Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6928 Jiang Tian was kicked out of the list?

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"Could he really be able to improve by 1,000? You know, his original ranking has reached 7,999. In this rank, every step forward is very difficult!"

"That's true, but his record today is also extremely good. I think there is still hope for a thousand!"

"One thousand more, he will reach 6,999. This... This is an amazing feat in the history of the entire Dao Domain reward list!"

Under the phantom of the Tiandao Monument, there were constant shouts, and everyone was looking forward to the moment when the list would be updated!

"It's started, it's starting to refresh!"

The golden ranking on the Tiandao Ranking began to scroll rapidly!

Everyone held their breath in anticipation of the shocking name.

It can be said that for this update of the reward list, everyone has only one focus, and that is Jiang Tian's latest ranking!

Whoosh whoosh... boom!

The golden runes scrolled rapidly, three thousand, four thousand, five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand... At this moment, the list stopped scrolling!

Everyone was taken aback!

Immediately, they all nodded, and some people smiled knowingly.

"Let me just say, it will be very difficult for him to rise to the top 1,000 again!"

"What's going on now, it's really not what we expected!"

Many people nodded with a smile, as if confirming their judgment.

"Yeah, after all, in this rank, it is quite amazing to be able to advance several hundred places!"

"So how many is he?"

Everyone looked at the bottom of the reward list, where golden runes squirmed, and Jiang Tian's latest ranking appeared!

"7,699, Jiang Tian, ​​the original ranking, 7,999!"

Three hundred!

"Only three hundred?"

"No way!"


Seeing this ranking, everyone was shocked!

Although most people think that Jiang Tian is unlikely to rise above a thousand again.

But it still feels unreasonable to only raise the third place!

"How come there are so few? Could it be that the person who refreshed the list made a mistake?"

"It shouldn't be, this is the Dao Palace's reward list, the matter is of great importance, how could it be possible to make a mistake?"

"That seems to be no problem, but this ranking seems... a bit low!"

Everyone feels very wrong!

Jiang Tian first wiped out ten top evildoers in Chiyue City, and then killed Elder Duzhan and Elder He Xuan one after another.

In the end, he even jumped over the ranks and forcibly killed the former city lord Chi Xuntian, that is a great power in the late stage of the original god realm!

Even if only one Chi Xuntian is killed, it won't just let him be promoted to 300 ranks, right?

"I don't understand, I really don't understand this ranking!" Someone shook his head and sighed, extremely confused.

"Is it possible that the people in front are stronger, and Jiang Tian really can't squeeze in?"

"Perhaps...is it possible?" Someone said unsurely.

In fact, no one knows the reason and internal logic of this ranking update.

Because the update of the list is under the control of the Dao Palace, the inside information inside must be unknown to outsiders.

But Jiang Tian's record can be more or less confirmed, but the result of this confirmation makes people feel more and more confused.

"No, there must be something wrong with the new ranking!"

"I think so too, because this ranking is too inconsistent with most people's judgments and expectations!"

"Could it be that Jiang Tian rose so fast that it caused suppression from the Taoist Palace?"

"The Dao Palace suppresses Jiang Tian? Do you think it's possible!"

When it comes to this point, everyone does not believe it.

What level of power is the Dao Palace? It is necessary to suppress a mere Jiang Tian?

In front of the Dao Palace with unfathomable background, Jiang Tian is nothing at all!

"Hey, take a look!"


Suddenly someone pointed to the end of the list, and Jiang Tian's ranking squirmed for a while, and suddenly disappeared from the list!


"How can it be?"


The audience was shocked in an uproar, and their hearts were shocked!

People who are on the reward list will never disappear without reason!

Now that it disappears, there are only two possibilities:

One is being hunted down and wiped out, there is no need to stay on the list, and thus be removed from the ranking by the Taoist Palace;

The second is that the bounty offerer voluntarily canceled the bounty offer for some reason, and did not continue to hunt down.

"What kind of situation made him disappear from the list?"

"I don't know, how can I guess?"

"Could it be that the person or force who offered him a bounty saw that his potential was too terrifying, so after careful weighing, he canceled the bounty?"

Some people voiced their own guesses, but they were immediately refuted.

"Impossible! When encountering such an opponent, the reward party will only increase their efforts to prevent future troubles!"

"Yeah, the person has been offended like this, would you cancel the reward or increase the reward, and get rid of the other party as soon as possible?"

Everyone looked at each other and fell into silence!

Yes, the second guess is untenable, the hatred can no longer be resolved, there is no reason to stop the pursuit halfway.

"So it looks like it's the first one?"

"The first one?"

Everyone fell into silence again, and the atmosphere in the venue became extremely weird!

Jiang Tian had just killed Chi Xuntian, and although he did not publicly announce his ascension to the throne, he had in fact become the new city lord of Chiyue City.

Will such an overlord who controls a super city and rules the surrounding seventeen large cities and a vast area fall easily?

Under normal circumstances, it is really unlikely, but considering that Jiang Tian is on the reward list of the Dao Palace, this possibility is greatly increased!

"It is said that the Lord Jiang has left Chiyue City and is on his way to the Supernova Conference!"

"It seems that he was ambushed halfway!"

"His strength is so strong, and it is said that he also has a powerful space escape technique, who can kill him?"

"Hehe, your thinking is too complicated. For us, Jiang Tian is indeed very strong, even suffocatingly strong, but don't forget that he is only a late-stage starry sky realm cultivator. There are countless people stronger than him in the Dao Domain. Once those people make a move, will it be difficult to kill him?"

"Hey! It's said that the tree attracts the wind, it seems that it should be like this!"

"It's a pity, Chiyue City has finally ushered in a new atmosphere, and it just retreated like this!"

Many people shook their heads and sighed, while some sneered and even felt lucky.

Obviously, no matter what the reason is, not everyone is convinced of Jiang Tian's superiority.

There are also many people who miss the old order of the Chi Xuntian era. Although it was not easy for warriors and common people at that time, they are used to it after all.

Habits have become natural, and they who have adapted to the old order suddenly face the new order, and naturally there will be some rejection.

"Let's go, in a few days, Chiyue City will open another round of new atmosphere!"

"I don't know who the next city lord will be?"

"Whoever it is, obviously it won't be us!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed, and the previous solemnity and depression were swept away.

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