Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6939 Jiang Tianzhi!

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In addition, some people who have received the official invitation letter and observation seats of the Supernova Conference can also enter.

But there are not many such people!

Because more people don't actually need to enter it, they can just watch the battle outside!

The power of God's Realm is that although it is a world of its own, an independent small plane, it is not completely isolated from outside exploration.

In particular, this space specially opened for the Supernova Conference has already broken through the barriers of sound and sight, making it convenient for countless warriors outside to observe!

Therefore, for the huge number of spectators, it doesn't matter whether they can enter or not.

It's even safer to look at it from the outside!

Boom... Boom!

Soon, more than a dozen flying boats escaped from the north, and under the leadership of the emissary, they escaped into the God Constructing Void along the golden road of the Void Bridge!

"Here they come, and they come too!"


Everyone looked to the west, and a violent roar came from there.

Huge flying boats came frantically in the direction of the bridge of the void, and an envoy greeted them from a distance, and after greeting them, led them into the God-Creating Void Realm!

"Look, this is the treatment of our Western evildoers!"

The western warriors who arrived early were extremely proud.

Compared with the arrival of the monsters in the north, these flying boats in the west received a more solemn reception.

The envoy did not wait in place, but took the initiative to go forward to greet them, and exchanged greetings with the strong leader on the flying boat.

In contrast, the flying boats that the evildoers in the north take obviously don't have this kind of treatment!

This shows that the organizer of the Supernova Conference attaches great importance to the monsters in the West.

"They're coming too!"

"And them!"


In the blink of an eye, roars came from both the south and the east!

Spaceships skimmed the bridge of void one after another, and escaped into the realm of god-making under the welcome and leadership of the messenger!

At the same time, in the four directions of northeast, northwest, southwest, and southeast, there are flying boats escaping into the god-making void along the bridge of void.

A hundred flying boats have entered one after another, and the monsters of a hundred super cities have gathered. The final showdown of the Supernova Conference is about to begin!

"Close the bridge of the void and prepare for the final showdown!"

Buzz buzz!

An old man in a star robe appeared in the very center of the God-Creating Void Realm. With an order, the golden light rolled back in the void, and the bridge of eight voids was about to disappear!

Hula la!

As they disappeared, a large number of warriors rushed forward quickly, occupying the vacated space, and seizing a favorable position to watch the battle.

at this time!

Suddenly a messenger shouted!

"Wait a minute! There's still one person who hasn't arrived yet!"

"Who is the future?"

The star-robed old man's face darkened, and he looked at the person who spoke.

This person is none other than Zhong Sheng!

He is the envoy in charge of the northern area, and almost all the people who have contacted him have arrived, but one of them has not yet arrived!

"The supernova of the super city Chiyue City—Jiang Tian!"

"What's going on, is he going to abstain?"

The old man in the star robe asked in a deep voice.

"Probably not!" Zhong Sheng shook his head in denial, but his face was a little gloomy.

He had witnessed Jiang Tian's feat in Chiyue City, and had a very good impression of Jiang Tian, ​​so he wanted to take him back early.

But the other party did not follow him back, but chose to come by himself after accepting the token.

"Since no, why haven't you been there yet, and everyone has to wait for him?"

The star-robed old man obviously had a bad temper, and he was angrily blaming Zhong Sheng at this moment.

"The leader calm down, please give your subordinates a little time!"

"Hmph!" The star-robed old man is the host of the Supernova Conference, appointed by the Taoist Palace.

But in fact, this leader is not someone inside the Dao Palace, but an elder who is recognized as the strongest among the one hundred super cities participating in the meeting.

Zhong Sheng didn't dare to be negligent, he took a step forward and came to the outside of the God Constructing Void Realm.

Squeeze the Yin Jue with your hands, and silently sense it!


After a little induction, Zhong Sheng's eyes twitched and he looked at the opposite void!

Hum rumble!

At this moment, the purple light suddenly appeared in the void, and a young warrior appeared with a huge purple pattern!

It's none other than Jiang Tian!

"Senior Zhong!"

After Jiang Tian appeared, he immediately stepped forward to say hello, but he could see that Zhong Sheng's face was not very good-looking.

"Jiang Tian, ​​why are you here so late?"

"Is it late?" Jiang Tian was surprised.

It didn't seem too late for him to come, after all, the time had not yet expired.

But it seems that it is not too early, after all, this place is already full of people, and there are also a large number of flying boats gathered in the god-making realm.

It seems that he is a little later than others.

"Sorry senior!"

"If it's useless, don't say it, just follow me into the country!"



With a wave of Zhong Sheng's hand, he directly swept Jiang Tian into the God-Creating Realm!

"The warriors in the north are not very strong, and they are dragging their feet on the road, which is really speechless!"

"Needless to say, just show him some color in the arena later!"

On the flying boat opposite, several evildoers from the south taunted Jiang Tian.

The companion next to him shook his head and sneered: "I'm afraid we may not have the chance to teach him a lesson!"

"Haha, that's right. After all, the rules of this conference have changed. I guess he won't even be able to pass the first round!"

The evildoers in the south couldn't help laughing, and even the evildoers in the east and west also sneered.

Jiang Tian ignored the other party.

He has seen too many such scenes all the way from the lower realms.

It's useless to talk too much, the best way to fight back is to show your strength in the ring!

At this moment, the old man in the star robe scanned the audience and spoke in a deep voice, showing his majesty!

"All the evildoers who participated in this Supernova Conference are here, the old man announces that this Supernova Conference will officially begin!"

"Fight, fight, fight!"

"Fight, fight, fight!"

All the evildoers raised their arms and shouted wildly, and their fighting spirit turned into a terrifying will and went straight to the sky!

Although the God Constructing Void Realm is its own realm, the sound and sight are connected to the outside world, so in the eyes of many onlookers, it is almost the same as watching the battle on the spot.

The only difference is that the fluctuations in the spiritual power in the God Constructing Realm cannot be transmitted outward, so there is no need to worry about being shocked by the power of the supernovas.

Although the fight has not yet begun, the warriors from the north and the south have already begun to compete!

The bursts of cries mixed with terrifying spiritual coercion rushed to the sky, and they were divided into two camps, the north and the south.

But the warriors in the north were obviously at a disadvantage, and were crushed by the opponents from the east, south, and west in an instant, and their momentum was completely suppressed!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"These people are so strong!"

"Originally we only had to face twenty or thirty opponents with similar strength, but now we have seventy more powerful monsters out of thin air. It's too difficult!"

"Look at it calmly. In fact, even without the participation of more than 70 super cities, it would be difficult for our strength to win the first place in the conference!"

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