Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6937 Mysterious lotus shadow vision!

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"Huh?" The old man in purple robe frowned, greatly surprised!

Immediately, he formed seals with both hands, and played a series of simple formulas, controlling the array and continuing to wait and see.

Whoosh, whoosh, boom!

Every corner of the octagonal array emits a filament of light of different colors!

These filaments of light projected down, quickly dissipated in the void, and interweaved into strange scenes.

These images did not disappear immediately, but lasted for a long time, but they were not very stable, slowly rippling like water waves.

"What's this?"

"Fellow Daoist is watching Daolian, right?"

Some people have doubts, because these pictures seem to be irrelevant to Daolian, and some of them are even confusing.

"Everyone, don't worry, this wait-and-see technique is different from deduction after all, and requires more patience!"

The Zipao old man explained briefly, and still tried his best to cast spells.

The picture changes rapidly, and finally a hazy lotus phantom appears!


"Daolian! Is this Daolian?"

"I don't know, but...it looks alike!"

The scene in front of them shocked everyone!

Even the woman in the blue shirt on the throne of stars couldn't help but put down her long legs and sat up to look directly.


The eyes of the Zipao old man were bright, and the magic formula in his hand was twisted like a flywheel.

Quickly play a series of formulas!

Buzz buzz!

The picture changes at an accelerated rate, and the hazy lotus phantom gradually becomes clear, as if the real face will be revealed in the next moment.

At that time, everyone can carefully distinguish whether it is Daolian!

But the next moment, the picture suddenly disappeared!

Instead, there was a sudden flash of star light!



"What's this?"

This star light stunned everyone!

After a moment of silence, everyone seemed to have thought of something, and turned their heads to look in a certain direction opposite!

There, the woman in the green shirt was sitting on the throne of stars, her eyes were also wide-eyed and her face was full of astonishment!

"What do you see me doing?" The woman in the green shirt was a little sullen.

"Don't you see, the light of the stars?"

"Perhaps, the light of the stars has something to do with you?"

Everyone looked at the woman in the blue shirt, but their eyes lingered more on the throne of stars below her.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face!

"What does it have to do with me if he looks at Daolian from the sidelines?"

The woman in the blue shirt said angrily.

"That's not necessarily the case!"

"Daolian is the result of the power of the Dao and the intersection of opportunities. In a big way, it may be related to each of us!"

"The light of the stars is likely to hint to everyone that Daolian has some kind of unspeakable mysterious relationship with you!"

Everyone was eager to move, and even wanted to get closer to watch the star throne.

"Come on, I don't have a hunch at all, so I don't need you to make wild guesses and crazy brains here?"

The woman in the blue shirt was also a little curious.

At this moment, he was annoyed by everyone's attitude, and sat back on the throne of stars.

Continue to raise a pair of long legs, and wait and see.

"..." Everyone shook their heads and sighed, speechless.

If it were someone else, they should be excited and excited at the moment, but this woman in blue seems to be extremely cold and arrogant.

Instead of showing any excitement, he looked a little annoyed!

"That's all, that's all!"

"This woman obviously has a lot of background, she is not an ordinary person!"

"I don't know what background she has?"

"We have no way of guessing her background, but it's not hard to imagine from her methods and the spiritual pets around her that the power background behind her should be extremely terrifying!"

"There is also a mysterious strong man hiding beside her, who is obviously the person who protects her personally!"

"Her strength is already terrifying, how strong should the person who protects her be?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, each with a look of fear.

Such a character should obviously not be provoked unless necessary.

After touching their noses, everyone once again turned their attention to the picture below the octagonal array.

At this time, the light of the stars has also disappeared!

There was a blank space, back to darkness!


"what happened?"

Everyone looked at the old Taoist in purple robe, and the old Taoist also frowned, not knowing why.

After a brief moment of deep thought, he cast the spell again with the seal of his hands.

Buzz buzz!

After using several formulas in succession, the light of the disappearing stars suddenly flashed again!

At the same time, the rays of light gathered and gradually condensed into a figure!

It's just that this figure is extremely illusory, seemingly real and fake.

And at the moment when the figure was about to solidify, an illusory lotus shadow suddenly appeared, wrapped it up, and disappeared without a trace!


"Daolian, is that Daolian?"

"I don't know, but it's very possible!"

"Who is wrapped in that lotus?"

"Is it really her?"


Lines of sight converged on the woman in blue again, as if they wanted to see through her secrets.

At this time, the woman in green shirt was too lazy to pay attention to everyone.

She saw the mysterious intention, but obviously, the lotus shadow may imply the scene of Dao lotus blooming, and it has nothing to do with her.

But what puzzled her was that Dao Lian should be gradually opening up, while the scene of the Zipao old Taoist watching, was the merger of lotus shadows to wrap the mysterious light of stars!

What is the implication of this?

This question gave her a headache and she couldn't figure it out.

"If you say it's not her, I think it is!"

"Although I can't be sure, I also feel that the possibility is a bit high!"

"But how do you guys explain the scene where the lotus shadow wraps around the stars and figures?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, also unable to give a reasonable explanation.

After all, if the lotus shadow represents Daolian, it should finally bloom.

But the scene shows the lotus closed, one positive and one reverse, does it really imply the same person, or the same thing?

Everyone was beating drums in their hearts, and they couldn't make a decision for a while.

"Let's ignore that, anyway, I feel that there should be some kind of mysterious connection between Daolian's openness and this mysterious girl in blue!"

"Yes, although it's just a wait-and-see rather than a deduction, but this fellow Taoist in purple robe has hinted at many mysterious images!"

"These images are obviously not groundless, they must have extremely mysterious meanings!"

"As for what it is, everyone may fully understand the moment Daolian opens up!"

"Wait, keep waiting!"

Everyone looked at the opposite void again.

At this time, the old man in purple robe had already put away the octagonal array, with a proud smile on his face.

His performance has surprised everyone, and it can be said that he has earned enough attention.

At this time, the strong men who shot to cover the void have also withdrawn their power.

Dao Lian exuding blue light appeared in front of everyone again!

Everyone is paying attention, waiting for its final opening!


In the depths of the Dao Domain, around the God-Creating Void Realm!

Rumble... boom!

One after another roar resounded, and the void was filled with figures.

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