Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6943 The courage Jiang Tian gave you?

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"Give me town!"


On a huge snow-covered peak, a monster in yellow robes from the east punched his opponent directly into the snow-capped mountain.

Click... bang!

The moment the figure fell, the snow-capped mountain exploded, and the entire snow-covered mountain was flattened by this violent force!

"Ku Youyi, the monster of Dongfang Kuxuan City, win!"

Ku You cupped his hands in thanks, but then looked into the depths of the God Constructing Void Realm.

There, Jiang Tian was fighting a southern evildoer, but they were far away, and his sight was blocked by a lot of spiritual power, so he couldn't see clearly for a while.

Kuyou's eyes were full of regret, if he had been quicker just now, he would have won the qualification to fight Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't change it to the first round, I'll wait for you in the second round!"


With one step at a time, Ku You returned to the camp of forty fighters.

He was the first oriental evildoer to win, crushing his opponent with just one face-to-face!

"Brother Ku, how do you feel?"

"The evildoer in the north is weaker than I thought, it's really not worth mentioning!"

Ku You shook his head and sneered, his face full of disdain.

He had won without even using his strongest means, and there was no challenge at all.

"Jiang Tian, ​​get down on the ground!"

Crack... Rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the void. This evildoer from the south was dressed in a red robe, and his strikes were loud and powerful, and the spiritual power raged through the void.

He emptied the aura of heaven and earth within a ten thousand zhang radius to suppress Jiang Tian.

He knew very well that Jiang Tian was able to be on the reward list of the Taoist Palace, and he was almost ranked ten times within two days. He definitely had a certain means, which was different from some other northern monsters.

Therefore, he did not underestimate the enemy, and launched the strongest offensive with the belief that he must win.

Crack... Rumble!

Amidst the terrifying roar, clouds as thick as mountains pressed down on Jiang Tian, ​​trying to defeat him in one fell swoop!

"No matter how strong the evildoers in the north are, they can't defeat our strong ones in the south!"

At the same time as the red-robed evildoer made his move, he yelled in a deep voice, which made the void rumble.



Jiang Tian's voice suddenly sounded behind him!


The face of the red-robed evildoer suddenly changed!

Before he could even react, Jiang Tian was already behind him!


Instant killing technique!

He thought of Jiang Tian's famous stunt that made a sensation in the Dao Domain - Instant Kill Skill!

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on the back!

At least from this point of view, Jiang Tian's reaction was beyond his imagination.

This means that if he doesn't deal with it with all his strength, he will be countered and defeated by Jiang Tian at any time!



The monster in the red robe waved his arms wildly, and two terrifying red waves rushed out like two demon arms.

Boom, click... Boom, boom, boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void again!

The two crimson waves collided like lightning, and the void of thousands of feet collapsed instantly. The scene was extremely horrifying!


Tens of thousands of zhang away, the faces of several northern evildoers who were fighting in the nearby void changed suddenly, and they couldn't help but gasp!

With their strength, they fell into complete passiveness from the very beginning of the fight, and at this moment they are only supporting their respective opponents forcibly!

In a difficult situation, they put their hope on Jiang Tian.

I hope that this evildoer who has caused a sensation in the reward list can create a miracle and win the breath for the evildoers in the north.

But now it seems that the situation is probably much worse than they imagined!

Facing the indiscriminate bombardment of the red-robed evildoer, Jiang Tian seemed to have no good way, and could only deal with it with his good teleportation skills.

But can such a maneuver really work?

it's useless!

No matter how fast you teleport, as long as you can't defeat your opponent directly, it will be difficult to win the duel!

It is too naive to think of using teleportation to consume opponents.

Because these monstrosities were fully prepared before going into battle.

He brought enough elixirs, nourishing spiritual fruits, and treasures of heaven and earth, and also prepared various treasures for body protection.

Of course, they would not use those treasures unless necessary.

Because the evildoers from the north, so far, have not been able to bring them enough pressure!

There is no need to use those treasures at all!

"Defeat me!"

The monster in the red robe roared fiercely, shaking the void!

The faces of the northern evildoers who fought nearby became even more ugly!

From the looks of it, Jiang Tian had already been caught between the two scarlet waves, and he was probably seriously injured at this moment!

"As strong as Jiang Tian is in such a mess, what hope do we have?"

"No way, if even Jiang Tian is not their number one enemy, it will be useless for us to keep fighting!"

"Give up?"

With this astonishing situation in front of them, the nearby evildoers from the north were suddenly shaken!

Originally they wanted to hold on to the end, after all, with Jiang Tian carrying the banner of the evildoers in the north, they would not be defeated in an instant.

But now, they have shaken!

Jiang Tian was forcibly suppressed within two rounds, what hope did they have, they would just bring themselves to humiliate themselves.

At best, it can only delay the fiasco!




In an instant, the spirits of the evildoers in the north were lifted!

In the void that was supposed to be crushed by the crimson waves, there is a piece of airspace of hundreds of feet standing still!

And in the center of that airspace, stood a familiar figure, it was Jiang Tian!

"He didn't lose!"

"He's still fighting!"


"Everyone cheer up!"

Everyone has no time to look carefully, because they are already under the suppression of their respective opponents.

At this moment, seeing that Jiang Tian was undefeated, and there seemed to be no obvious signs of injury, everyone's spirits were lifted up, and they launched a counterattack like a rainbow!

Bang, click... Boom!

Whoosh, whoosh, boom!

The spiritual encouragement made these northern evildoers soar, and once pulled the passive scene to almost equal.

"Jiang Tian?"

"Is it the courage he gave you?"

"It's useless, don't say he may not win, even if he wins, it won't change the fact that you are weak chickens!"

Boom... Boom!

The violent roar resounded one after another, and the evildoers from the east, south, and west began to counterattack strongly, suppressing the counterattack of the evildoers in the north.

Waves of spiritual light came out violently, sweeping across the void.

Puff puff puff... wow!

"Damn it!"


"Damn it!"

"I don't agree!"

Accompanied by a few exclamations, four northern evildoers were instantly defeated, and even suffered serious injuries.

The opponents have stopped making shots, and only use powerful coercion to cover them!

Look at these weaklings with lofty eyes!

"You guys, do you still want to fight?"


The four northern evildoers looked at each other, gnashing their teeth and clenching their fists.

Of course they want to fight!

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