Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6938 Golden Avenue, the bridge of the void!

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The opening of the Supernova Conference is just around the corner, and within a few days, powerful people from all walks of life have gathered from all directions.

They surrounded the surroundings of the God-Building Void Realm, densely packed, innumerable!

At this moment, there are no less than tens of millions of warriors surrounded, and more people are still frantically rushing in, making the number of people in this area gather more and more.

Some people landed on the surrounding giant mountains to watch, while others settled in the clouds and looked down.

There are also flying boats hovering in the void, full of people standing on them.

There are more powerful and powerful people who tear the void and show up powerfully!

As the final showdown of the Supernova Conference is approaching, this primeval mountain forest, which was originally inaccessible and even rare in monsters, has become the busiest area in the Dao Domain!

Although there are so many people here, they even spread across the sky and earth like migratory locusts.

But everyone avoided eight of them in unison!

That is the bridge of eight voids!

Extending from the god-making virtual realm, they lead to eight directions: east, west, south, north, northeast, northwest, southwest and northeast!

Their existence is precisely to attract the supernovas from the hundred cities that are coming one after another, as well as the accompanying strong men!

Each of these eight bridges of void is more than ten thousand feet long and more than ten thousand feet wide!

All exude bright golden light, which looks very spectacular!

All the warriors who watched the battle avoided this area on their own, and no one touched these void bridges.

"There are eight bridges in total, used to guide the super monsters from one hundred super cities!"

"They will pass through the bridge of the void and enter the void of gods to participate in the final showdown of this supernova conference!"

"The previous Superstar Conference was jointly held by a dozen to thirty super cities in the northern area, but this time it has skyrocketed to a hundred cities, and the scale is unprecedented!"

"For us, this is a good thing, but for the people in the northern city, they may cry!"

Everyone stopped and watched in the void, on the mountain peaks, and on the flying boats, and naturally their mouths would not be idle.

At this moment, they are talking enthusiastically and looking forward to the situation of this event.

The powerhouses from the super cities in the east, south, and west directions are naturally full of confidence and enthusiasm.

Because the level of martial arts in the city where they are located is higher than that of the thirty or so cities in the north, which is a recognized fact.

On the contrary, the warriors from the northern city did not look very good-looking.

There was a dull atmosphere in the void, and they obviously knew something was wrong, so they didn't have too high expectations for the final showdown of the Supernova Conference.

But because a contest of this level cannot be missed at all, so even though they were depressed and depressed, they came here without hesitation!

"Looking at the more than 30 super cities in the north, is there no one who can compete with the monsters in the three directions of the super cities in the east, south and west?"

"The situation is obvious, our martial arts level in the north is indeed weaker than those in their three directions!"

"But don't be particularly depressed, let alone despair, after all, this is the Supernova Conference, the place where miracles are born!"

"That's right! It may be difficult to say about other places, but since it is a supernova conference, there will never be a lack of miracles!"

"For the Supernova Conference, no miracle is the greatest miracle, so just wait and see, I believe that our young evildoers in the north are definitely not cowards!"

The warriors in the north have always been in a depressed mood, and some even fought with the strong opponents after they arrived.

As you can imagine, the result was defeated!

And the defeat was extremely embarrassing!

Such a situation made them dare not have too much hope for the upcoming duel.

But when this repression reaches a certain limit, a strong desire is born again!

They pinned their hopes on the younger generation to return this humiliation ten times and a hundred times back, so that those super city powerhouses who are arrogant and arrogant will shut up!

"Here they come, they come!"


With a burst of exclamation, everyone looked to the north!

There, countless rainbows are fleeing through the sky, heading straight for the bridge of void!

Those are huge flying boats, they are still far away from everyone, but their momentum has already been transmitted from afar!

This scene lifted the spirits of the northern warriors who came to watch the battle in advance!

"finally come!"

"This momentum is very strong!"

"Did you see that, this is the aura of our northern evildoers, going forward indomitably, and winning the battle!"

"Our north is not as bad as you imagined. This Supernova Conference will definitely create miracles and shine!"

Up and down this void, the warriors in the north raised their arms and shouted wildly, sending out powerful warnings to the warriors in the east, south, and west directions.

"Hey! Ants always think they are strong until they meet a strong opponent!"

"It doesn't matter, let you dream of being a strong man first, and let yourself be intoxicated first, because when the supernova duel starts, your dream will wake up!"

"Next, you will end your observation of this Supernova Conference in pain, shock, and annoyance!"

"Tremble, warriors of the north!"


Amidst the voices of everyone arguing in the air, Changhong from the north broke through the air.

Airships flew straight along the golden avenue of the void bridge to the realm of the gods!

At the same time, an envoy from the Supernova Conference landed on each flying boat. They held tokens and led the flying boats directly into the God-Building Void Realm!

Create a virtual world!

Everyone's eyes followed these flying boats to the God-Building Void Realm!

"The Realm of God Creation, this is a special space opened up by the great power of the Realm of God Creation. It is said that its range reaches more than one million feet, which is extremely huge!"

"The space of more than one million feet can be said to be a ring, and it is a vast stage for all supernova evildoers to fight!"

"This kind of power can only be possessed by those who are strong in the god-making realm. At the original god-level level, even if they reach the peak of the original god realm or even half-step in the god-making realm, it is difficult to reach this level!"

"In the late stages of the original God Realm and the peak powerhouses, they can also open up independent spaces, but they cannot open up long-lasting spaces like the great powers of the God-Constructing Realm!"

"Yes, the space opened up by the god-making powerhouse is equivalent to an independent interface or small plane, which can exist independently of the god-making powerhouse itself and last for a long time; while the space opened up by the original god-level powerhouse is just a relatively independent space, and there is a big difference in terms of strength and duration."

Countless lines of sight turned to the God-Constructing Void Realm, watching the flying boats escape into it.

Although the god-making virtual realm has a wide range, it does not allow spectators to enter directly.

Only the organizers of the Supernova Conference, the monsters participating in the conference, and their entourage are allowed to enter.

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