Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6933 What is fairness?

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The old man looked at the stabilized space and nodded heavily.

After bowing to that space, he asked just now.

"Dare to ask seniors, are there any special arrangements for lowering such a large-scale space this time?"


The breath of space, which is a million feet in size, floated slightly, and a deep and domineering voice came out.

"That's right! There are indeed some special arrangements for this Supernova Conference, so I deliberately strengthened and expanded the 'God Creation Realm' to match it!"

"Senior, what are the new arrangements for this meeting?" asked the golden robed old man.

"In the past Supernova Conference, the divisions were too trivial, this time it was directly raised to the specifications of the Hundred Cities War!"

"Battle of Hundred Cities?"


Everyone was taken aback, their faces changed slightly!

Because there are too many super cities in Daoyu, and the area is beyond imagination, so the previous supernova conferences were held in different areas.

In the supernova conferences held in this area in the past, at least a dozen monsters from the super city participated, and at most there were thirty or so.

But now, it has directly reached the scale of a hundred super cities!

I have to say, this really surprised everyone!

And the reason given by this senior is that "the divisions of the previous supernova conferences were too trivial"!

This reason does not seem to be a problem, and it seems that the decision was made after careful weighing and consideration.

But actually, it's quite problematic!


The reason is that there is a big gap in the martial arts level of these thirty super cities!

According to the usual practice, although there is a little difference in the martial arts level of the twenty or so super cities northward, it is not too big, and they are all within the acceptable range of all parties.

But if it is expanded to the scale of thirty cities, the gap between them will make it difficult for those weaker cities to accept.

But now it has suddenly increased to the size of a hundred cities, and the gap will be further widened!

For those powerful cities, it will naturally have no effect.

But for those cities that are already weak, it means that they have completely lost their chance to stand out!

In the duel of hundreds of super cities with the most evil spirits gathered, the weak cities will definitely be overwhelmed, so that they will completely lose hope of turning over!

"What are the new cities?" Someone asked.

"It goes without saying that there must be more than 70 super cities heading south and assisting the east and west sides!"

"The level of martial arts in those cities is mostly higher than ours!"

"In this way, don't these super cities in our north all become a foil?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressed.

As the host and supervisor of the supernova conference in this area, they originally had the absolute right to speak in the duel in this area.

But with the expansion of the scope and the addition of more than 70 powerful cities, their right to speak will undoubtedly be greatly weakened.

In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected, and everything depends on strength.

Without strong strength support, naturally there will be insufficient confidence!

It is not difficult to imagine that after all the representatives of those cities join, their status and weight will be greatly reduced, or even marginalized.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to express a little opinion!

"Senior, this is... a bit unfair to us!"

The old man in the golden robe said bravely.

"Unfair? Huh, hahahaha, stupid!"

The mysterious space is accompanied by the will of the god-making power.

Facing the complaints of the old man in golden robe, he couldn't help laughing and mocking.

"Do you know what is fair?"

"Junior...foolish!" The gold-robed old man had a lot to say, but he could only hold back in front of the majesty of the god-making realm.

"The old man asks you, since you went north, the martial arts level of your dozens of super cities has been extremely stable for many years, stable at a low level, but since you went south, dozens of super cities have been steadily improving. Do you think this is fair?"

"This..." The golden-robed old man was at a loss for words for a moment!

Because he didn't know how to answer at all!


Fairness is always relative!

The martial arts level of the major super cities is determined by their own martial arts environment on the one hand, and on the other hand depends on the effort of the martial artist group in the area, as well as opportunities and good luck.

At this point, they really can't blame anyone.

Although the aura conditions in the entire Dao domain have been improving from north to south, there is not much difference in general.

As for chance and good luck, it must be admitted that there are more opportunities in the large area in the south.

So over the years, it has created a situation where the south is strong and the north is weak.

This is a fact recognized by Daoyu!

Therefore, in the past Supernova Conference, some areas will be roughly delineated according to the situation of each place, and the competition will be kept at a similar martial arts level as much as possible.

This is a kind of balance for the martial arts structure, and it is also a kind of care for the weak.

But this time, with the sharp expansion of the scope, the previous balance and care were broken!

The powerhouses in the northern city who had grown up comfortably under this kind of shelter suddenly felt tremendous pressure and "injustice".

But if you think about it carefully, your own strength is just like this. Is this really unfair?

Not necessarily!

After all, the Supernova Conference is just a duel of the younger generation, not a battle of life and death.

If it involves a life-and-death duel, who cares whether your martial arts level is high or low?

The strong will only use the fastest, strongest, and most brutal methods to put their opponents to death!

And the weak, no matter how fearful they are, will only be ruthlessly suppressed.

At most, let out a few tragic and tragic roars!

The so-called fairness is ridiculous!

"I can't answer that, can you?" The master of the god-making realm sneered, "Facts have proved that if you continue to grow up under this kind of artificial balance and care, not only will it not be beneficial to your martial arts level, but it will only be detrimental!"


"Only by making you deeply aware of the huge gap in martial arts standards and making you suffer enough, you poor, pathetic weaklings can burst out with the courage to break the status quo and forge ahead!"

"Senior... what he said is absolutely true!"

The old man in the golden robe gave up his struggle and saluted deeply.

The master of the god-making realm is right. Although it is a bit cruel, it is the truth!

Under the balance and care of the General Assembly, the super cities in the north will always only be rendered in false self-satisfaction, and it is difficult to improve.

Only after suffering a severe blow can one realize the shame and be brave, bursting out with the motivation to become stronger!

"Senior, we understand!"

Everyone straightened their bodies and saluted the powerful will of the god-making realm attached to the mysterious space.

"The other dozens of people from the super city will arrive soon, and you can decide for yourself the rest of the matter!"

"Congratulations to the seniors!"

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