Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6935 Be careful, don't hurt him too badly

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The white-robed old man on the opposite side sneered coldly: "Okay, the Supernova Conference is just a martial arts competition, and the entire martial arts world also speaks for its strength. Do you have any opinions on what the old man said?"

"Of course... no!" The golden robed old man said with a frown, already guessing what the other party was going to do.

But he has nowhere to go!

"Since we understand it, but still refuse to accept it, then we have no choice but to use the means of warriors to solve it!"

With a sneer on his face, the old man in white robe proposed a solution to the conflict.

Just as the gold-robed old man expected, the powerhouses present faced each other two by two, and the final plan was decided by the winning side!

"Too much deceit!"

"Fight them!"

"I don't believe it, they can really crush us within the same rank?"

"Our northern city is by no means easy to mess with!"

The strong men in the north raised their arms and shouted wildly, with a strong fighting spirit!

"Don't be impulsive!" The golden-robed old man forcibly pressed everyone down.

Although the other party intends to humiliate, this is only a dispute over rules after all, and it is not appropriate to expand the conflict.

Otherwise, the only ones who suffer are themselves.

"I'll fight with you, one match will determine the outcome!"

As the strongest man in the northern city, the golden-robed old man is duty-bound.

If it was replaced by someone else, there would be no hope at all!

"Hit me? Chick!" The old man in white robe shook his head and sneered, his face full of disdain.

"I won't fight you, let them fight you, who will come?"

The white-robed old man looked at the nine half-step god-making realm peers behind him.

One of the middle-aged strong men in the green robe stepped forward and looked at the golden robe with disdain on his face.

"Let me come, all of you are too strong, only me is a little weaker, so don't say we bully him!"

"Hahahaha, good!" The old man in white robe nodded in agreement.

Immediately he said seriously: "You have to be more careful, the competition is over, don't hurt him too much!"

"Hahahaha, I will be sensible!"

The middle-aged man in Qingpao couldn't stop laughing!


"Damn it!"

"It makes no sense!"

"This is blatant humiliation and provocation!"

Ka Ka Ka!

The strong men in the northern city gritted their teeth and were furious.

The old man in the golden robe looked at the other party and said: "Since your Excellency is so arrogant, I will make you suffer a little bit if I say anything, come on!"



The two stepped straight into the air and fought against each other in mid-air.

The old man in the golden robe folded his palms and pressed forward, and the majestic coercion of the half-step god-making realm swept out!

Bang, click... Boom!

The void was annihilated inch by inch, and the terrifying power directly hit the middle-aged man in green robe opposite him!

"That's all!"

The middle-aged man in green robes was mocking, with his right hand pointing a little forward.

Hum, boom!

A burst of blue light shot out, instantly piercing through the engulfing golden coercion, and went straight to the golden robed old man with undiminished power.


The old man in the golden robe was full of confidence at the moment.

The attack just now was nothing more than a test. Although the middle-aged man in green robe broke through his attack, it didn't look like a big threat.

He shouted violently, and slapped his right palm forward!


The void exploded, and the golden giant palm instantly extinguished the blue light attacking the body, turning the opponent's attack into invisible.


The old man in the golden robe rushed out, and with every step he took, his aura rose steadily, reaching a terrifying level.

He waved his right palm repeatedly, ready to defeat his opponent in one fell swoop, and use his strong performance to preserve the dignity of the northern city!

"Well done!"

The middle-aged man in Qingpao sneered coldly, and pointed out again with his right hand.



The blue light burst out again, and turned into three, three into nine... and finally turned into ninety-nine and eighty-one dazzling blue lights, blasting towards the golden-robed old man like a rain of arrows.

Wherever the blue light went, the void was annihilated inch by inch, releasing a destructive force!

The terrifying coercion locked on the golden robe first through the void of thousands of feet, making it impossible for him to avoid it!

What's even more disturbing is that this coercion tightly suppressed the aura of the golden robe, making his spiritual power greatly sluggish!

"not good!"

The complexion of the golden robed old man changed drastically!

This coercion is really weird, although he has the confidence to forcefully break free, but the time is too late!

During the time he broke free, the blue light must have attacked his body, and he couldn't wait for his full cultivation to erupt before he was about to be severely injured on the spot.



The old man in the golden robe gritted his teeth and drank violently, which directly stimulated the potential of his blood!

Burning a ray of blood power, forcibly shook the suppression of the blue light.

With a sharp swipe of his right hand in front of him, a semicircular golden light burst out!

Boom...Crack, crack, crack!

The golden light collided with eighty-one blue lights, making a loud noise that shook the sky.

The void was directly annihilated, and a large number of space cracks appeared, which was terrifying!

However, the middle-aged man in the green robe took a step and directly swept into these space cracks!

"Huh?" The golden robe old man's face darkened, and he was on guard!

Half-step god-making powerhouses, after reaching this level, almost all have powerful space power, and can resist the attack of space cracks.

The middle-aged man in the green robe seemed to be using the space crack as a cover to attack him.

The old man in the golden robe smiled coldly, stretched his arms horizontally, and clapped them together at lightning speed!

Bang, click, click!

A terrifying loud noise followed, and the two golden giant hands crazily attacked in the opposite void, and the ten thousand zhang space directly annihilated and collapsed!


Among the more than seventy strong men on the opposite side, some people gasped and showed a look of shock on their faces!

The methods of the half-step god-making powerhouses are indeed quite terrifying. If such an offensive falls on the late-stage original gods or even the peak powerhouses among them, they will undoubtedly die!

However, the white-robed old man always had a sneer of disdain on his face, as if he knew the outcome of the battle.

On the north side, more than 30 northern powerhouses raised their arms and cheered, their momentum soaring!

"Good fight!"

"Fellow Daoist Jin is mighty!"

"The northern city must win!"


Before the words fell, hundreds of dazzling blue lights burst out from the collapsed void.

Like hundreds of terrifying sharp arrows, they shot wildly towards the north!


The complexion of the golden-robed old man suddenly changed, and he withdrew quickly without even thinking about it!

Qingguang's attack was stronger and faster than before, he didn't dare to take it too fast.

But his reaction was still slow!

Qing Guang's speed skyrocketed, catching up to him with terrifying speed.

The old man slapped his palms quickly, blasting golden palm prints in front of him!

The burst of blue light quickly pierced through these palm prints, and at least dozens of blue lights hit the golden robed old man directly!



Accompanied by a furious cry, the old man in the gold robe flew upside down screaming, his body shook violently, and he vomited blood violently!


The middle-aged man in Qingpao didn't show up, and he didn't even stop attacking!

At the same time as the golden robe fell, hundreds of cracks in space rushed towards him, appearing above him like a hideous cage.

"My life is over!"

The old man in the gold robe exclaimed in horror, closing his eyes and waiting to die.

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