Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6916 This is your private matter

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This is not beyond his expectations!

And at the same time that the void hegemony exploded, he had already used the instant killing technique to make crazy shots!

"Instant killing technique!"



Just as Jiang Tian's figure disappeared, the power of a huge magic circle enveloped him.

This was the hidden dragon killer's special preparation for Jiang Tianshun's killing skills.

The purpose is to limit his instant killing skills and prevent the killers from being wiped out instantly!

The moment the power of the magic circle fell, dozens of killers shifted and changed positions like lightning, and everyone became illusory and unreal, making it difficult to lock in!

At the same time, Jiang Tian, ​​who had turned into dozens of figures, was also suppressed by the formation!

Buzz buzz!


Dozens of Jiang Tian's faces were all serious!

The powerful restraining force made this void extremely viscous.

Although it doesn't affect his instant killing skills, but the movement of the next shot is greatly restricted!


A stone fell from Yinlong Killer's heart.

Sure enough, the effect of the prohibition formation is remarkable, and Jiang Tian's instant killing skills are not invincible!


Everyone shot again, turned around and bombarded dozens of Jiang Tian wantonly.

But at the moment they shot, all the "Jiang Tian" disappeared in an instant!

This makes them extremely headache!

Even though he had made sufficient preparations, he could only restrict the opponent a little bit, and couldn't kill him directly.




A black lightning appeared in the void, and suddenly exploded, turning into several black lights and sinking into several hidden dragon killers Shenhai.



"help me……"

These people uttered intermittent screams, curled up and rolled over with their heads in their hands.

next moment!

Puff puff!

The purple sword intent cut through the void, cutting them in two!

That's right, the black lightning is Jiang Tian's evil thunder!

Once it appears, it will directly hit Shenhai, making these killers irresistible!


Jiang Tian yelled violently, and performed the instant killing technique again!

Although subsequent movement is still restricted, with the assistance of Nie Lei, the impact is already negligible.



Nie Lei exploded, turning into a dozen black lights and sinking into the sea of ​​killers opposite.

Puff puff puff... chi chi!

The purple sword intent slashed out, and a dozen heads flew up with it!

In just two breaths, half of the thirty killers fell!

"Damn it!"

"It's useless, I can't hold him down!"

"If this continues, the mission will definitely fail!"

"At this point, there is only one last way!"

The remaining twenty or so killers realized that something was wrong and immediately made a decision.

Kill Jiang Tianzhen at any cost!

Even if you trade your life for your life, we will die together!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

More than twenty Hidden Dragon Killers' aura surged, each of them took out a self-destruct posture and rushed towards Jiang Tian.


Jiang Tian sneered, and decisively launched the instant killing technique, turning into dozens of figures.

In an instant, more than ten people were beheaded, and dozens of figures dazzled the other party, losing their only target!

Facing dozens of Jiang Tian, ​​which one would they die with?

This problem gave them a headache!

At this moment, Jiang Tian launched the void hegemony again!


Hum rumbling!

The void hegemony instantly covers thousands of feet of void!

In this void, more than a dozen figures emerged, it was those Hidden Dragon Killers!

They were suppressed by the power of the void hegemony, and they couldn't move for a while!

"Get rid of it!"


Everyone exclaimed and shouted violently, trying their best to get rid of it.

Jiang Tian just raised his right hand and patted lightly on the void in front of him.


Bang bang bang... click... bang!

The Void Hegemony was shaken violently, and more than a dozen Hidden Dragon Killers were directly killed by the Hegemony!

In just a few breaths, of the forty or so killers, only the four who controlled the prohibition circle were left!


"Damn it!"

"Underestimate the enemy!"

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, the four killers didn't even bother to manage the magic circle, so they turned around and left.

"Want to go?"

Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, and he wanted to chase him out.

At this time, the middle-aged messenger smiled coldly and stood in front of several people.

"The task has not been completed yet, how can you leave and go back in such a hurry?"


"Damn it!"

"That's our business, what does it have to do with you?"

The four killers are furious!

This person came forward to stop them, this is to kill them!

They immediately wanted to shock each other back in order to escape for their lives.

But before they could make a move, the middle-aged envoy flipped his palm and pushed them back.

"The Hidden Dragon Killer is famous for its viciousness. How could he escape? Even if the mission fails, he must fight to the death!"

The middle-aged messenger said with a sneer, and at the same time glanced at Chi Xuntian.

At this moment, Chi Xuntian clenched his right fist, and his face was extremely ugly.

Obviously, the mission of Hidden Dragon Killer failed!

They can't kill Jiang Tian at all!

This person, after all, exceeded his prediction!

Click... Boom!

Jiang Tian tore through the restraint and escaped, and once again used the instant killing technique to finish off the four killers.

"Thank you, Master Messenger, for your help!"

"It's nothing." The middle-aged messenger waved his hands and smiled, not caring.

He didn't want to intervene at first, but because Chi Xuntian was too rampant, the other stopped these killers.

Naturally, the purpose was to slap Chi Xuntian across the face, leaving him deflated but unable to vent.

"Jiang Tian, ​​our account is endless!" Chi Xuntian roared through gritted teeth.

"It's indeed endless, let's end it now!" Jiang Tian's eyes were indifferent.

"Huh?" Chi Xuntian's face darkened, he didn't expect Jiang Tian to say that!

He turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged messenger.

The attitude of the other party changed obviously, with their hands behind their backs, and they had no intention of interfering.

"Chi Xuntian, this is your private matter, I have no right to interfere."

There was a sneer on the corner of the middle-aged messenger's mouth.

"Okay, very good!" Chi Xuntian understood.

The emissary had reached a tacit agreement with Jiang Tian and wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of him.

But he wasn't worried about Jiang Tian, ​​as long as the messenger didn't make a move, Jiang Tian couldn't kill him at all.

Even though he was seriously injured and paid a terrible price.

"If that's the case, then take your life!"


Chi Xuntian put aside all scruples and rushed straight to Jiang Tian.

He knew very well that this was his only chance!

Once Jiang Tian leaves Chiyue City and arrives on the stage of the Supernova Conference, whether he wins or loses, his strength will grow rapidly.

Jiang Tian, ​​who left Chiyue City, may never have the chance to kill him again, only now is the possibility!

"Void Dominion!"

"Sword Domain!"

Hum rumble!


Jiang Tian raised his hands together, and the two domains directly covered each other.

"court death!"

Chi Xuntian is fully confident.

Slamming with his right fist, he exploded two domains one after another, and rushed towards Jiang Tian frantically.

Even if he is seriously injured, even if he loses an arm and stabs out an eye, the strength of the late stage of the original god realm is still there!

With such background, would it be difficult to kill a mere Jiang Tian?

of course not!


Chi Xuntian roared crazily, like a raging beast launching a slaughter.

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