Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6934 The northern city will never agree!

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The great power of the god-making realm had no intention of staying for a long time, but disappeared in an instant.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the atmosphere was oppressive!

A moment later, dozens of terrifying auras rushed from the east, south, and west directions, and landed in front of the god-making realm!

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"We have received an order from the great power of the god-making realm, and we will merge with you and other cities to hold the supernova conference!"

"I wonder if you have any suggestions for holding this conference?"

More than seventy powerful men stood in a group and looked at the thirty people on the opposite side.

Both sides are looking at each other.

The more than 30 strong men who came to the scene first released their spiritual thoughts, and after a little induction, their already depressed hearts suddenly sank again!

Among the more than seventy powerful men on the opposite side, there are as many as ten of them who have reached the half-step god-making state!

Most of the rest have also reached the peak of the original gods, and only a few are in the late stage of the original gods.

Comparing the two, the opponent is completely crushed in terms of numbers and strength, and even kills in seconds!

After more than 70 divine thoughts passed over these 30 people, most of the 70 strong men's eyes became very contemptuous.

Some people even had a sneer at the corner of their mouths.

"About the rules of this meeting..." The gold-cloaked old man took a few steps forward, ready to express his opinion.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the other party!

"Don't be too wordy, we have the upper hand in terms of numbers and strength in this meeting, so naturally we have to take the lead. We will discuss the rules and process of the meeting by ourselves, and you just follow suit!"

The strong men on the opposite side waved their hands, and they immediately formed a circle to discuss silently, leaving the thirty or so strong men from the northern region aside.

Ka Ka Ka!

Faced with this almost humiliating scene, someone clenched their fists and there was a cold light in their eyes.

But there is no way!

If they really want to fight each other, they have no chance of winning!

The opponent has a clear advantage in terms of numbers and strength.

The supernova showdown hasn't really started yet, these older generation powerhouses have already lost a lot!


It's so frustrating!

Thirty people looked at each other, gnashing their teeth, extremely annoyed.

Some grumpy people can't hold their breath!

"Damn it, they just ignored us and didn't let us speak. They're bullying too much!"

"If things go on like this, we may suffer even more losses in the future. I can't bear this tone!"

"It's really not possible, let's fight with them, and we can make a way for our younger generations!"

"Screw!" The golden robed old man frowned angrily!

"Let's not talk about you guys, I'm not even sure I'm going to fight against them. What chance do you guys have of winning? Do you really think you're strong?"

Facing the scolding of the old man in golden robe, everyone's face was ugly and they became more and more aggrieved.


The golden-robed old man is already the strongest among them, but there are ten people of this level on the opposite side!

how to spell?

I can't beat it at all!

"Calm down, all of you. If you can't take it, you have to bear it. Otherwise, if we lose, the situation of those juniors will be even more embarrassing!"

"We were careless!"

Under the repeated reminders of the old man in golden robe, everyone finally figured out the pros and cons.

Although they are aggrieved now, although they have lost face, they don't need to directly participate in the supernova showdown after all.

And the real protagonists of this conference are always the extremely evildoers of the younger generation!

Even if there is any grievance and anger, let those young people vent.

Let them show their achievements on the stage of the final duel, win respect, and let these super city powerhouses in the east, south, and west look at each other with admiration!

Only in this way can the dignity be restored!

Otherwise, you will only bring shame on yourself!

Just imagine, before the duel in the Supernova Conference, if these strong men of the older generation were beaten violently by the opponent, how much psychological shadow would it bring to the younger generation behind them?

How bad will it be?

After realizing this problem, everyone couldn't help feeling a little scared!

Fortunately, the old man in the golden robe remained awake and did not act blindly.

Otherwise, not only will you lose face today, but you will even ruin the courage and morale of the juniors!

"Forbearance, forbearance!" The golden robed old man growled in a low voice, his eyes were a little red.

Soon, the more than seventy strong men finished their discussions.

"Everyone, we have discussed it. The general rules are still the same as the previous ones, with some small adjustments in the specific details."

Said an old man in a white robe opposite.

"Small adjustments?" The golden robed old man frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

The companions beside him were also suspicious.

Since the previous rules are to be followed, why do any adjustments need to be made?

It's just that the number of people has increased several times, and the schedule has been slightly lengthened!

Need adjustments?

The white-robed old man opposite said coldly: "The previous rules were relatively simple due to the limited number of participants. The overall competition was carried out step by step. This time, due to the strength gap between our two sides, it is necessary to divide the duel into two stages!"

"How?" The golden-robed old man had heard some kind of Miaoguan, and asked with suppressed anger.

"It's very simple. In the first stage, let your people fight against those who are recognized as weaker in our city first, and the winners who are determined will then fight against the stronger ones in our city. In this way, the pattern of the entire duel will be much clearer!"



"It's unreasonable! The same qualifications, the same stage, how can there be such a comparison?"

"Is this a small adjustment? This is a subversion of the old rules!"

"No, absolutely not!"

"We will never agree!"

The strong men from the northern city protested one after another, furious.

Such a rule is unfair to them on the one hand, and humiliating and underestimating on the other hand!

Because in this case, they are equivalent to participating in one more round of competition. They have no strength advantage in the first place, and they will fight another round of unwarranted competition, which will increase unnecessary consumption.

Second, this kind of plan is equivalent to forcibly buckling the hat of the "weak" on their heads, and it really confirms their reputation of low strength.

It is a blatant and naked humiliation!

"What do you think of our northern city?"

"Do you really think you're amazing?"

"Our northern city is no worse than you!"

Boom... Boom!

The strong men in the northern city couldn't bear it anymore!

So bullying!

Don't play like this!

If these people are allowed to play around with the rules, they don't know what tricks they will come up with next!

"The rules have changed so much, aren't you joking?"

The complexion of the golden-robed old man also sank, and he asked the other party sharply.

The white-robed old man on the opposite side sneered: "Do you think I'm joking?"

"I never agree to such a change!"

"It must be adjusted back and follow the previous rules!"

"Our northern city will never give in!"

The strong men in the northern city protested again. As the strongest among them, the old man in golden robe stood at the forefront, representing the will of the northern city.

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