Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6930 A sensation in Daoyu!

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"5,599, Jiang Tian, ​​the original ranking, 5,999!"

Four hundred!

In this rank, Jiang Tian once again made a full 400 steps forward!


The audience was in an uproar, and the sound waves broke through the clouds and reached the sky!

The sky above Chiyue City is surging, presenting scenes of spectacular celestial phenomena!

"Strong, too strong!"

"It's too exaggerated, this is an incredible feat!"

"Yes, this is an astonishing miracle!"

The whole audience was in an uproar, converging into a thunderous sound wave.

It is definitely a unique feat in the history of Daoyu to make five reward lists in an instant!

This is a shocking miracle!

Jiang Tian's ranking went from 7,990 to 5,599!

A span of 2,400 people, this is Jiang Tian's strength!

This is his amazing feat beyond imagination!

Everyone was so excited that they were almost suffocating!

At this moment, many warriors who rejected him also completely changed their attitudes!

"I have to say, it is our luck to have such a super monster as our city lord!"

"It's not just luck, it's just luck!"

"That's right, Jiang Tian's potential in martial arts is simply immeasurable. You must know that he is just a 'junior' in the late stage of Starry Sky Realm!"

"I suddenly have expectations for the final showdown of this Supernova Conference!"

"Me too. I wonder what kind of record City Lord Jiang can achieve at the Supernova Conference?"

"let us wait and see!"


The noise in the audience was like an eruption of thunder, almost spreading to the entire Chiyue City!

The city lord's mansion has also received the news. Although it is equally shocking, the reaction is much smaller than that of the warriors outside.

After all, they had witnessed Jiang Tian's feat of beheading a powerful enemy.

With those achievements as the bottom line, the jump in the ranking of the reward list is just a kind of inevitable proof!

"My lord, the city lord, is amazing!"

"It seems that our decision is correct!"

"Do your best to restore the spirit veins at all costs. Such a city lord is worthy of our full service!"

All the elders were grateful for their decision. If they had chosen to flee before, they would definitely regret it when they saw the list refreshed now.

And now, they are thankful that they made the wisest and most correct decision.

In the future, I will never regret it!


Hum rumble!

On the way to the Supernova Conference, Jiang Tian stopped above a primitive mountain covered in clouds and mist.

He landed on the top of a huge mountain, flipped his right hand, and took out a cyan jade bottle!

Stored inside are three drops of the blood of the demon dragon presented by the lord of Bailian City!

As a bloodline of the savage dragon, he has a special interest in everything about the dragon clan.

These three drops of blood come from the demon dragon, but the demon dragon is also of the dragon family. Although the blood is demonized, it has more violent power than most dragons of the same level.

If these three drops of blood essence were refined and melted, what would be the benefits?

Jiang Tian opened the cyan jade bottle, and a violent fishy smell wafted out!

The taste is very strong!

It is indeed the blood of the dragon clan, but the devil energy contained in it is extremely strong!

"Blood of the Demon Dragon!"

Jiang Tian looked at the three drops of blood in the bottleneck, his eyes flickered, thoughtful.

In the past, he would definitely devour these few drops of blood without hesitation.

But now, he didn't do that!

Because he has gained a lot of opportunities recently, his strength has been soaring all the way, and he has no urgency to refine these few drops of dragon blood essence for the time being.

Moreover, the Lord of Bailian City once said that the main effect of these three drops of the dragon's blood is to temporarily increase the combat power.

But it has a strong backlash effect. After the effect wears off, the user's strength will decline sharply.

Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and it is a method that can only be used in exceptional circumstances!

After some weighing, Jiang Tian slowly closed the lid.

He didn't refine these three drops of dragon blood!

After putting away the cyan jade bottle, he looked up into the distance.

The final duel of the Supernova Conference is about to begin, he is ready, and the goal is ahead!


Hum rumble!

The void formation was activated again, leading him far away from this void.

But at the same time, he didn't know that his name had caused a huge commotion in all the large cities and super cities!

Because of the Dao Palace's reward list, people who have never heard of Jiang Tian will remember this name deeply on this day!

"Jiang Tian, ​​within one day, five Taoist palace reward list rankings!"

"From 7,999, across the huge gap of 2,400, to 5,499!"

"The Dao Palace reward list has been refreshed five times for him unprecedentedly, setting an unprecedented record for the reward list!"

In countless large cities and super cities, warriors and common people are all crazy!

"Jiang Tian! Who is this person?"

"What kind of background does he have, what is his background, and why is he so strong?"

"To achieve such a feat, how enchanting is his talent and aptitude?"

Countless people have the same question in their hearts, especially those who have never heard of this name, their hearts are full of deep doubts.

I can't wait to tear the void immediately, rush to Jiang Tian, ​​and see him thoroughly!

At the same time, many aristocratic families, sects, cities, Shanghangfang City, and underground intelligence organizations all took action and began to collect Jiang Tian's information.


Information about Jiang Tian spread like lightning!

"Jiang Tian, ​​an evildoer in the middle realm, stood out from the 'Critical Dao Realm' and entered the Dao Realm recently!"

"After coming to the Dao Domain, he has risen strongly all the way, leaping and beheading all kinds of powerful enemies!"

"In addition to being on the reward list, he is also an extremely evil person who participated in the Supernova Conference!"

"The latest news, Jiang Tian has defeated the powerful enemy in Chiyue City, and won the place for the final showdown of the Supernova Conference!"

All kinds of news about Jiang Tian spread throughout the Dao Domain like snowflakes.

Everyone remembered this name, and also knew his various feats!

"Wait!" In a super city more powerful than Chiyue City, an old man in a Chinese robe was shocked.

He looked at the news he had just received, and doubts flashed in his eyes!

"Is this news wrong? Is Jiang Tian 'suppressing a strong enemy' or 'slaying a strong enemy' in Chiyue City?"

The difference between one letter and the meaning is very different!

The former shows that Jiang Tian defeated a strong enemy and won a place.

And the latter means that Jiang Tian beheaded his opponent in the star competition, and seized the spot with a domineering attitude!

The key point is that the star competition does not allow life-and-death fighting, and there is no similar precedent before.

At most, it was something like getting seriously injured during the fight.

Why did Jiang Tian become a powerful enemy when he came to Jiang Tian's place?

"My lord, the news is absolutely reliable. Jiang Tian indeed killed ten local evildoers in Chiyue City, overwhelming the audience to win the spot!"

The middle-aged man opposite the old man said.


Another piece of information is delivered through the communication talisman!

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