Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6915 Hidden Dragon Order!

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I can only bear it!

Chi Xuntian gritted his steel teeth and tried his best to bear it.

The next moment, he stretched out a finger and poked his left eye directly!



Chi Xuntian poked himself, and let out a shrill scream.

But he quickly held back and looked at the messenger with the only remaining eye.

"Is it enough?"

The envoy was expressionless: "If you commit the first offense, you can be lightly forgiven. If you commit the crime again, you won't even have the chance to commit suicide!"

"Okay! What a treat!"

Chi Xuntian screamed and gritted his teeth.

Chiyue City has held the star competition for the Supernova Conference countless times.

There is hard work without credit!

But he never thought that this time it would fall so thoroughly!

He paid such a terrible price, and the other party still said that he was lightly forgiven, it was heartbreaking!

"Now, can I talk to him?" Chi Xuntian asked.

"Your private affairs have nothing to do with me, feel free!"

The messenger nodded lightly, and looked at Jiang Tian at the same time, looking curiously.

He was actually a little lucky, if he had come later, he might not have seen this young evildoer.

The entire Star Arena and even the entire square have been turned into ruins.

It is not easy for this young man to be able to survive safely in the sky and earth net laid down by Chi Xuntian until now, and to achieve repeated counter-kills!

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you think this is the end?"

Chi Xuntian looked at Jiang Tian with one eye and sneered ferociously.

"You also think that this is the end?" Jiang Tian said coldly.

If you cut the weeds but don't remove the roots, there will be endless troubles!

Chi Xuntian thought so, why didn't he?

"Master Messenger!"

Jiang Tian looked at the messenger and was about to speak.

The other party's face was slightly gloomy, and he looked at the void beside him!

Bark... Boom!

Thousands of feet away, the void suddenly split open!

An illusory black dragon-shaped token flew out of it, suspended in the void, and the black light was shining brightly!

"Hidden Dragon Order!"

The middle-aged envoy's face darkened, and he turned to look at Chi Xuntian.

"Chi Xuntian, are you determined to fight against the Supernova Conference?"

"Master Messenger, please see clearly, this is the Hidden Dragon Order, and it has nothing to do with me, Chi!"

Chi Xuntian shook his head and sneered, his words were full of provocation.

"Huh?" The middle-aged envoy's eyes turned cold, knowing that the other party had nothing to fear.

As long as there is no direct proof, it cannot be proved that the Hidden Dragon Killer was invited by Chi Xuntian.

Moreover, Hidden Dragon Killer couldn't reveal the identity of his employer.

Therefore, at this point, he really cannot directly hold Chi Xuntian accountable.

But as the envoy of the Supernova Conference, if he wants to punish Chi Xuntian, he has a way and the power!

"Chi Xuntian..."

"Master Messenger!" Chi Xuntian roughly interrupted the other party, and said with a sinister smile, "I must remind you that I don't know how the Yinlong Order came about, but I know very well that there is a list called Dao Palace Reward List!"

"Huh?" The middle-aged messenger's face darkened, showing murderous intent!

Provocation, this is a naked provocation!

Chi Xuntian is too courageous, he has already gone crazy!

"Master Messenger, if I remember correctly, Dao Palace is one of the initiators of your Supernova Conference, and the publication and adjustment of the reward list is fully controlled by Dao Palace, am I right?"

Chi Xuntian looked at each other with one eye, grinning grinningly.

"You..." The middle-aged messenger had nothing to say.

Indeed, one of the initiators of the Supernova Conference is Dao Gong.

And Dao Palace is the publisher and the full controller of the reward list!

On this point, what Chi Xuntian said is indeed impeccable!

This means that he cannot use the power granted by the Supernova Conference to interfere with the affairs of the Dao Palace's reward list!

"So, what the hidden dragon killer is going to do, you should go to the person on the reward list of the Dao Palace to deal with it. What does it have to do with me, Chi Xuntian?"

"Hmph!" The middle-aged envoy realized for the first time how difficult Chi Xuntian was.

This old and cunning guy has really unfathomable thoughts!

Maybe he had already figured out some variables, so he arranged this interlocking killing plan, so that Jiang Tian could not escape from birth.

"Hidden Dragon Order: Execute the mission of the Dao Palace reward list, target Jiang Tian, ​​kill!"


A row of large black characters appeared on the black dragon-shaped token suspended in the void, and a mysterious voice read it out!

As the words spread, among the warriors scattered in several corners of the square, someone suddenly rose into the sky!

Bark... Boom!

These people tore off the original martial robes, revealing the black hidden dragon martial robes!

It is the hidden dragon killer who has been lurking around the square for a long time!

There are more than forty!

"Chi Xuntian, how dare you say that it has nothing to do with you?" the middle-aged messenger asked in a deep voice.

"If the messenger has direct evidence, Chi is willing to bow his head!"


The middle-aged messenger's face was livid.

Chi Xuntian is sure that the opponent has nothing to do with him, as long as he is not within the ban of the Supernova Conference, the opponent has nothing to do.

Who made the Dao Palace behind the reward list and the supernova conference?

But this envoy is obviously not something anyone can handle!

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you need me to take action?"

The middle-aged messenger asked.

Jiang Tian looked at the more than forty hidden dragon killers.

These people are all in the middle stage of the original god realm, and all of them have the same aura as He Xuan!

If he was besieged and killed by so many people before he advanced, he would have to show his hole cards in order to fight back.

But now, these people are not too mortal threat to him.

"Master Messenger, this is a private matter between me and Chiyuecheng, no help is needed!"

"You and Chiyue City..." the middle-aged envoy muttered to himself, understanding Jiang Tian's intentions.

He gave up his plan to make a move, but looked at Chi Xuntian meaningfully.

"Lord Chicheng, you must not miss this good show!"

"Huh, hahahaha! Within the rules, I can't accept it, but outside the rules, what do you do to me?"

Chi Xuntian laughed wildly, as if seeing Jiang Tian being besieged by the Yinlong Killer.

This time, he spent a lot of money.

The Yinlong organization also laid a guarantee, saying that Jiang Tian must die!




More than forty killers in the middle stage of the original god realm all shot together.

Several people on the periphery set up restrictions and manipulated them at any time.

The remaining 30 or so people directly urged the portable heavy treasure to launch a killing blow!

Assassins act fast, accurately and ruthlessly, killing with one blow!

Competing in the arena is completely different, and there will be no fancy or redundant moves.


Dozens of heavy treasures were frantically excited, and most of them were at the level of fairy treasures!

They erupted with nearly a thousand terrifying attacks, and all kinds of auras crazily intertwined, turning into a terrifying frenzy and swallowing towards Jiang Tian.

"Void Dominion!"

Hum rumble!

With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the Void Hegemony went straight to meet these attacks.

Kachacha... Boom, boom!

The power of the void hegemony is also quite extraordinary, enough to trap and kill any strong man in the middle stage of the original god realm.

But under the berserk attack of nearly a thousand treasures, it still collapsed in an instant.

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