Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6917 Rolling instant killing skills!

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At this moment, he is fully prepared.

Because the envoys of the Supernova Conference probably won't just sit back and watch Jiang Tian fall, and maybe stop him at the most critical moment.

And even if he takes this life, he will kill Jiang Tian on the ruins!

If the messenger made a move, even if he blew himself up, he would still be taking Jiang Tian away!

Bang, click... Boom!

The void domain and the sword domain collapsed one after another, and Chi Xuntian swept through them with a terrifying aura, and launched a fatal blow to Jiang Tian!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of light, and at this moment his whole body was full of fighting spirit!

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for him to defeat Chi Xuntian!

Because the realm gap is too large, there is a gap in strength!

But the current situation is quite favorable for him!

Chi Xuntian was seriously injured and his combat power was greatly damaged. He wanted to kill the opponent, this was his best chance!

Like the great powers at the late stage of the original gods, they all have self-healing abilities beyond imagination.

Although Chi Xuntian gave up his arms and eyes now, after the envoy left, it might not take long for him to return to his original state.

At that time, Chi Xuntian's strength will also return to its peak.

And next, it will definitely mobilize the power of the entire Chiyue City to hunt him down frantically.

He will also increase his bargaining chips at any cost, and ask all kinds of powerful people to help him out.

At that time, Jiang Tian's troubles will be endless.

So the best way is to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the opponent, so as to avoid future troubles!


Facing Chi Xuntian's crazy oncoming momentum, Jiang Tian resolutely launched the star meteor killing skill!

Buzz buzz!

Once the instant killing technique was launched, dozens of Jiang Tian flashed in the void, attacking Chi Xuntian at the same time!


Chi Xuntian roared fiercely, and slapped his right palm wildly towards dozens of Jiang Tian.

At this moment, he didn't bother to care about which was real and which was fake, as long as Jiang Tian was facing him, he would shoot and kill them all!

At the same time as he shot, dozens of Jiang Tian also shot at the same time!

Tyrannosaurus attack!

Purple Sword Intent!

The power of thunder!

Hole Fist!

Boom boom boom boom chi chi chi chi... Kacha... Boom boom!

Horrific roars resounded through the void, as if dozens of top evildoers had launched a terrifying offensive at the same time, blasting the void in an instant!

"Huh?" Chi Xuntian's expression changed instantly!

He found that these dozens of Jiang Tian seemed to be all bodies!

None of them look like phantoms!

"How can it be?"

Chi Xuntian was shocked while resisting Jiang Tian's violent attack.

Is this Jiang Tian's instant killing skill?

Although he knew something about it before, he never took it seriously.

After all, in the face of the powerful cultivation base in the late stage of the original god realm, the nonsense instant killing skills are not worth mentioning at all.

And in his opinion, Jiang Tian's so-called "instant killing skill" is nothing more than a physical and physical martial skill that combines space secrets.

At best, it's just better than common body skills and martial arts!

But at this moment, he really understood that Jiang Tian's instant killing skill was not the phantom of the combination of virtual and real as he imagined.

It's real teleportation and instant kill!

This is no longer a matter of speed, it is a terrifying method beyond Jiang Tian's level of cultivation!

Could it be that the young evildoers of the younger generation are not all-in-one enemies in front of him? How can such opponents, young evildoers who have not yet fully grown up, deal with them?

"That's useless!"

Chi Xuntian roared sharply, not afraid.


Would Tangtang, a late-stage superpower in the original God Realm, be afraid of a junior in the late-stage Starry Sky Realm?

of course not!

Even if Chi Xuntian lost an arm, he could still suppress Jiang Tian's mad attack with only one palm.

Bang, bang, bang... Boom, boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian's offensives were abruptly crushed by him.

The terrifying power counterattacked with crushing power, and instantly blasted dozens of Jiang Tian's bodies!




"Hmm... Puff, wow!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

In an instant, dozens of Jiang Tian were forcibly pushed back by him.

A muffled hum resounded through the void, and dozens of Jiang Tian's figures disappeared instantly.

In the end, there was only the last one left, and this was Jiang Tian's body!

However, at this moment, Jiang Tian's body shook violently, his breath fluctuated violently, and blood squirted out of his mouth!


Jiang Tian was injured, and the injury was not serious!

"Hiss!" The middle-aged envoy of the Supernova Conference frowned, and his face became gloomy.

This Jiang Tian seems to be a bit brave!

It is true that at this age and level, Jiang Tian's combat power has already caught his eyes, and he even admires it very much.

But after all, Chi Xuntian is a great power in the late stage of the original god realm, and even he dare not say that he can do it easily.

With Jiang Tian's relatively limited strength, how can he defeat it?

Jiang Tian obviously wanted to kill his opponent to avoid future troubles.

But can he really do it?

Does he really have this ability?

Not necessarily!

The middle-aged messenger shook his head lightly and sighed to himself.

Jiang Tian's courage is commendable, but the result is likely to be unsatisfactory.

Thinking of this, he frowned.

You know, he just said that this is the other party's private matter, and it is inconvenient for him to interfere!

Could it be that they are about to break their promises and forcibly stop this fight?

To be honest, it is not difficult for him to do this kind of thing.

But what he was worried about was whether this would affect Jiang Tian's Dao heart and leave some kind of shadow on this rising monster.

Or is it a sense of dependence, which affects his future achievements?

If this happens, the impact on Jiang Tian will be immeasurable!

After some consideration, the middle-aged envoy decided to hold back for the time being and stay on the sidelines.

If it's a critical moment of life and death, it's not too late to make a decision!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​where do you have the courage in front of my old man?"

Chi Xuntian laughed wildly, shaking so much that the void was distorted and turbulent.

Facts have proved that there is no problem with his self-confidence, and his judgment is completely correct.

Even if he was seriously injured, even if he only had one arm, Jiang Tian was still no match for him.

Even if he used dozens of instant killing skills, and almost all of them were entities, they were still crushed by him!

"Jiang Tian, ​​die for me!"

Chi Xuntian stopped being wordy, and decided to completely wipe out his opponent.

Because he has already noticed the small strangeness of the messenger, in fact, he has been on guard against the other party's shots.

But it seems that the other party still has some scruples.

But no matter what the other party is worried about, it is a rare opportunity for him!

Because of this scruple, it will disappear at any time!

And once the scruples disappear, the middle-aged messenger may intervene in this fight.

At that time, not only will he not be able to kill Jiang Tian, ​​but he may even encounter accidents in the fight with the messenger!

If such a situation were to happen, he would really die with regret!

Rumble, rumble...crack...rumble!

A terrifying crimson moon rose above Chi Xuntian, exuding terrifying red flames, and surging layers of terrifying coercion!

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