Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6940 See Song Yuan again!

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The evildoers in the north talked a lot, and most of them were angry.

But there are still some people who remain sober. After all, there is no difference in the result for them with or without the participation of these seventy super cities.

Under the combined force of the seventy monstrous evildoers, the spiritual coercion released by the northern warriors was almost defeated, and they were about to be completely crushed.

At this time, there were less than five northern evildoers who were still trying to support them, but they were all sweating and crying secretly.

"Damn it!"

"Why are you all retreating, continue to hold on!"

"The war is imminent, and they are demonstrating against us, how can you admit defeat first?"

Gritting their teeth, they vented their anger at the northern monsters around them.

"it's useless!"

"give up!"

"We are small and weak, why do we have to do this kind of meaningless struggle?"

"Besides, this is not a ring contest, so what if we really suppress them?"

Most of the northern evildoers do not intend to continue to increase the number, because it is simply futile.

"It's unreasonable! You have let us down so much!" A monster with a golden star mark between his brows snapped, his face full of anger.

"Hey, although what he said is a bit depressing, it is also true. There are so many people in the family, how long can we last?"

"Let's withdraw, let's keep our strength and try to beat more opponents in the ring competition!"

During the speech, several evildoers began to stop, no longer making unnecessary resistance.

Since those opponents want to show off their prestige, let them show off, it's not bad anyway.

The golden-cloaked evildoer had no choice but to stop.

After all, without the support of his companions, he would never be able to compete with more than 70 powerful peers by himself.

Not to mention one against seventy, even if it is one-on-one, he doesn't have much chance of winning!


At this time, the young man in the golden robe suddenly discovered that there was still a powerful coercion supporting him in mid-air!

Turning around, I saw a young man in a blue cloud robe!


He looked at Jiang Tian with curious eyes, and couldn't help being surprised.

Most of the monsters who came earlier greeted each other and introduced themselves.

Jiang Tian came last, and most people didn't know his identity.

"who is he?"

"It seems... is a monster from Chiyue City?"

"Red Moon City? Wait!"

"Could it be that he is the enchanting wizard who made a sensation and refreshed the Dao Palace's reward list one after another, causing a sensation in the entire Dao Domain?"

"It turned out to be him!"

Everyone suddenly guessed Jiang Tian's identity, and there was an exclamation in the voice!

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian in shock, as if they wanted to see him through.

The voice from this side also spread to the opposite side.

At this moment, the seventy warriors who were taking action to suppress the evil spirits in the north were startled when they heard this, and they all looked this way!


More than seventy eyes focused on Jiang Tian, ​​full of curiosity, astonishment, and eagerness to explore.

Like all the monsters in the north, they are also eager to see Jiang Tian through!

"Is this person the one who has refreshed the Dao Palace's reward list one after another in a short period of time, and has caused a sensation in the entire Dao Domain recently?"

"What the hell is his name Jiang?" Someone asked with a sneer with contempt in his eyes, and he didn't know whether he really didn't understand or pretended not to know.

"Jiang Tian! I've seen this name countless times recently, and I can almost see cocoons in my eyes!"

"Me too, I've been hearing people whispering this name in my ears recently, and my ears are almost blistered!"

"Refreshed the reward list nearly ten times in a short period of time, this person obviously has some abilities!"

"It seems that this person may bring us some challenges!"

"Challenge? Heck, it's too early to say this. He has to pass the first round of duel before he can challenge us!"

"Hahaha, that's right!"

On the way here, the seventy monsters had already known the rules in advance.

Because this change is quite beneficial to them, but in fact, no matter whether it changes or remains unchanged, they can remain invincible.

This is the confidence brought by strength!

At this time, almost everyone was staring at Jiang Tian.

The seventy monsters from the east, south, and west no longer released their coercion to crush their opponents in the north.

Because almost all the opponents had given up, only the young man in golden robe and Jiang Tian were left to forcefully support them.

Seventy people crushing two people, it's very boring!

Although they were proud, and although they looked down on the evildoers in the north, they would not do such a thing where seventy people teamed up to crush one or two people.

At this time, the powerful men from the major cities who came with them also spoke out one after another, reminding these young monsters not to underestimate the enemy.

"Remember this old man. When you meet this person, you must do your best. Don't give him any chance!"

"According to the information collected by the old man, this son has a physical body and a space dominance body, as well as powerful space evasion and instant killing skills. As long as he reveals a little flaw, he may seize the opportunity to make a surprise attack!"

"You must not be careless in the slightest, and you must fight him as a real opponent!"

"Do you understand everything?"

A warning came out to the ears of seventy evildoers, but their reactions were very calm.

"Don't worry, as long as he can pass the first round, no matter who we meet next, we will go all out!"

"I also really want to have a good fight with this northern evildoer who became famous before fighting!"

"Space and physical body double overlord, right? Hehe, to me, this is nothing!"

"I will be a mountain that he cannot overcome, and I will crush him hard!"

"I can knock him down with one hand!"

Everyone's attitudes are different, but they are all full of confidence, but some people are cautious, while others don't take it seriously.

"Jiang Tian, ​​let's meet again!"

"Song Yuan?"

A familiar voice came, and an evildoer from a super city in the north came forward.

It is none other than Song Yuan!

Jiang Tian was deeply surprised by the appearance of this person!

You know, Song Yuan had already been defeated by him when he was in Bailian City, and lost the qualification to enter the next round.

But why is it now time for the final showdown at the Supernova Conference?

"Huh? Brother Song, your cultivation level..."

Jiang Tian looked at Song Yuan and was amazed again!

In a short period of time, Song Yuan's cultivation level had another breakthrough.

It has officially entered the early stage of the original god realm!

"It's so fast, it seems that Brother Song has another chance to join him, congratulations!"

Jiang Tian gave his congratulations, but he didn't show the slightest contempt or neglect just because this defeated player came to the same stage.

On the contrary, in the contest in Bailian City, Song Yuan left an excellent impression on him.

This person can be regarded as a trustworthy person!

"Thank you Brother Jiang!"

While Song Yuan was speaking, he came to stand in front of Jiang Tian.

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