Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

Within such a vast geographical area, it is impossible for the martial arts level of each city to be completely the same.

Therefore, even if they are both supernova-level geniuses, there may be obvious stratification in the strength gap between them.

He doesn't know about other super cities, but he already has a little understanding of the situation around Chiyue City.

As far as the surrounding cities of the same level are concerned, Chiyue City's martial arts level is not dominant, at most it is in the middle and lower ranks!

With such a level of martial arts, put it in more than a thousand super cities, is it possible to occupy the middle and upper reaches?

It's almost impossible to understand without thinking about it!

At this moment, Jiang Tian deeply felt that there was a long way to go.

Fortunately, before he left Chiyue City, he took advantage of the spiritual vein forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion, and forcibly raised his cultivation to the level of the half-step original god realm.

But even so, he is still not absolutely sure about the upcoming final showdown at the Supernova Conference.

It's not that he is not confident, let alone that he is afraid, but that he has almost no reliable knowledge and understanding of the opponent he is about to fight!

Because in this kind of situation where the eyes are almost black, any assurance or probability is nonsense.


Jiang Tian took out the supernova token and injected spiritual power to check it silently.

There is not much information on it, except for the location of the final confrontation of the Supernova Conference, it is a concise guide map, that is, a brief map.

It guides Jiang Tian's direction!

The location of the conference is very far away. If the flying boat escapes the whole time, even if it does not stop day and night, it can only be reached at the moment before the opening of the Supernova Conference.

However, for Jiang Tian, ​​who possesses space escape skills, distance and span are naturally not a problem.

Therefore, he was able to control the spaceship at leisure and check the information on the supernova token.

Create a virtual world!

"What is this place?"

Looking at the final location indicated on the supernova token, Jiang Tian muttered to himself, lost in thought.

The name of God-creating Void Realm reminded him of the division of realms in the God Realm.

There are three levels of God Realm: the original God Realm, the Creation God Realm and the Absolute God Realm!

So far, the strongest opponent he has come into contact with is Chi Xuntian in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm.

Of course, the Chi Xuntian he beheaded was a severely injured Chi Xuntian whose body strength was greatly damaged, and it could not truly reflect the level of cultivation in the late stage of the original god realm!

Moreover, Chiyue City's martial arts level is only in the middle and lower range among cities of the same level.

But even in that situation, Chi Xuntian still brought him unprecedented pressure.

If it wasn't for his evil thunder and instant killing skills, and some tricks in the fight, it would be too difficult to kill the opponent with hard power!

"Constructing God Void Realm, what is the meaning of the name?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, doubts abounding in his heart.

Is the difference between the words "Constructing God Realm" and "Constructing God Realm" a coincidence or intentional?

Is there a deep meaning, or is it implying something?

Jiang Tian checked the supernova token repeatedly, trying to find out more information.

But after a lot of tossing, he was extremely disappointed. The information in the supernova token was pitifully small. Except for the necessary information related to the conference, there was not a word of other irrelevant information!

What is the relationship between the god-making virtual realm and the next level of the original god-making realm, he is completely unable to determine, or even guess.

It has to be said that this really gave him a sense of urgency that he couldn't stop, and he wished he could fly to the God Constructing Realm to find out!

"That's all!"

Jiang Tian let out a sulking breath and had to temporarily suppress the restlessness in his heart.

There is still a long, long way to go to the God-making Void Realm, and even if he activates the Great Formation of Transforming Space, he cannot reach it in an instant.

I still can only hold back my temper and continue on my way!


Just as Jiang Tian was on his way!

In the middle of the Dao Domain, in a certain unmanaged area.

Dozens of superpowers with terrifying auras gathered from all directions, gathered above a huge valley!

The weakest of these people's cultivation is the late stage of the original god realm, and some even reached the limit of the late stage of the original god realm, that is, the peak of the original god realm!

And the strongest one among these people has reached the level of the terrifying half-step God Constructing Realm!

But even this old man who has half-stepped to the god-making state has deep awe in his eyes at this moment!

After they arrived, they stood neatly in a row, looked up at the void opposite, with solemn and solemn expressions.

"come yet?"

"It should be soon!"

"Huh! Ready to welcome!"

The golden-robed old man in the lead looked solemn, staring and waiting with everyone, ready to welcome the arrival of a certain mysterious existence!

After a while, the void on the opposite side suddenly began to twist and turbulence!

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Hum rumble!


Ripples in the void rippled out, and then, a bizarre phantom slowly descended from the ripples in the void, as if crossing the boundary from another plane!

"I'm waiting to welcome the arrival of the God Constructing Void Realm!"

"Welcome to the will of the seniors!"

"I'm waiting to meet senior!"

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

Dozens of powerful men bowed and saluted under the leadership of the golden-robed old man, with an extremely respectful posture.

The vision descending from the void on the opposite side is getting bigger and bigger, and the terrifying power spreads like a tide, pushing them back almost a million feet away!



"Oh My God!"

Feeling this huge power and witnessing this astonishing change, everyone was stunned!

"Fellow Daoist Jin, this...what's going on?"

"Why is the space that came this time so large?"

"This senior, did you make any changes?"

Everyone looked at the golden-robed old man in unison, waiting for his answer!

"Change?" The golden-robed old man looked solemn and confused.

He didn't receive any news about the change, but why is the space that came this time so huge?

He was also very puzzled by this point!

"Don't be impatient, everyone. Since the senior did this, he must have his reasons. After the space descends, we will ask him again!"

"All right!"

Everyone stopped talking, and stepped back to make way for a larger space, waiting for the arrival of the huge space.

Rumble... boom rumble!

The distortion and turbulence of the void became more and more intense, and waves of space ripples spread in all directions, blowing up bursts of space storms.

Half an hour later, the turbulence began to subside, and the huge space had completely descended.


Everyone let out a sigh of relief in silence, unable to hide their shock and hesitation.

The scope of this space is as large as millions of feet, which is more than ten times larger than before!

"Drop such a large space, what is this for?"

"Thinking about it, it's probably because of this Supernova Conference that some temporary changes have been made!"

"Fellow Daoist Jin, quickly ask for clarification!"

The spiritual power of the people transmitted the voice, reminding the old man in the golden robe.

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