Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6927--Andrew huge project

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Indeed, if Jiang Tian wins the battle, the road to martial arts will naturally be extremely smooth, and it seems that there is no need to come back.

But if you lose, you must find a way out.

And the super city Chiyue City is his best escape route!

In that case, there is no reason for him not to come back!

"So, I advise everyone not to have any distracting thoughts, let alone make any small moves, otherwise you will cause trouble for us!"

"At least until the new city lord returns, we must be cautious and walk on eggshells!"

"Everyone, the affairs in the city are not a big problem, the most urgent thing is to go to the Lingmai forbidden area!"

"Yes! The spiritual energy in the city has dropped drastically. It must be caused by the city lord's retreat. We must solve it before he comes back and give him a surprise!"


Everyone rushed out of the hall immediately, and went to the Lingmai forbidden area to check together.

But when they saw the situation in the forbidden area, their faces changed drastically, and they were completely stunned!

"This... How can we fix this?"

"Oh My God!"


Of the five top grade holy veins, four of them have completely dried up!

The only one left is also a great loss of spiritual power, and it is no longer what it used to be!

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly!

At this moment, they even had an idea of ​​escaping from Chiyue City!

If these five top-grade holy veins are still there, they can still continue to practice with the help of the huge amount of spiritual liquid here, and look forward to breaking the limit of their cultivation one day in the future and stepping into the next realm.

But now that the five spiritual veins have been abolished and four and a half, their hopes are basically shattered!

"Quickly check the source of the spirit veins and see if the foundation is broken?"


Whoosh whoosh!

A dozen figures rushed into the bottom of the dry spirit lake like lightning, trying their best to explore the root of the spiritual veins rooted in the ground.

If the source of the spiritual veins has already been fought, it means that these spiritual veins are completely abolished, and it will be difficult to save the gods when they come!

The crowd went all out to investigate with trepidation, and returned quickly after a short while, gathering together again.

"How about it?"

"Phew! It's a good thing the foundation of the spirit vein has not been abolished, so it will be restored one day!" an elder said happily.

"One day?" The leading red-robed elder shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How long will that day be?"

Ten thousand years, thirty thousand years, or hundreds of thousands of years?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the atmosphere was extremely depressing!

They are actually well aware of the situation in front of them.

The formation of the ultimate sacred vein is the result of the creation of heaven and earth, and it is definitely not a one-time effort.

Leaving aside the spirit veins that still have spiritual power, these four dry spirit veins want to restore their full power, let alone tens of thousands of years!

"Everyone, what should I do?"

The atmosphere was extremely oppressive, and everyone's hearts sank to the bottom!

With the spirit vein reduced to this point, the future of Martial Dao in Chiyue City is in jeopardy!

"Are we... are we going to leave here?"

Someone finally said what he wanted to say in the bottom of his heart, but he never dared to say it.


Hearing this, everyone showed a look of horror, obviously extremely afraid of this topic.

After a long silence, the leading elder in red robe shook his head and sighed bitterly.

"Leave here, where are we going?"

"If City Lord Jiang wins the battle, it's okay, maybe he will go away and look down on our city from now on, but if he loses, do you think he will let us who withdraw the ladder go?"

"Of course...impossible!"


Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but gasp, and they were horrified!

They have seen Jiang Tian's methods before, even Chi Xuntian can kill him.

In a few days, in the final duel of the Supernova Conference, you will experience it again. Whether you win or lose, your strength will be greatly improved.

Everyone left at this time, once they are angered, they will probably live in the shadow of being chased and killed by Jiang Tian for the rest of their lives, and they will be in panic all day long!

"No, it's never wise to leave!"

"However, how can we repair the spiritual veins that have dried up to such an extent?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling extremely troubled in their hearts.

For them, this is really an unimaginably difficult task!

The old man in the red robe gritted his teeth and sighed bitterly: "There is no way, even if we can't cultivate, we have to do it with all our strength, even... even if it's just for show, we have to do it well and do it well!"

"We... understand!"

Everyone nodded deeply, understanding the old man's intentions.

The condition of the spirit vein is obvious, whether it can be repaired is one thing, but whether they can do it is another matter!

As long as he takes action, Jiang Tian will naturally not feel dissatisfied even if he can't repair the spiritual vein.

But if they don't even do it, Jiang Tian will definitely feel resentful, and what awaits them is probably the wrath of thunder and violent suppression!

"Guys, come up with whatever method you can, make the formation louder, and make the movement louder!"

"The method of repairing spiritual veins is actually not uncommon, but the cost is extremely high, and it requires too many natural materials, earthly treasures and cultivation resources!"

"In addition, a large number of warriors' spiritual power assistance is needed. This is a huge super project!"

"Don't hesitate, what is needed to be mobilized immediately, how many people are needed to be summoned immediately, from now on we will do our best to repair this spiritual vein, and when City Lord Jiang returns, we must let him see that we are working hard for him at any cost!"



A dozen or so elders immediately escaped from the forbidden area of ​​the spirit veins and started to act separately.

Next, a massive spirit vein restoration project swept across the entire Chiyue City!

From above the Starry Sky Realm, groups of warriors flooded into the City Lord's Mansion like a tide, and came to places they had never had the chance to reach, contributing their spiritual power.

At the same time, batch after batch of huge cultivation resources were put in by the elders of the City Lord's Mansion to nourish the dry spiritual veins.

With their efforts, the aura of the world in Chiyue City stopped declining and even recovered somewhat.

But this project takes a long time and is destined to be impossible to complete in a short time!

In the following time, the continuous restoration process of the spirit veins became a special scenery in Chiyue City!

While everyone was busy.

All the super cities and large cities in Chiyue City and even the entire Dao Domain, and every place where there are Heavenly Dao Monuments, ushered in another list update!

Hum... Boom!

In the hinterland of Chiyue City, the hundreds of feet high Tiandao Bangbang shone brightly, casting a huge monument shadow in mid-air!

At the same time, a dazzling golden light appeared on the surface of the stele, it was the Dao Palace's reward list!

"Refreshed, it's refreshed again!"

"It's finally here, it's finally here!"

"This time, how much will his ranking rise?"

"There is no doubt that at least one thousand must be promoted!"

"One thousand!"

"Oh my God!"


Under the phantom shadow of the huge Heavenly Dao Monument, a large number of warriors and common people gathered like a tide, eagerly waiting and watching.

The exclamations came one after another, almost overturning the clouds above!

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