Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Burning Cloud Forbidden Area

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Many martial artists who once shifted their targets also turned their eyes away at this moment, and began to pay attention to this contest again!

"Jiang Tian, ​​aren't you hiding? Keep hiding!"

The red-robed evildoer is obviously furious!

Still clinging to what happened just now.

Jiang Tian sneered: "It's up to me to do what I do, and I didn't tell you to stop shooting. Why are you hiding so far away?"

"You..." The corners of the red-robed evildoer's mouth twitched, his face extremely ugly.

"Hmph, you know what to ask!"

Of course, what he was afraid of was not Jiang Tian himself, but the space storm that swept through the void.

The storm itself is not enough to injure him, but it will greatly consume his combat power, making it impossible for him to fight calmly.

"Hey! Just a space storm will drive you back ten feet away. If I don't stop these storms, won't you never dare to make a move?"

"You... you are arrogant!"

The red-robed evildoer was completely angry!


This is blatant humiliation!

He couldn't bear it any longer, and if he endured it any longer, cracks would appear in his Dao heart!

"Jiang Tian, ​​defeat me!"

The monster in the red robe roared and rushed towards Jiang Tian fiercely.

The magic weapon in his hand opened and closed, and the red giant rainbows twisted down again.

And he changed his previous wait-and-see attitude, no longer waiting for the result of Chi Hong's attack, and rushed towards Jiang Tian non-stop!


With a wild swing of his left hand, a burning red cloud filled the void, covering Jiang Tian directly!

"Ranyun forbidden area, give me the town!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the Burning Cloud Forbidden Area is his special domain method!

Under the cover of this field, even those who are stronger than him, their combat power will be greatly suppressed.

Jiang Tian's combat power is basically comparable to his, and if he is suppressed by this field, it is impossible to be his opponent.

This match, Jiang Tian will lose!

"bring it on!"


Jiang Tian's breath soared, and the Void Dominance instantly unfolded, heading straight for the Burning Cloud Forbidden Domain in mid-air!

Bang, click... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the Void Hegemony showed great strength, forcibly withstood the suppression of the Burning Cloud Forbidden Domain.

Void hegemony!

The domain supported by the void super body has the same will and the same powerful power as the void super body!

In this field, Jiang Tian is the master!

Unless the cultivation base is strong enough to crush Jiang Tian with one palm, it is almost impossible to suppress him in this field!

"Huh? Give me the town!"

The red-robed evildoer saw Jiang Tian's space domain, but he didn't know the real details of the void hegemony.

Seeing that the offensive was blocked, he frantically urged the forbidden zone of the burning cloud to launch an attack.

He intends to use a powerful offensive to crush that Baizhang field!

However, his shot is doomed to be in vain!

Although the void hegemony is only a hundred feet in size, it is a space of its own, leaving him helpless!

Bang, click... Boom!

The burning red cloud crazily devoured the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the tens of thousands of feet of space, forming a terrifying vortex of spiritual energy that poured back endlessly.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

With such a consumption rate, how long can the aura of heaven and earth in this void last?

This is really a huge waste!

If these auras of heaven and earth were given to him, they would definitely increase a lot of bloodline spiritual power!


The scarlet-robed enchanting magic weapon opens and closes, making wild moves.

Crack, crack, crack... Rumble!

A series of red giant rainbows twisted and came, and the Baizhang Void Dominant Body received a strong impact, and began to become turbulent and unstable.

There is no way, after all, this is a treasure of the immortal rank, and it is a treasure for attacking.

No matter how strong the space hegemony is, it is impossible to ignore the continuous attacks of these heavy treasures.

When he was about to be breached, Jiang Tian flickered and rushed straight into the burning cloud forbidden area suspended above!


The corners of the red-robed evildoer's eyes shrank suddenly, and he was taken aback!

What is this doing?

Isn't Jiang Tian stupid?

Do you want to take the initiative to seek defeat by plunging headlong into his Burning Cloud Forbidden Area?

After the momentary shock, the red-robed evildoer fell into ecstasy!

"Hahahaha! Jiang Tian, ​​are you looking for an excuse for your defeat to save a little bit of face? Tell you, it's useless!"

In his opinion, Jiang Tian probably couldn't hold on anymore, but he didn't want to admit defeat directly.

That's why I used this method to "find some trouble" for myself, and then I lost.

Compared with taking the initiative to admit defeat and being defeated in embarrassment, this is more heroic and brave.

At least in front of many spectators, he can gain a reputation for being brave and powerful, so this defeat is obviously not so ugly!

But does it work?

Of course it didn't work!

Once he enters the restricted area of ​​Burning Cloud, he can decide everything!

Just now, the Burning Cloud Forbidden Realm couldn't get close to the Void Hegemony Territory, but now he's taking the initiative to join it, he's just asking for embarrassment!


"Give me town!"

The red-robed evildoer squeezed the formula with his left hand and urged him with all his strength.


The huge burning fire cloud crazily rolled backwards, and the aura of heaven and earth poured in at a faster speed, making his aura even stronger!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​this contest is over, you have already lost!"

The forbidden area of ​​Burning Cloud has shrunk sharply, and the coercion that erupted has become more and more terrifying!

Under this level of pressure, it was almost impossible for Jiang Tian to break free, let alone turn defeat into victory!

it's over!

This contest is finally over!

While there was some drama in the way he won, it was a win anyway!

"not bad, very good!"

At this time, Jiang Tian, ​​under the cover of the void hegemony, calmly scanned the scene of the burning cloud forbidden area.

It has to be said that the power of the essence poured from tens of thousands of feet of void spiritual energy is really not to be missed!

It's just that it's somewhat inconvenient to be separated from the void hegemony, so he withdrew from the void hegemony and used the power of the starry sky instead!

"The power of the starry sky, open!"

Buzz buzz!

Jiang Tian's body was full of stars, and countless strange lights of stars burst out!

Waves of invisible will spread to the surroundings, penetrated into the restricted area of ​​​​the burning cloud, and blended in harmony with those crazy burning auras of heaven and earth!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian spread his arms, his body was like a huge funnel, swallowing the essence of spiritual power pouring into his body with all his strength.

Also entering the body at the same time is the power of Burning Cloud Forbidden Domain!

It is highly integrated with the aura of heaven and earth, burning violently, making it difficult to separate each other!

After these powers entered the body, the most essential part was transformed into Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power.

The other parts are excreted from the body under the power of the Void Dominant Body!

Hum rumble!

At the center of the Burning Cloud Forbidden Area, two strange scenes, one positive and the other negative, formed!

On the positive side is the aura of heaven and earth poured in madly. After burning wildly in the forbidden area of ​​​​Ranyun, it turns into the essence of spiritual power and pours it into Jiang Tian's body.

What is discharged in the opposite direction is the spiritual power storm after removing the power of the essence, mainly fire spiritual power, which is the power of the Burning Cloud Forbidden Domain itself!

"Well, what is he doing?"

The red-robed evildoer thought that the overall situation had been settled, and even wanted to sit on the sidelines with arms folded, waiting for Jiang Tian to lose.

But he soon discovered that that was not the case!

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