Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6929 Swipe again and again, shocking the audience!

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Compared with the old order and the new order, they actually enjoy this blank period without control.

But unfortunately, this blank period is destined not to last long!

The old order has been broken, and the new order will finally come, and it will come soon!

"Everyone leave!"

"Let's go!"

Everyone laughed and prepared to disperse, but at the same time they found that the reward list that was supposed to disappear was still suspended in the void, showing no sign of disappearing!



"The list has been updated, why hasn't it disappeared?"

Everyone was surprised and stared at the huge phantom of the Heavenly Dao Monument again!

"Could there be any changes in rankings in the future?"

"The reward list generally only shows the list of less than 10,000 people. If there is any change in the future, it will be before 10,000 people."

"It's boring, it's so boring!"

Everyone shook their heads.

After getting used to the shock brought by Jiang Tian, ​​they no longer have any interest in the ranking update after 7,000.

"Hey, that's not right!" Someone suddenly exclaimed!

Everyone stared at the list again and found that it did not continue to refresh downwards!

"What's happening here?"

"Today's reward list is so strange!"

"Is it stuck?"

"Card list?"

Everyone was shocked!

This kind of card list has never happened in the history of the reward list!

Could it be that they are going to witness this other kind of miracle today?

Everyone pays close attention to the reward list!

One breath, two breaths... After ten breaths, the golden light suddenly faded.

All the rankings on the reward list suddenly disappeared!



"This... what's the situation?"

Everyone was stunned!

The phantom of the Tiandao Monument has not disappeared, and the reward list has not continued to refresh downwards, but the entire list has disappeared!

"Could it be that the reward list has been cancelled?"

"Are you kidding me, do you think it's possible?"

Someone made a guess, which was ruthlessly refuted immediately!

"Could it be that the people on the reward list were all killed in the same period of time, resulting in a large-scale update of the list?"

"This possibility is even smaller than the previous one!" Someone shook his head and said.

"If the situation you mentioned really happens, then there is probably only one possibility!" An old man said with a sneer, his eyes were extremely cold.

"What's possible?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "The terrible Dao disaster has come, and countless fighters in the entire Dao domain have fallen, or even completely perished!"


Everyone gasped, extremely shocked!

That's right, that's the only way to make the entire reward list disappear!

But that kind of thing obviously didn't happen!

So why did this list disappear for no reason?

After waiting for a while, the blank list changed again!



At the top of the blank list, the number one place began to refresh again!

However, the name that appeared made everyone stunned!



"Why is it still him?"


Seeing that name that existed for an unknown number of years, everyone frowned!

That was the first place on the bounty list, a frightening name.

Not to mention too far away, at least in the last few thousand years, no one has been able to shake it.

Not to mention the first place, even the second, third, fourth, fifth... up to the top 1,000 that continue to appear, have not changed for a long, long time.

"what the hell?"

"The list that just appeared, why is it refreshed for the second time?"

"It's not difficult to guess. It's probably because Jiang Tian's previous ranking has changed, so he has to refresh the ranking!"

"Yes, that should be it!"

"Who is the one?"

Everyone stared at the list, one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, five thousand... six thousand!

At the bottom of the list, it stopped at more than 6,000 positions!

The golden light squirmed there, and a familiar name appeared!

"Six thousand six hundred and ninety-nine, Jiang Tian, ​​the original ranking, seven thousand six hundred and ninety-nine!"


There was an uproar at the scene!

One thousand!

"So it's him again!"

"He didn't die, and he jumped up to a thousand ranks!"

"It's terrifying to jump up a thousand ranks in this rank!"

"I just said, there is something wrong with the list just now!"

The audience screamed incessantly, like thunder roaring.

In a short period of time, Jiang Tian swiped the list twice, from No. 7,999 to No. 6,699!

The span of 1,300 people shocked the audience!

"I understand!" An old man said loudly: "Before Jiang Tian came here, he went to Sakyamuni City and defeated a Buddhist cultivator to get a place in Sakyamuni City. However, the list has not been refreshed after that battle, so the first time the list was refreshed just now, it should be the ranking change of that battle!"

"You mean, there is a delay in the reward list?"

"This is normal, the reward list is not updated in real time!" The old man nodded.

"I see!"

"It seems that this time, Jiang Tian's record in our Chiyue City is rewarded!"

"That's right, considering his three waves of record, it's reasonable to be promoted to one thousand!"

Everyone nodded, expressing their conviction in this ranking.

But before everyone calmed down, Jiang Tian's name disappeared from the list again!



"Could it be that he..."

Amid the exclamation of everyone, the Heavenly Dao Monument became blank again!

The next moment, the list was refreshed again from the beginning!


Before the list appeared, everyone was shocked!

"Exaggerated, too exaggerated!"

"Jiang Tian hit the reward list three times in an instant!"

"Yes, it must be him, it must still be him!"

Although they haven't seen the name of the next one to refresh the list, there is no suspense in everyone's mind.

Because after Jiang Tian's name disappeared just now, the list began to be refreshed for the third time.

Obviously, the reason for this refresh is also because of Jiang Tian!

The golden ranking kept scrolling, and finally stopped at around 6,000!

"Six thousand one hundred and ninety-nine, Jiang Tian, ​​the original ranking, six thousand six hundred and ninety-nine!"


The audience was shocked in an uproar, and the sound waves went straight to the sky!

"My God, it's too exaggerated!"

"Another five hundred people have advanced, this is too scary!"

"Jiang Tian's achievements should be included in the history of Dao Domain's reward list!"


The noise of the audience merged into a huge wave of sound that went straight into the sky, even overturning the clouds in mid-air!

"Hiss! Do you want to brush?"


The audience was in an uproar again!

Because Jiang Tian's name disappeared again!

The reward list was refreshed from the beginning, and soon stopped.

"5,999, Jiang Tian, ​​the original ranking, 6,199!"

Two hundred!

Jiang Tian made another two hundred!

However, amidst the exclamation of the audience, Jiang Tian's name disappeared again!


Everyone gasped!

Jiang Tian's ranking still needs to be refreshed?

How many names does he want to achieve?

The disappearing list quickly reappeared, and the golden runes squirmed quickly, and soon stopped!

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