Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6952 Genenbune

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At this time, Jiang Tian is using some special method, and it seems that he is not suppressed by the burning cloud forbidden area?

"Hiss, not good!"

The red-robed evildoer activated the Burning Cloud Forbidden Area to feel a little bit, and his expression changed drastically!

The power of the Burning Cloud Forbidden Area is rapidly declining, and the aura of heaven and earth pouring in from all directions is also rapidly draining away!

Where did they go?

Of course it's in Jiang Tian's body!

Ka Ka Ka!

The monster in the red robe clacked his hands, and his face became extremely ugly!

Jiang Tian was actually supplementing again, and he was supplementing with the help of his power in the Burning Cloud Forbidden Area.


He once again felt a great humiliation!

This opponent seemed to be able to turn his offensive into a benefit for himself to supplement himself crazily.

Calling back and forth, he is the co-author to help Jiang Tian practice and improve?

"Ranyun Forbidden Area, blast me!"

The red-robed evildoer was completely enraged!

The Burning Cloud Forbidden Area obviously cannot suppress the opponent, and if this continues, all his efforts will be a wedding dress for the opponent.

With a violent swing of his left hand, he blatantly detonated the Burning Cloud Forbidden Area!

Rumble... bang, click, click!

Although the Burning Cloud Forbidden Area has been repeatedly shrunk, only a thousand feet is left.

But within the range of thousands of feet, the power of the entire forbidden area and the aura of heaven and earth poured in from a huge amount.

Its self-destruct power is terrifying!

Boom, boom... 呲啦啦啦!


The self-detonation power of Burning Cloud Forbidden Area tore through the void, and the terrifying space storm spread towards the void of tens of thousands of feet. The scene was extremely terrifying!


"Oh My God!"

"He actually blew himself up!"

"is this necessary?"

"Doing this, wouldn't it become a life and death battle?"

"No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, how can he resist such a terrifying self-destruction?"

"Impossible, he can't resist it!"

"Jiang Tian is too reckless, he shouldn't have entered the opponent's domain!"

"No way, he can only bear the price for his recklessness!"

Outside the Realm of God Creation, countless warriors sighed, feeling worthless for Jiang Tian.

It is not that there is no chance to continue to deal with the opponent, and it is even possible to achieve the feat of turning defeat into victory.

But all these possibilities were lost because of his recklessness!

In the self-destructed Burning Cloud Forbidden Area, Jiang Tian was seriously injured, and may even have fallen!

In the void of the gods, in the void in the distance.

The elders of the supernova conference who supervised the battle also frowned slightly at this moment, and hesitated to speak.

The power of this level of evildoer's self-destruction domain is no small feat!

Not to mention opponents of the same level, even opponents who are a level higher are in it, and it is difficult to escape!


"This person had a chance to enter the second round!"

"Maybe we can go further... It's really a pity!"

Several war supervisor elders shook their heads and sighed, leaving deep regret in their hearts.

But such things are unavoidable at the Supernova Conference.

Although life-and-death fights are not allowed in the conference, in fact, people have accidentally died in previous conferences, and serious injuries are not uncommon.

This is the cruelty of martial arts, an unavoidable problem!

If you can't even bear this, how can you deal with all kinds of dangerous situations in your long martial arts career?

Since you have chosen the path of martial arts, you must be prepared to bear these costs!

This is the awareness that every warrior must have!

Hum rumble!

Suddenly, there was a strange noise in the collapsing void!



"what sound?"

The elders who supervised the battle looked over there, and immediately released the full power of their spiritual sense!

In the void that had already burst, there is a special space standing still!

"This is the space field!"

"Space hegemony?"

"How can it be!"

The induction from the divine sense shocked them deeply!

This unmoving space is exactly the space domain.

And being able to support such a powerful space domain and forcibly withstand the power of self-destruction of the Burning Cloud Forbidden Domain is obviously a powerful means for Jiang Tian's space hegemony.

"Even the self-destruction of Burning Cloud's Forbidden Area can survive, Jiang Tian's space dominance is really amazing!"

"His space overlord is definitely not an ordinary space overlord, much stronger than I imagined!"

"It's over!" A supervising elder said suddenly, attracting the surprised gazes of the two companions on the left and right!

"it's over?"

"Yes, it's over!" The elder who supervised the war nodded heavily, without much explanation.

The faces of the two companions changed, thoughtful.

They understood immediately!

The so-called end did not mean that Jiang Tian was defeated, but that the competition had lost its original suspense.

Jiang Tian's ability to block the self-destruction of Burning Cloud Forbidden Area is enough to prove his super strength.

In this case, even if the opponent has the blessing of the fairy treasure, it will be difficult to defeat him again!

"I don't agree!"

The scarlet-robed evildoer roared sharply, unable to accept this astonishing fact!

He didn't hesitate to attack the field of self-explosion, but he failed to defeat Jiang Tian, ​​and even failed to severely damage the opponent!

This is too exaggerated, and for him, it is a completely unacceptable situation.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you can't win!"

The red-robed evildoer suddenly swallowed a pill with fire marks on its surface.


The elixir exploded immediately after entering his stomach, causing his aura to soar wildly, abruptly reaching the middle stage of the original god realm!

Originally, he was only in the early stage of the original god realm, but now his combat power has soared sharply, which has exceeded the limit he should have!

"Mysterious Flame Pill!"

"The elixir that forcibly improves the cultivation level in a short period of time will have a huge backlash!"

"This kid is also decisive!"

The three supervisory elders had different expressions, but there was light in their eyes again.

With the swallowing of the Xuanyan Pill, this contest that was supposed to be over was given suspense once again!


The red-robed evildoer rushed towards Jiang Tian like a Vulcan.

"Forcibly improve cultivation?"

Jiang Tian thought of the Profound Dragon Pill that the Lord of Bailian City gave him.

Although the cultivation base can be forcibly improved in a short period of time, the backlash is huge afterwards, and it can be said that the harm outweighs the benefit.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to use it.

The red-robed evildoer obviously realized that the defeat was unavoidable, so in order to create a miracle, he had no choice but to do so.


Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his face full of disdain.

Even if the opponent devoured the Xuanyan Pill and forcibly improved his cultivation, it was useless.

After all, he had beheaded all the strong men in the late stage of the original god realm, so why should he be afraid of a mid-stage original god realm monster who was temporarily promoted through the elixir?

Even if the strength of this opponent is much higher than that of ordinary original gods, it doesn't make much difference to him.

"Swallowing the elixir to stimulate the potential of the bloodline, the price for you is really not small, come, let me cool you down!"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, white cold flames filled the void!

Xuanbing banned fire!

Hiss... Boom!

Wherever the forbidden fire goes, the void is frozen!

This is a forbidden fire that has been transformed several times, and its power has reached an astonishing level, enough to instantly freeze the original god-level powerhouse.

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