Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"To tell you the truth, after losing to Brother Jiang in Bailian City last time, I thought about giving up, but Brother Jiang's feat of making the student aid rankings gave me unprecedented motivation. I learned from the pain, learned my shame and courage, and resolutely moved to other super cities. On the way, I encountered a chance to break through and advanced, so I was lucky enough to get the place for the final showdown!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled: "I have to say, this is also a commendable feat!"

"Ashamed! Compared with Brother Jiang, I'm still almost there. Do you know why I didn't continue to challenge you, but went elsewhere?" Song Yuan asked with a smile.


"Because you have left an invincible shadow in my mind from that battle, I am afraid that it will be futile to challenge you again!"

"Hahaha, Brother Song is too modest!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, which eased the dull atmosphere at the scene a lot.

The other 20 or so monsters from the north finally realized at this time that these two people are from Chiyue City!

"Song Yuan, which super city are you representing now?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Hengfeng City, the level of martial arts there is slightly higher than that of Chiyue City, and because of the chance and my strength, I won by luck!"

Song Yuan smiled and blinked his eyes: "If we meet again, I will try my best to avenge my shame!"

"Hahahaha, just come on!"

Jiang Tian nodded and laughed, not caring.

"It turned out to be Hengfeng City!"

"I have to say that Chiyue City has taken advantage of it this time. Two supernovas appear under one city. People in Hengfeng City are probably going to cry, right?"

"Have the people from Hengfeng City come? How do they feel when they see Song Yuan?"

Twenty or so northern evildoers scanned the group of followers behind them, trying to find people from Hengfeng City.

Soon, they saw a dark-haired old man in a gray-white military robe, his face looked a little depressed.

Don't ask, it's obviously someone from Hengfeng City!

Facing the weird eyes of these monsters, the old man shook his head and sighed, and didn't say much.

What else can he say?

The number one evildoer in Hengfeng City, who had high hopes, lost to Song Yuan, an outsider, within three moves, which really made the city lord's mansion depressed for a long time.

That battle also caused an uproar among the warriors and common people in the entire Hengfeng City!

As a result, after Song Yuan's self-violence, some people even initiated impeachment because they were out of breath, wanting to cancel this quota in Hengfeng City City Lord's Mansion and give it back to the defeated evildoer.

However, the owner of Hengfeng City is not stupid, even if he knows that Song Yuan is an outsider, he can only follow the trend.

Because the Supernova Conference is looking at the results, not the origin and background.

A genius who has already been defeated has no meaning to Hengfeng City. It is naturally impossible for Song Yuan to get the quota back!

"Brother Jiang, are you confident?"

Song Yuan asked solemnly.

"Of course there is!"

Jiang Tian nodded, looking calm.

At this time, he still hasn't revealed his true realm, and it seems that his cultivation base is still in the late stage of the starry sky realm.

In terms of realm, compared with Song and Yuan, it has obviously fallen behind!

Song Yuan was well aware of the difficulty of this battle, and said in a deep voice: "I know that the evildoers on the other side are not a big threat to Brother Jiang, but the strength of the seventy evildoers in the east, south, and west directions is quite different. Their background is a bit higher than that of the northern city. Brother Jiang must be careful when meeting them!"

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

"By the way, I heard that brother Jiang has become the city lord of Chiyue City, my congratulations!"

Song Yuan took a step back and solemnly congratulated the other party.

"Where is that, I don't intend to occupy Chiyue City, it's just wishful thinking of the elders of the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Wishful thinking? I don't think it's that simple!" Song Yuan smiled strangely, and his eyes seemed to have deep meaning!

"Why did Brother Song say that?" Jiang Tian was puzzled.

"Hahaha, it seems that Brother Jiang himself is still in the dark. Let me tell you the truth. After you left Chiyue City, the elders of the City Lord's Mansion over there have issued an official notice to the entire Dao Domain, telling the world that you have become the new City Lord of Chiyue City!"

"What?" Jiang Tian frowned!

These old guys are really worrying!

"Forget it, just a city lord, let them go!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and stopped thinking about it.

He also did not expect that those elders would make such a big fuss, making him the city lord without his consent, and announcing it to the entire Dao Domain in the official name.

In this way, he can't do it if he doesn't want to be the city lord!

Even if he doesn't return to Chiyue City, he still has to bear the name of the city lord!

When everyone sees him in the future, they will not only regard him as Jiang Tian, ​​but also regard him as the Lord of Chiyue City!

"Brother Jiang, you are an officer marrying a wife, double happiness!"

"No, no, there are more than double happiness. He won the quota of Chiyue City, was promoted to the city lord, and even refreshed the reward list, which caused a sensation in the entire Dao Domain. He has become a man of the limelight recently. At least he has three happiness!"

"That's right, if you shine in this duel and get a brilliant result, then it will be a blessing!"

"Brother Jiang, you carry so much happiness with you, but you must fight hard and don't let us down!"

"Brother Jiang, you must do your best to give us a surprise!"

"Those who even brush the Dao Palace's reward list must have good strength, and they must give us northern warriors a good face!"

More than twenty northern monsters looked at Jiang Tian with different expressions and complicated moods.

This person made them envy and hate, but because of the Dao Palace student list, they couldn't question Jiang Tian's strength.

After all, compared to the number of places in the Supernova Conference, the Dao Palace reward list is undoubtedly more valuable and more convincing!

Most of these twenty or so evildoers are two or three years older than Jiang Tian, ​​and most of the rest are about the same age as Jiang Tian.

There are also a few people who are about the same age as Song Yuan and slightly younger than Jiang Tian by one or two years.

Looking at these people, Jiang Tian was also filled with emotion!

Compared with these people, the so-called monsters in the middle and lower realms are really incomparable!

At about the same age, these people have already come to the stage of the Supernova Conference to participate in the final duel of the younger generation!

Regardless of victory or defeat, they have already stood at the pinnacle of the younger generation!

Even though many people's realm is still below half a step of the original god realm, all of them have leapfrog fighting power, and it's no problem to instantly kill the ordinary early and middle stages of the original god realm.

If such a person is picked out with closed eyes and placed in the middle and lower realms, they are all existences that cover the sky with one hand!

The difference in the martial arts environment is really too great!

"So you are Jiang Tian, ​​the super evildoer who is ranked 5,599 on the Dao Palace's reward list?"

"If I remember correctly, your ranking was originally above 10,000. In other words, your ranking has increased by more than 5,000 places in a few days?"

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