Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6918 False and real

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"Huh?" The face of the middle-aged messenger suddenly changed!

Anomaly of blood!

In order to kill Jiang Tian, ​​Chi Xuntian, who was in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm, directly activated the blood vision!

It already has a huge advantage in cultivation, as for using this method?

The face of the middle-aged envoy suddenly sank, staring at Jiang Tian with a questioning look on his face.

As long as Jiang Tian cast him a look of pleading for help, he would intervene without hesitation to stop this fight.

If Chi Xuntian dared to resist, he would never mind giving the opponent a painful lesson, or even killing him!

The lord of a mere super city is nothing to him.

"The city lord of Chiyue City, it seems that it's time to change!"

The middle-aged envoy muttered to himself, the voice was neither small nor loud, and it happened to reach Chi Xuntian's ears.

Sensing the threat, Chi Xuntian not only did not restrain himself, but became more and more violent!



With a wave of Chi Xuntian's hand, the vision of the red moon crossed the void, and the huge coercion enveloped Jiang Tian like a sky collapse!

"Void Dominion!"

Hum rumble!

At the moment when the void hegemony unfolded, Jiang Tian forcibly withstood the impact of this coercion.

The next moment, the instant killing technique was launched again!

"it's useless!"

Chi Xuntian is not afraid, and even deeply despised.

Jiang Tian has already used this method before, and was crushed ruthlessly by him.

Facts have proved that the instant killing technique poses no threat to him.

Don't say it once or twice, even if you use it ten times, it's still useless!

And as he became more and more familiar with this method, the effect would only get worse!

In an instant, dozens of Jiang Tian reappeared!

With a ferocious expression on his face, Chi Xuntian waved his right hand, and the huge red moon suspended in mid-air swayed gently, and a red wave crashed down, instantly knocking these dozens of people back!


In an instant, dozens of Jiang Tian disappeared without a trace, leaving only Jiang Tian himself in the opposite void!

"Hahahaha, let's see you now...huh?"

Chi Xuntian looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, but then his expression changed!


A strong sense of crisis enveloped him, and he suddenly felt a chill down his spine!

Why is this so?

The instant killing technique has obviously been broken by him, and Jiang Tian's deity is on the opposite side, and he has not launched the next offensive.

Why does he have a strong sense of crisis?

"not good!"

Chi Xuntian suddenly turned his head, his face suddenly changed!

I saw dozens of Jiang Tian, ​​who unexpectedly appeared behind him at some point, and shot wildly without hesitation!


Although Chi Xuntian was shocked, he was not afraid.

Jiang Tian's instant killing skill has indeed undergone an astonishing change, far beyond his expectations.

But with this method alone, it is still difficult to defeat him!

Boom boom boom boom... chi chi, click... boom boom!

Dozens of Jiang Tian shot wildly and launched a wild bombardment at Chi Xuntian.

The tide-like offensive swept in, Chi Xuntian was a little bit late in reacting, so he was a little passive.

But this passiveness is completely negligible to him, and it is far from enough to change the situation of the battle!

Bang bang bang bang... click... boom!

Chi Xuntian instantly made hundreds of red palm prints, crushing Jiang Tian's offensive.

At the same time, the vision of the red moon also crossed the void, suppressing Jiang Tian on the opposite side!

But I have to say, his heart is still shocked!

Because compared to that time just now, Jiang Tian's instant killing skill has more than doubled its power!

The first time Jiang Tian used the instant killing skill, there seemed to be only seventy or eighty figures.

But this time, the sum of the two sides may have exceeded one hundred!

Do not underestimate the gap between dozens of roads!

Although he has never practiced instant killing skills, he knows the difficulties involved.

The instant killing technique is originally a kind of extreme secret technique!

After reaching a certain level, it is difficult to continue to improve.

And even if it is only a small step, it will take a huge effort and a price.

Jiang Tian's ability to improve so much in the two previous and subsequent performances can only explain one problem: the first time he made a move, he didn't use his full strength at all!

The current instant killing skill is the strongest state!

"Extreme arrogance!"

Chi Xuntian gritted his teeth and shouted, extremely furious.

Dare to hold back in front of him, this Jiang Tian, ​​maybe he is too smart?

Want to use this combination of fiction and reality to trick him?

So relying on tricks to defeat or even kill him?


Bang, click... Boom!

The vision of the red moon shrouded the void, and waves of red waves suppressed it, easily disintegrating Jiang Tian's instant killing skills.

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​die for me!"

Chi Xuntian finally waited for the lore moment!

The instant killing technique he used with all his strength has been crushed by him, and Jiang Tian has no next chance.

When Jiang Tian himself appeared, it was the time for him to kill him!


But the next moment, Chi Xuntian was shocked again!

In the void shrouded by the vision of the red moon, there is no figure of Jiang Tian!

What about Jiang Tian himself?

Where did you go?

Could it be that the instant killing skill this time is really just an illusion?


Chi Xuntian was shocked, and instantly overturned this judgment!

Jiang Tian's instant killing skill is not an illusion, but a real attack.

The pressure brought to him cannot be ignored!

Then why after all the figures disappeared, they couldn't carry the deity?

Lightning flashed in Chi Xuntian's mind, and suddenly he seemed to realize something!

At the same time, the crisis in his heart suddenly climbed to the extreme!

"Hiss! Not good!"

Chi Xuntian yelled fiercely, and turned around like lightning!


A figure suddenly appeared in front of him, it was Jiang Tian himself!

He was eager to find Jiang Tian himself, but he couldn't find it!

"Damn it!"

Chi Xuntian roared crazily!

A strong sense of crisis enveloped his mind, this time he really felt a strong threat.

There was a cruel sneer on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth, but he just rushed towards him and blinked.

Then disappear in place!

But while disappearing, it left behind a mysterious black light!

This is a black lightning!


"Huh?" Chi Xuntian's face changed wildly!

Before he had time to react, he was struck by the black lightning and fell into the sea of ​​gods!


Chi Xuntian hugged and screamed, his body shook violently, and it looked like he might fall down at any time.

Nie Lei!

That's right, the black lightning that sank into his divine sea was exactly the evil thunder released by Jiang Tian.

But even if he was attacked by evil thunder, Chi Xuntian still had limited sanity left.

He slammed his right fist, directly blasting the void in front of him.

Crack... bang rumble!

Thousands of feet of void collapsed in an instant, and space waves and space cracks emerged hideously, sweeping around!

Thousands of feet away behind Chi Xuntian, Jiang Tian suddenly appeared!

With a happy and confident smile in his eyes!

Nie Lei did not disappoint him, and his meticulously executed instant killing technique finally achieved the desired effect.

But he was also not overly conceited, and he didn't underestimate the opponent's methods.

If he hadn't teleported to dodge just now, he would have been severely injured at this moment!

"Being attacked by evil thunder and being able to forcefully attack, is this the foundation of the late stage power of the original god realm?"

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