Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

The opponent's strength

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Jiang Tian's eyes were solemn, and his heart was secretly vigilant!

He has always been confident in Nie Lei's power.

Because no opponent can stay awake under Nie Lei's attack.

But Chi Xuntian's reaction sounded a wake-up call for him!

In the face of the super power in the late stage of the original god state, Nie Lei is obviously not without flaws, at least its power is not enough to completely crush the opponent in an instant.

"It seems that Nie Lei's power still needs to be improved!"

Jiang Tian let out a sulking breath, and the cold light in his cold eyes soared!

The opportunity to kill Chi Xuntian has arrived!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"


There was a turmoil in the void, and the vision of the red moon was instantly swallowed by him.


The huge and pure spiritual power began to merge, making Jiang Tian's breath turbulent.

"So strong!"

Jiang Tian's heart was shocked!

Although the other party was not of dragon blood, he was pleasantly surprised by the nourishing effect of this blood vision.

It's just that he didn't have time to hesitate, if Chi Xuntian overcame Nie Lei's suppression, the situation would change again.

"Xingyun, kill!"


Jiang Tian teleported over immediately, and swiped his right hand together!


The purple light shot, the lord of Chiyue City, the mighty Chi Xuntian in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm, died!


Jiang Tian stretched out his right hand and grabbed the opponent's storage ring.

Chi Xuntian's corpse was wrapped in a mass of purple flames and instantly turned into ashes!

"Thank you, Master Messenger, for fulfilling it!"

Jiang Tian bowed his hands to express his gratitude.

The middle-aged envoy looked at Jiang Tian with seriousness in his eyes!

"Young man, amazing!"

"Master Messenger is serious. If you hadn't struck first, it would be very difficult for me to kill him!"

The ass that deserves to be flattered, of course, let alone this kind of envoy of the Supernova Conference with a terrifying background.

The strength of the opponent is obviously higher than Chi Xuntian, and it is much higher.

Naturally, such a strong person cannot be neglected.

"You don't have to be so self-effacing, I believe you still have some ways to suppress the bottom of the box, don't you?"

The middle-aged messenger looked at Jiang Tian with intriguing eyes.

"Master Messenger...that's absurd!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled, turning his eyes sloppy.

Of course, he has the means to suppress the bottom of the box, and he didn't show it just now.

Firstly, it is not necessary, and secondly, there is something to be wary of.

"Don't worry, I won't give you any ideas, at least not during the Supernova Conference!"

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes!

"Hahahaha, don't be nervous, it's just a joke!"

The middle-aged messenger waved his hands and laughed, looking at Jiang Tian narrowly.

"Huh! The Messenger's joke really scared me!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, and said self-deprecatingly.

If it wasn't for the other party's help just now, he might have taken it seriously!

"Don't think too much about it. Every one of the top evildoers at your level has their own chances. This is an open secret, and no one will be surprised."

"That's true!" Jiang Tian nodded.

He walked all the way from the middle domain and the critical domain to the Tao domain, and it must be a lie to say that there is no chance.

As for the local geniuses in the Dao Domain, their training conditions and resource supply are far superior to those in the Central and Critical Dao Domains. The chances of the top evildoers are probably no worse than him!

Relatively speaking, it should be safer.

After thinking about this, the worries in my heart were obviously relieved a lot.

"I don't know what kind of amazing opportunities do the top evildoers in the domain have?"

Jiang Tian asked from the bottom of his heart.

The middle-aged messenger said with a smile: "It depends on one's luck and good luck. It's hard to generalize. Anyway, you have a chance to see for yourself!"


Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

"I have to say that it is an amazing feat to be able to kill the injured Chi Xuntian with your current state!" The middle-aged messenger said with a smile.

"Chi Xuntian, who was beheaded by the junior, only has 60% to 70% strength at most. If the senior didn't help first, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to escape." Jiang Tian was still modest.

But this is actually true!

"It doesn't have to be like this. Even if you kill the injured Chi Xuntian, it's still pretty amazing, but I have to tell you that there are not a few top monsters who can do this. On the final stage of the Supernova Conference, almost everyone has this kind of strength. Don't be arrogant!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's heart was shocked!

It must be admitted that he beheaded Chi Xuntian to a large extent by using the tricky method of the instant kill technique to confuse the opponent and kill him.

Without resorting to all kinds of hole cards, in terms of hard power, he is obviously lower than Chi Xuntian.

If on the final stage of the Supernova Conference, all the evildoers have this kind of strength, then it is worth his vigilance!

"Master Messenger, can the evildoers on the final stage of the Supernova Conference behead Chi Xuntian who is at his peak?"

"Peak condition?"

The middle-aged envoy looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and seemed a little surprised why he asked such a question!

To be able to kill Chi Xuntian with 60% to 70% strength is already a miracle in the eyes of many people.

However, Jiang Tian began to covet opponents of this level in peak condition.

I have to say that being able to ask such a question shows that Jiang Tian's courage is quite extraordinary!

"Not necessarily impossible!" The middle-aged messenger looked at Jiang Tian and said in a deep voice.

"Strong, too strong!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his expression extremely serious!

It has to be said that it is almost impossible for Chi Xuntian, who is in peak form, to defeat him without using all kinds of hole cards.

It is even possible to be severely injured by the opponent after several rounds of fighting!

If in the final showdown of the Supernova Conference, the kind of super evildoer who competes against the peak Chi Xuntian appears, how will he deal with it?

With his current strength, can he really compete with an existence of that level?

The final duel of the Supernova Conference will never be less intense than the fight just now.

Rao has all kinds of tricks and trump cards, and he may be completely suppressed by the opponent before he can use them in time.

At that time, the result of defeat is inevitable!


Absolute vigilance must be raised!

Jiang Tian secretly warned himself that he must not be complacent and complacent just because he jumped over the steps and killed Chi Xuntian!

He had a strong premonition that the intensity, intensity and difficulty of the final showdown at the Supernova Conference would definitely be beyond imagination!

"Master Messenger, you have been taught!"

Jiang Tian straightened his figure and bowed solemnly to the middle-aged envoy.

"That's not necessary, if there is nothing else here, you can go to the Supernova Conference with me!"

"Here?" Jiang Tian looked back at Chiyue City, obviously a little bit reluctant.

After all, he managed to take the risk of killing Chi Xuntian, and if he didn't get enough benefits, how could he leave easily?

Especially after hearing the middle-aged envoy's description of the opponent in the final duel, he felt even more anxious.

He is already tense!

Before the final showdown at the Supernova Conference, he still has to go all out to improve!

"Are you worried that your strength is not enough?" The middle-aged messenger frowned slightly.

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