of feet away, Jiang Tian ignored the red-robed old man who was approaching rapidly.

At this moment, he has a look of surprise on his face, and he is checking the abnormality in his body!

Scarlet waning moon!

This anomaly also came from the scarlet eclipse of the moon that he had just devoured!

Jiang Tian frowned!

He found that the aura of the crimson waning moon fluctuated violently, and it was not as pure as he had imagined!

"So low?"

Jiang Tian frowned, and deep disgust flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he didn't really want to devour the opponent's vision of the red moon, but he only swallowed it because the opponent was too eager to attack.

The strangeness at this moment seemed to confirm his intuition.

This scarlet waning moon is indeed very bad!

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