Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6912 Chi Xuntian shot!

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"My lord, please spare me!"

"help me!"

Terrible screams resounded from every corner of the square.

The collapsing void spawned a series of terrifying space cracks, like a series of demonic tentacles randomly bombarding everything they went.

In an instant, thousands of people were crushed by it, and their bodies turned into nothingness!

The remains of flesh and blood scattered indiscriminately, and the square that had long been in ruins was now being rained down by a large amount of blood.

The blood rained like a pour, converging into countless streams!

The brooks flow together like blood snakes, condensing into rivers of blood in an instant!

In the end, it fell into the huge pit at the center of the ruins of the star ring, forming a terrifying pool of blood!

"Run, run away!"



The warriors who still had the power to protect themselves fled desperately, fleeing far away from this square.

There is no way, the city lord Chi Xuntian has always been known for his iron fist and cruelty, and has a very vicious reputation!

They will never be lenient when dealing with powerful fighters and subordinates, and people like them who watch the battle will not be pitied.

In an instant, countless figures flew up into the air, scattered and fled in all directions!

But they dare not fly too high, because the higher they fly, the greater the impact of space spiritual power will be.

But even so, there are still many people who failed to escape the obliteration of the turbulent flow of the void.

Some people were strangled by the turbulent flow of space just as they stepped into the air, turning into a large rain of blood and falling down.

Of course, there are also some people who rely on their cultivation to be strong and retreat to wait and see from a further distance.

They were extremely curious, whether Jiang Tian could survive such a terrifying offensive?

"Has the City Lord entered the late stage of the original god realm?"

"A hundred years ago, didn't you still stay in the middle of the original god realm?"

"It's not just a hundred years. It is said that the city lord has been stuck in the middle of the original god realm for thousands of years. Is this a breakthrough?"

"That's not clear!"

Everyone guessed Chi Xuntian's current cultivation base, most of them believed that he was in the late stage of the original god realm, but some people had doubts.

After all, Chi Xuntian's cultivation has been stuck for a long time, and it is not easy to break through.

And it is almost impossible to hide such a big event in the late stage of the advanced original god state!

But in the past hundred years, Chiyue City has not heard of any late-stage powers in the original god realm, nor have there been too amazing advanced visions.

This is unavoidably surprising!

"What is the realm of the city lord?"

"If it's the middle stage of the original god realm, can the coercion be so terrifying?"

"But if it's the late stage of the original god realm, why didn't we hear any news?"

"Don't guess, wait until the Lord City Lord shows up, you will naturally understand!"

Everyone became more curious and couldn't wait to find out the cultivation of the city lord, so they didn't want to leave even more.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The space anomaly is still going on, and there are terrifying loud noises one after another.

Countless spatial turbulence ravages the void, almost turning this place into a sea of ​​spatial spiritual power!

When Chi Xuntian's coercion came, Jiang Tian did not evade!

Instead, he stood in the same place and stepped into the air and chose to carry it hard!

Sitting on the Void Dominant Body, he has long been unafraid of the attack of space spiritual power.

Therefore, the chaos in the void did not pose much threat to him.

Only that terrifying coercion itself can cause a violent impact on him!

Buzz buzz... boom boom!

Jiang Tian unfolded the Void Overlord Body, accepting the rush and baptism of the space turbulence to his heart's content!

The power of the void brought by the turbulent flow of space is an excellent nourishment for the void hegemony, to some extent equivalent to the aura of heaven and earth needed for the cultivation of warriors!


The power of the void is carried into the body by the turbulent flow of space, and the power of the void dominance rises and rises continuously.

The countless turbulence that was enough to shake the void didn't have much impact on him.

At this time, Jiang Tian, ​​like a mainstay, let the turbulent flow of space attack his body, not moving like a mountain!

Buzz buzz... boom boom!

More and more power of the void was integrated into the body, and the power of the void dominance rose again and again, which made Jiang Tian extremely excited!

And at the same time as the Void Dominant Body improved, he also felt the subtle changes in the True Dragon Dominant Body!

Although the power of the void cannot directly boost the power of the physical body, it actually makes the real dragon body stronger!

One tonic has double benefits, which is really an unexpected gain for him!

Rumble... boom!

After a while, the coercion gradually weakened, and the spatial vision also began to recede.

When all the visions faded away, everyone saw an astonishing scene!

Jiang Tian still stood in the air, suspended above the ruins of the Star Ring!

Apart from some ups and downs in breath, there was no sign of injury at all!

"How can it be?"

"Oh My God!"

"He's not dead?"

"He actually...resisted the coercion of the city lord!"

"too exaggerated!"

The onlookers exclaimed in surprise, stunned by the scene in front of them!

"Original God Realm, I said he must be the original God Realm!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the original God Realm, why would he bear the coercion of the city lord?"

"The City Lord probably didn't expect that this middle-aged junior would be so strong?"

"So, will the city lord behead him personally?"

The words spread, but everyone fell into a brief silence!

The city lord personally acted?

This question seems to be a no-brainer, the city lord's revenge is inevitable.

But in fact, there is quite a lot of suspense!

Why is there suspense?

An old man shook his head and said, "There is indeed a lot of suspense about this matter, do you know why?"

"I guess, it must be Jiang Tian's current identity!"

"That's right!" The old man nodded his head heavily: "Jiang Tian killed all the competitors, and he has already won the place of overlord of the star competition in Chiyue City, that is to say, he has already obtained the qualification to participate in the final duel of the Supernova Conference. The life and death of such an extremely monstrous evildoer is no longer within the control of Chiyue City!"

"But the Lord City Lord has revenge against him for killing his son after all!"

"On the territory of Chiyue City, in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, can the City Lord really swallow this breath?"

"There's no need to guess, the city lord has already taken action just now, will he stop revenge?"

The warriors watching from a distance kept talking, and they were all guessing the follow-up reaction of the city lord.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to give up revenge!

The old man just shook his head and sneered: "Do you understand what the consequences will be if you shoot a monster who is sure to get the final qualification for the Supernova Conference?"

"as a result of?"

"Kill it, kill it, as long as the Lord City Master moves fast enough, will the senior management of the Supernova Conference really embarrass him for a dead person?"

"You think too simply!" The old man shook his head and sneered, and said mockingly: "Do you know who is the backstage of the Supernova Conference? Let me tell you, one of its initiators is the Dao Palace and some unfathomable hidden forces in the Dao Domain!"

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