Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6920 city lord Jiang Tian

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For someone else, the invitation from the envoy is simply wishful thinking, but Jiang Tian has other considerations. I have to say that this young man is indeed very thoughtful and not easy to be swayed by others.

"Yes, but if there are similar preparations at the Supernova Conference, I'd like to go immediately with the Messenger!"

"No!" The middle-aged envoy shook his head and said, "I have to regret to tell you that there is only preparation for the final confrontation at the Supernova Conference, and there is no temporary arrangement for them to practice and improve!"

"That's it, then I'd better take it easy before going!"

Jiang Tian could only refuse the other party's invitation.

He still needs to improve!

There is no corresponding preparation for the Supernova Conference, so he can only stay in Chiyue City to search for some benefits and strengthen his own strength.

Only in this way can we appear on the final stage of the Supernova Conference with a stronger confidence!

"Yes, this is a Supernova Token. Every top evildoer who has qualified for the final showdown will have one. It will lead you to the final showdown at the Supernova Conference. The relevant information is stated above. My name is Zhong Sheng, and I am waiting for your arrival there!"

"Congratulations to the seniors!"


The middle-aged messenger flicked the long sleeves of the star martial robe, and it turned into a white star rainbow and disappeared into the void.

Jiang Tian held the supernova token in his hand, and immediately injected spiritual power to check it silently.

"The final showdown of the Supernova Conference, the venue is..."

Lines of small characters were reflected in his mind, and at the same time, a concise map was also presented.


After watching it, Jiang Tian quickly put away the supernova token, turned around and walked towards the Lord's Mansion of Chiyue City.

There are still a few days before the final showdown at the Supernova Conference.

Before that, he wants to make a good fortune in the Lord's Mansion of Chiyue City, and strive to squeeze out the cultivation resources here!

Jiang Tian walked into the City Lord's Mansion, and an invisible momentum overwhelmed everyone!

At this moment, on both sides of the road in the center of the City Lord's Mansion, there are a large number of warriors, servants, and maidservants standing on both sides.

Seeing Jiang Tian entering the mansion, they dared not stop them, and they didn't even dare to breathe!

There are many warriors present, many of whom are strong in the early and middle stages of the original god realm.

There are a few people whose aura is even comparable to that of He Xuan!

They looked at Jiang Tian with faint fear in their eyes, and their mood was extremely complicated!

They were all Chi Xuntian's subordinates, and in this capacity, they should avenge Chi Xuntian at this moment.

But facing Jiang Tian who beheaded Chi Xuntian, they knew that they didn't have the ability!

Therefore, even if Jiang Tian walked into the mansion in a big way, they didn't dare to stop him, and they didn't even dare to fart!

"Jiang... Pavilion... Your Excellency..."

An old man in the early stage of the original God Realm wanted to speak, but his eyes were full of fear, and he hesitated to speak.


Jiang Tian glanced over lightly, and the other party was so scared that he fell silent.

Jiang Tian didn't stop, and continued to walk forward.

Go straight into the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, the Chiyue Hall!

The atmosphere in the hall is solemn, and the majesty of Chi Xuntian seems to be still there!

There were waiters and elders standing on both sides, looking at Jiang Tian with horror on their faces.

Looking at the throne in front of him, Jiang Tian went straight up and sat down.

The invisible coercion filled the hall, and everyone was almost suffocated!


Is Jiang Tian trying to occupy Chiyue City by force and forcibly take the seat of city lord?

If this is the case, will those people who were once loyal to Chi Xuntian be purged?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the atmosphere was extremely depressing!

"Master Jiang...Jiang Tian!"

An old man in the middle of the original god realm spoke solemnly, but there was a certain fear in his voice.

"Say!" Jiang Tian waved his hand.

He entered the mansion for cultivation, and there are still many key questions to ask, but he has no time to play charades with these people.

"Chicheng Lord... well, Chi Xuntian has already fallen, and his family consists of thousands of people... how to deal with it?"

"Thousands of family members?"

so much!

Jiang Tian frowned!

Although Chi Xuntian is the lord of a city, he has thousands of family members, which seems to be too much!

"How many of these are his close relatives?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Closed relatives?" The old man was stunned for a moment, and said awkwardly: "My lord, there are more than a thousand of these people are all beautiful female relatives, and there are also a few descendants of Chi Xuntian..."

"So many female relatives?"

Jiang Tian frowned.

Obviously, Chi Xuntian, the lord of the city, seems to be a local emperor.

The super city Chiyue City is his kingdom, where he lives like a king.

Families and beauties can enjoy it!

"Dare to ask Mr. Jiang, how to deal with these people?"

"The closest relatives are exiled, and the others are dismissed!"

"Huh? Is it... so simple?"

Everyone was stunned!

I thought that Jiang Tian would come to a wave of blood cleansing, but it turned out to be as simple as exile and dismissal?

"Back off!"

Jiang Tian didn't bother to talk to them anymore.

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

The heart of the elder in the early stage of the original god state jumped, and he quickly stepped aside.


The hearts of the elders present were beating wildly!

Sure enough, this Lord Jiang Tian is really going to occupy Chiyue City!

But I have to say, he does have this strength!

Even if others want to object, so what?

Chi Xuntian was beheaded by him, who can beat him?

"Stop rambling, let's tell the truth about the cultivation conditions of the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

Another elder in the middle stage of the original god realm stepped forward and reported carefully to Jiang Tian.

The Spirit Swallowing Mouse is not around now, and Jiang Tian also has some difficulties.

If the Spirit Swallowing Mouse is still there, he can release it to directly search for resources such as spirit veins and treasure houses.

But now that the Spirit Swallowing Mouse is not here, he can only figure out a way by himself.

Although you can search if you let go of your divine sense, there will be some restrictions after all, so it is far less convenient to ask these elders directly.

"Report, Lord City Master, there are a total of five super spiritual veins in the mansion, all of which have reached the level of the best holy veins, and the strongest one of them already possesses the aura of a quasi-sacred vein!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Tian frowned.

With a hint of quasi-spiritual charm, is it considered a quasi-spiritual vein?

"It means that this top-grade holy vein has begun to evolve in the direction of a quasi-sacred vein, but only a trace of the aura of a quasi-sacred vein has been born, and it is still far away from the real quasi-sacred vein."

"In other words, it's not really a quasi-sacred vein, or it's just a little bit stronger than the other few top-grade sacred veins?"

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

The old man nodded heavily, affirming Jiang Tian's statement.

"Is there any more?" Jiang Tian asked.

"There is another secret palace!"

"Secret Palace! What's in it?" Jiang Tian asked.

The old man shook his head again and again: "I don't know, because only Chi Xuntian could enter that secret hall in the past, so no one knows what's inside!"

"Is that all?"

"There are actually some secret rooms and magic circles for cultivation in the mansion, but things of this level must not be able to enter the eyes of the city lord. If the city lord is interested, the subordinates are willing to take the adults there."

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