Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6950 Bad signal!

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This is a duel in the Supernova Conference, not a martial arts competition!

It's not a contest where you fight when you want, hide when you want, and occupy until the end!


Jiang Tian ignored the roaring opponent, and once again used the "Swallowing Void Art" to swallow the second group of space storms.

The confrontation at the Supernova Conference is certainly important, but for him, the heart of martial arts that pursues becoming stronger is fundamental!

Improving strength is the most important thing!

Furthermore, the red-robed evildoer did not pose a real and strong threat to him. Of course, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to make up for it and fight foolishly with the other party.

Hum rumble!

After devouring the storm, Jiang Tian's breath fluctuated rapidly.

Waves of storm force were crazily released in all directions, causing the thousands of feet of space to become turbulent and unstable.

Under such circumstances, it would be inconvenient for the scarlet-robed evildoer to attack at close range.

Because he had to withstand the impact of the space storm before he could attack Jiang Tian.

Fortunately, he has a treasure of the immortal rank, the Chihongjian, who can launch a powerful offensive even if he is far away in the void!

"Come again!"

The monster in the red robe roared, and the magic weapon opened and closed again!

Ka Ka Ka!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The red rainbow opened and closed several times in an instant, and several red giant rainbows twisted towards Jiang Tian at the same time, trying to smash the space storm together!


Jiang Tian didn't wait for his breath to stabilize, and immediately teleported away!


The third storm engulfed the stomach!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian's breath was turbulent again, and a large number of space storms were excreted through the void hegemony, and he became the master of the storm!

Crack, crack, crack... Rumble!

The void where he had just stood was crisscrossed by several red giant rainbows, twisting and shattering crazily.

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't run, come to fight!"

The red-robed evildoer roared sharply, extremely angry!

Several times in a row, Jiang Tian was teleporting to dodge, and even ignored him.

This made him extremely furious!


This is ignoring him, even contempt!

As the first opponent of the Supernova Conference, this made him feel deeply humiliated!

Obviously, Jiang Tian is going to continue to devour the next space storm!

And the next group is also the only group left among all four space storms!

"Let you swallow!"

The red-robed evildoer predicted Jiang Tian's movements, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

The magic weapon opened and closed, and launched a frenzied strangulation towards the fourth space storm!

Ka Ka Ka Ka... Boom, boom, boom!

More than a dozen red giant rainbows exploded wildly, smashing the void in an instant!

Jiang Tian originally wanted to teleport over to devour, but he didn't expect his opponent to predict in advance and launch a strong attack.

This made his plan to devour it instantly come to naught.

But at the same time, a playful sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"The Chihong Shear is really strong!"

Jiang Tian turned his head to look at the red-robed evildoer, and said something that made the other party inexplicable with a strange expression.

Immediately, he used the "Swallowing the Void Art" to the void where more than a dozen red giant rainbows had shredded!

"Swallow again!"

Hum rumble!

The Void Swallowing Technique is launched again!

Although more than a dozen red giant rainbows crushed the space storm he originally planned to devour, they created a larger and more powerful space storm under the frantic twisting!

"Huh? Damn it!"

The monster in the red robe roared sharply, feeling like he was being plotted against!

This made him extremely furious, and raised the Chihong scissors to attack again, but he stopped the next moment!

If you continue to shoot, isn't it right in Jiang Tianxia's arms again, creating a storm for the opponent to devour and nourish?

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you dare to fight me in a fair and honest manner?"

The red-robed evildoer has already lost his temper!

Holding a treasure of the immortal rank in your hand, but fearing that the other party will take advantage of you and restrain your hands, this feeling is really irritating!

Hum rumble!

After devouring this huge space storm, Jiang Tian's whole body was filled with breath.

A large area of ​​space storm rippled from the body, and the nearly ten-thousand-foot void rippled with it!

"Damn it!"

Out of caution, the red-robed evildoer had to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

He didn't want to be in this fierce space storm, and be taken advantage of by his opponent's surprise attack.

If he lost in this situation, it would be a joke, he would definitely hit the wall with depression!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian silently felt the changes in the void hegemony, and thought that after swallowing these storms, there would be a huge improvement.

At this moment, it is discovered that although the power of the Void Dominant Body has increased, the effect is not very amazing!

"With so much power of the void, there is only this change?"

Compared with the original power, the power of the void has increased by less than 20%!

Is it so difficult to transform the Void Dominant Body?

How much power of the void does it need to accumulate to reach the critical point of transformation?

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Jiang Tian couldn't help frowning while being shocked.

Now it seems that he is still too optimistic!

I thought that if I seized such a rare opportunity to make a big tonic, it would bring about immediate changes.

But it turns out that this situation does not exist!

To a certain extent, the transformation of the Void Hegemony is the same as his bloodline spiritual power, requiring an extremely huge accumulation.

The total amount required for transformation is also beyond imagination!


Jiang Tian nodded slightly, expressing the depression in his heart.

The more power needed, the stronger the power after the overlord body transforms.

Essentially, this is a good thing!

It's just that the process required for transformation may be relatively long.

After he figured this out, he no longer bothered with the details in front of him.

Turn around and look at the red-robed evildoer!

The opponent has already retreated thousands of feet away, avoiding the impact of the space storm!

In fact, this level of space storm will not be difficult for the opponent, but it will indeed have some impact and increase consumption.

In other words, this is equivalent to a field of space, and the owner of the field is naturally Jiang Tian!

Fighting in the field he controls, the evil in red robes can't take advantage of it!

"Southern evildoer, that's all!"

Jiang Tian sneered and shook his head.

From being strong and arrogant at the beginning to being extremely cautious now, the red-robed evildoer has undergone a huge psychological change.

At this time, a large number of warriors who were watching the battle in the virtual realm of the gods also changed their attitudes again!

"It seems that Jiang Tian can indeed threaten the opponent!"

"No! Now it's not about Jiang Tian threatening the other party, but that the other party has already feared him!"

"This evildoer from the south is already shrinking a bit!"

"This is an extremely bad signal. There are huge uncertainties in the supernova duel. Now his fighting spirit is shaken, and his fighting spirit is bound to be turbulent!"

"That's right! The turbulent fighting spirit will inevitably affect his aura, which will eventually affect his ultimate combat power and wear down his will to win!"

"I have to say, we really underestimated Jiang Tian!"

"The suspense of this fight is back!"

Everyone exclaimed in admiration, and watched the battle with renewed spirit.

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