Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6944 Can only deal with?

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But how to fight?

Don't say that you were not an opponent in the first place, but now you are injured, you can't fight at all!

If you continue to fight hard, the injury will only get worse, and it may even lead to unpredictable results.

Although they have treasures at the bottom of the box and some pills to temporarily improve their cultivation, why don't their opponents have them?

This kind of unnecessary struggle will only usher in a more tragic defeat. Is it really meaningful?

Furthermore, even if they were lucky enough to pass one or two levels, what would happen in the next round?

The elixir that forcibly improves the cultivation base has a strong backlash effect, and the potency of the medicine will not be able to last the next round of duel.

The treasure of body protection is also difficult to overwhelm the opponent's heavy treasure!

"it's useless!"

"Don't struggle, let's see Jiang Tian's performance!"

After some weighing and struggling, several people chose to give up at the same time.

It's not that they don't want to fight, but they really can't fight!

"Hahahaha, ants are ants, and the weak will be weak after all!"

"You don't even have the courage to fight with us. Next time I suggest that you abstain directly from the city where you are located. Don't even come!"

After the evildoer on the opposite side won, he still didn't forget to visit and ridicule.

"It makes no sense!"


Boom, boom!

The two violent northern monsters couldn't bear it anymore!

In any case, they are also the top monsters in their respective cities, super geniuses who stand out against all the top opponents.

In the past, they were all sought after, how could they bear this kind of stimulation?

Immediately, the blood was ignited, and he shot wildly at any cost!

"Even if we have to lose, we must lose with dignity!"

"If you want to pass in front of me, you have to peel off a layer of skin!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the spiritual power of the two people burned wildly, and both of them activated the protective treasure, turning into two terrifying rainbows and rushing towards the opponent, wanting to make a final fight with them!


"Did you really give you the courage?"

Boom, boom!

The two people on the opposite side shouted angrily and shot separately.

Click, boom!

The person on the left condensed a golden hurricane and rolled towards the opponent, and the person on the right directly cut the void with his palm as a knife, drawing a terrifying space crack!


"not good!"

The two northern evildoers were hit hard by the opponent's offensive before they rushed forward.

The person on the left was directly swept out by the golden hurricane with more than 10,000 people, screaming in the air, and was defeated terribly!

The person on the right was swept by the space crack, and half of his arm was instantly turned into powder, even the magic weapon for body protection couldn't stop it.

In a critical moment, he used some kind of life-saving talisman to forcibly escape the life-and-death crisis!


"Damn it!"

"You... you shouldn't!"

The other two northern evildoers are glad that they were not impulsive, otherwise they would be the ones who suffered the most serious injuries at this moment!

Does this struggle make sense?

In addition to being able to exchange for a moment of happiness, what ends up in the end is only eternal pain and annoyance, which has no substantive meaning at all!

"Just now, you didn't hit hard, and you already saved face for you, but you insisted on doing such a stupid thing like moths flying into the flames. Do you really think that you can defeat us by gritting your teeth and fighting hard?"

"Innocent, ridiculous, hahahaha!"

The evildoers from the east, south, and west laughed wildly, mocking to the fullest.

In the beginning, the evildoers in the north were furious in the face of this kind of ridicule, and they were extremely dissatisfied.

But now, it is even difficult for them to refute!

Because the facts have proved that in front of these powerful opponents, they are indeed vulnerable!

Although life-and-death battles are not allowed in the duels of the Supernova Conference, it is inevitable for warriors to be seriously injured. Even if the injuries are really serious and incurable, it can only be blamed on bad luck.

No one will hold the other party accountable, because there is a risk in a fight, and there is a possibility of falling if injured.

These are the default rules!

The movement here is just a short episode. Tens of thousands of feet away, the duel between Jiang Tian and the red-robed evildoer has reached a critical moment!

Within the Baizhang airspace, Jiang Tian stood still!

The scarlet-robed evildoer on the opposite side had a look of shock in his eyes, and it felt incredible!

The mad attack he launched was enough to crush the airspace, but why couldn't he threaten Jiang Tian?

What kind of method is that one hundred feet of airspace, and why can it perfectly stop his spiritual surge?

"Space Overlord!"

Yes, it must be some kind of means from the space hegemony!

The red-robed evildoer thought of the spatial overlord body, one of the two overlord bodies in various rumors about Jiang Tian!

Although I don't know which kind of space overlord it is, it is obvious that the Baizhang airspace that Jiang Tian relies on to protect himself is obviously derived from this space overlord!

"It seems that your strength is stronger than I imagined, I was careless!"

The red-robed evildoer muttered to himself, but his eyes were full of fanaticism!

The more this is the case, the stronger his fighting spirit will be!

If Jiang Tian's strength is really vulnerable and he is easily defeated by him, then it will be really boring.

"Come on, let me see how many attacks you can block?"


The red-robed evildoer swung his arms wildly, and swung wildly towards the hundred-foot space.

Bang, click... 呲啦啦... Boom, boom!

The terrifying roar resounded endlessly, thousands of feet of void collapsed repeatedly, and countless space cracks evolved!

But what surprised him and all the spectators was that instead of fighting back, Jiang Tian actually stood where he was without dodging!



"Why is this?"

"What is he doing?"

"Don't you know you are invincible and don't make any struggle?"

"It's not like, he obviously still has the power to deal with it!"

Everyone was stunned!

The four pairs of monsters who had stopped fighting even moved closer to watch carefully.

They didn't understand Jiang Tian's plan either!

Obviously you can hide, why not hide?

"It can be seen that he is extremely confident in his special space domain!"

"Is this why he forcibly endured the opponent's bombardment without dodging?"

"But in my opinion, there is no such need at all!"

The evildoers couldn't figure it out for a while.

And the tens of millions of fighters who are fighting outside the God-making Void Realm are even more incomprehensible!

Although the God Constructing Realm is a million feet in size, it was specially developed for the Supernova Conference.

Therefore, it is not just an independent small interface, but also has a series of complex and subtle restrictions!

One of the benefits of this restriction is that it allows warriors outside the void to enjoy the most convenient viewing angle, so as to obtain the most ideal viewing experience!

There are a hundred evildoers fighting inside, but as long as these spectators want to, they can communicate with the mysterious restrictions of the virtual world at any time, and choose the perspective they are most interested in to watch the battle!

This is the super strength of the great master of the god-making realm!

Not only is his cultivation base terrifying, but he also has attainments beyond imagination along with formation techniques.

It is not difficult for a power of this level to open up a small plane of a million feet level, but it is not so simple to have this level of magic circle restraint effect!

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