Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6942 The duel begins!

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"This record is unprecedented in the history of Dao Domain!"

"You who have achieved such an astonishing record must be very strong, right?"

"Perhaps you are the only one who can bring us a little challenge among all the evildoers in the north!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​I look forward to a battle with you, I hope you don't lose in the first round!"

More than 70 top monsters on the opposite side looked at Jiang Tian and uttered bold words to declare war!

Although Jiang Tian is not weak, they believe they are stronger!

The war has not yet started, and the two sides have already begun a fierce confrontation.

From the coercive collision at the beginning, to the current words called war.

Of course, the seventy monsters from the east, south, and west all regarded themselves as strong in terms of momentum and mouth, and put on a high-ranking posture.

Take it for granted that the warriors in the north are doomed losers!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, the old man will explain the new rules of the duel!"

"new rule?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly!

He hadn't heard of any new rules. From his understanding, the Supernova Conference had only one set of rules, and it had never changed.

Why is there a new regulation this time?

Well, it's actually nothing to him.

Because even the old rules of the Supernova Conference are also the "new rules" he has come into contact with for the first time!

It's just that what surprised him was that the supernova conference was not all monsters from more than a thousand super cities mixed together to fight.

Instead, it is divided by region. The one he joins is equivalent to a branch, which is only the size of a hundred super cities.

The old man in the star robe took a deep look at Jiang Tian, ​​looked away, and spoke loudly!

"Due to the adjustment of the conference area, the participation of 70 super cities in the east, south, and west directions has caused major changes in the power structure of this conference. Therefore, the executives of the conference unanimously decided to divide the duel of this conference into two rounds!"

"Two rounds?"

"Haven't you heard that the rules have changed!"

"This is obviously favoring evildoers in the east, south, and west directions!"

Among the more than 20 northern monsters, most of them have known the rules in advance, only a few have not heard of them.

Some people were notified in advance by the elders of the city where they were, while the elders of other cities did not disclose it because of their pre-war mentality.

"You don't need to panic, let alone get annoyed. Although the new regulations seem unfair, they are all the same to us!" Song Yuan said lightly.

"Yeah, but in my opinion, this new regulation is more beneficial to us!" Another red-robed evildoer said with a smile.

"What's good for us? You're right!" someone expressed indignation.

The red-robed evildoer waved his hand and said: "Think about it, our strength is already weak, if we draw lots randomly and even fight in a big melee, how many opponents can we hold?"


"Hiss! So... there is some truth to it!"

Everyone immediately understood, adjusted their mentality, and realized the benefits brought by the new regulations.

Obviously, this adjusted rule does not have only drawbacks!

"Well, although we have to play one more round, the hope of advancing has been relatively increased. In the worst case, we have a better chance of winning a game and playing our own combat power!"

"In that case, let's fight with all our strength!"

Everyone put aside their worries and quickly accepted this fact.

The star-cloaked old man continued: "In the first round, all the monsters in the northern cities will face off against opponents who are generally considered weaker in the seventy cities in the east, south, and west!"


Although many people have known about the changes for a long time, they still feel depressed and embarrassed when they hear the star-cloaked old man say this.

This is clearly saying: Your evil spirits in the north are too weak to make it up to the next level!

"This round of duels will determine the outcome. The winner will enter the second round, and the loser will be eliminated directly!"

"The winner of this round of duel will have a final duel with the remaining 40 evildoers. At that time, they will no longer be divided into north and south, and they will be treated equally!"

"Do you understand everything?"

The old man in the star robe scanned the audience, his eyes were majestic and domineering, beyond doubt!

"Okay, what a treat!"

"I never expected that the Supernova Conference could come up with such a set!"

"Admit it, people's strength has the final say, we can only obey!"

No one protested, because he was a participant and the other party was a rule maker.

There's absolutely no point in protesting.

"So this is the new rule!"

Jiang Tian looked calm.

For him, it didn't matter at all.

"My lord, we all understand!"

Everyone looked at the star-robed old man and nodded in response.

"Well! Now that the rules are clear, let's prepare for the first round of confrontation!"

The star-robed old man retreated, and then, the other three star-cloaked elders who were in charge of the duel came out and presided over the specific schedule.

"Thirty evildoers come out!"

"The junior is here!"

In the three camps of the east, south and west, thirty super evildoers immediately walked out.

They represent the weaker group of people in the three-party camp.

The so-called strength is only relative.

Compared with the other forty people in this camp, their realm is lower, and their combat power is recognized as slightly inferior.

But compared with the monsters in the north, they are full of confidence!

"Thirty evildoers from the north come out!"

"The junior is here!"

Sixty people from both sides faced each other across the air, and the strong fighting spirit began to fill the void!

It almost turned into a substantive coercion and shrouded it!

"I declare, the duel begins!"


One of the three elders issued an order, and the other two confirmed that the first round of the Supernova Conference was about to begin!

"Jiang Tian, ​​come and fight me!"

"Jiang Tian is mine!"

"Get out of the way, let me come!"

Boom... Boom!

As soon as the elder's words fell, there were several monsters scrambling to fight Jiang Tian.

Behind them, there are more than a dozen people eager to try.

But obviously, there can only be one person who fights with Jiang Tian!

Therefore, the person who rushed to the front became the only lucky one!

The remaining people can only change their targets and choose other opponents.


Jiang Tian was also unambiguous, and stepped forward, darting into the depths of the god-making void.

The scope of the God Constructing Realm exceeds one million feet, and there is a large space for them to fight.

Even if a hundred people catch each other and kill each other at the same time, it is more than enough.

As for the so-called arena, it is not common to see a stage built from formations and cornerstones.

In fact, the entire God Constructing Void Realm is a magnificent arena!

Bang, click... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and thirty pairs of warriors fought fiercely in an instant.

The monsters in the east, south, and west directions are like a rainbow, taking the initiative, and seem to want to suppress their opponents in one go.

In contrast, the monsters in the north are obviously a bit weak.

Fortunately, most of them quickly stabilized their positions, and with the help of the large-scale space of the God-making Realm, they won the conditions for themselves to advance and retreat.

"Give me town!"

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