Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6953--Andrew Sky Flame Emperor Lineage

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Ka Ka Ka!

The evildoer in the red robe rushed into the forbidden fire of the black ice, his body froze, and he turned into an iceman in an instant!

"Huh?" His divine sense will not be frozen, but his body cannot move.

I am terrified at this moment!

The bursts of strange cold power were like a terrifying claw, pressing down on his bloodline spiritual power, causing him to be terribly suppressed when he forcibly increased his combat power without hesitating to suffer backlash.

"Damn! Damn!"

The red-robed evildoer roared in his heart, but there was nothing he could do for a while!

He never expected that his mad attack at any cost would be suppressed by a strangely cold flame!

But he is not completely helpless!

"Blood vision, open it for me!"


With a thought, the body of the red-robed evildoer trembled violently, and he was about to get rid of the suppression of the black ice forbidden fire!


Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, somewhat surprised.

Although the power of the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire has been transformed several times, it is obvious that the opponents on the stage like the Supernova Conference are still quite strong.

In the case of being frozen by the forbidden fire, he can even forcibly activate the blood vision!


Amidst the loud roar, a strange cloud of fire appeared in midair!

This is the bloodline phenomenon of the evildoer in red robe!

"What bloodline is this?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

Although he had fought against the opponent for a while, he still hadn't figured out the details of the opponent's blood.

Because of this bloodline, it was also the first time he had seen it.

It seems to be of fire blood, but it doesn't seem to be exactly!

What exactly is it?

"Tianyan Emperor Vein, this is Tianyan Emperor Vein!"

"So it's this kind of bloodline, its rank is second only to the god-level bloodline!"

"God-level bloodlines allow warriors to break through without hindrance all the way to the level of the gods. Although the emperor's veins are slightly inferior, if they cultivate to a high level, it is not impossible to transform into the gods!"

"He already possesses the cultivation base of the original God Realm, that is to say, he doesn't need the transformation of bloodline to advance. In other words, once his bloodline undergoes transformation in the follow-up practice, the potential will be no less than that of the innate god-level bloodline!"

The elders who supervised the battle were amazed again and again, and the countless warriors who were fighting outside the God's Void Realm shouted wildly, shocked and astonished!

"The Emperor Tianyan's bloodline is actually this kind of bloodline!"

"The power of this bloodline is terrifying, and it is even better against the power of the strange cold!"

"It seems that Jiang Tian is going to waste all his efforts!"

The audience shouted wildly, everyone's hearts seemed to be tightly grasped, and even breathing was extremely tense!


The suspense that disappeared again and again, it came back again!

Now comes the most tense moment!

Everyone understands that this combination is enough to determine the final outcome!

Who will be the final winner?

To know, it depends on the last blow!

"Sky Flame Emperor Vein?"

Feeling the amazing fire spiritual power and the tyrannical blood will emanating from that strange fire cloud, Jiang Tian couldn't help admiring it.

If Weifeng and Weiyu are still there, this vision will be an excellent nourishment for their fire attribute homologous blood.

Maybe they can take this opportunity to break through the bottleneck and make it to the next level!

It's a pity... Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed bitterly, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Since he was separated from the two in the "Critical Dao Domain", he has not found any useful clues or reliable news so far.

The only clue is the bad news and blow from Longdie!

Is Wei Feng really dead?

Where did Wei Yu go?

Whether the spirit swallowing mouse is alive or dead, what is the current situation?

All kinds of thoughts can't stop rushing to my heart, rolling in my heart like waves.

Objectively speaking, the Critical Dao Domain is an out-and-out place of opportunity for him.

But at the same time, it is also a place of surprise, even a place of sadness!

There, although he got several chances of Heavenly Dao, he made great progress in cultivation.

But at the same time, they also lost the two sisters Weifeng and Weiyu, as well as the soul-swallowing mouse!

If possible, he would rather give up those opportunities, and even take some cultivation and treasures, in exchange for the return of the two sisters and the Soul-Tuning Mouse!

It's a pity that time can't be repeated, there are no ifs in the world!

What has happened, even if it is unacceptable, you have to face the reality!

"Wait for me...wait for me!"

Jiang Tian roared up to the sky, and let out a frightening roar!

At this moment, the faces of the three supervising elders all changed, and they felt a strong killing intent from his roar!

"Huh?" The face of the red-robed evildoer who was about to be imprisoned suddenly changed, feeling very uneasy!

Although the fight was short, Jiang Tian was extremely calm from the beginning to the end, and it could even be said to be an understatement.

But at this moment, he felt a chill from the roar!

"Quick, quick!"

The red-robed evildoer roared furiously in his heart, frantically urging the blood vision from the air, ready to forcibly escape from the predicament.

At this moment, a scene that made him despair appeared!

"Is it the Tianyan emperor vein? It's a pity that it's useless!"

Jiang Tian clenched his right hand, and punched the red-robed evildoer shrouded in the forbidden fire!

"Hole Fist!"

Click... bang!

The purple light burst and roared!

"Pfft... wow!"

Before the body of the monster in red robe thawed out, he was sent flying thousands of feet away by the volley.

He vomited blood and screamed all the way, and his breath dropped sharply!

"Damn... no!"

The red-robed evildoer did not fall, but was injured.

And the injury is serious!

He swallowed the realm forcibly raised by Xuanyan Pill, and began to slide rapidly from the middle stage of the original god realm, returning to the original early stage of the original god realm.

But it's not over!

Soon, he fell down the barrier of the original god realm and returned to the half-step original god realm!


"It was defeated, and it was a complete defeat!"

"It's more than just defeat. His foundation will be damaged. I'm afraid he won't be able to recover without more than half a year!"

The three supervising elders shook their heads one after another, feeling sorry for this red-robed evildoer.

They have no sympathy for each other, let alone the slightest pity.

Side is the normal state of the Supernova Conference, something that will inevitably happen and can never be avoided.

If they couldn't even bear this price, it would be impossible for these young monsters to come to this stage.

Although it is a bit regrettable, in their view, the injury of the red-robed evildoer does not end there.

After all, the medicinal power of Xuanyan Pill has not completely faded, and the red-robed evildoer must still have some basic means of stabilizing his cultivation and temporarily sealing his injuries.

Even if it has been defeated, it is impossible to completely collapse.

Just as they expected, after a burst of screams, the scarlet-robed evildoer suddenly grabbed a few blood-colored pills, stuffed them into his mouth, and began to chew!

Crack bang bang!


The elixir melted at the entrance, and then turned into a torrent and poured into the meridians to nourish his body and repair his injuries.

His cultivation realm also quickly stopped, no longer falling!

"Are you still going to fight?"

A war supervisor asked solemnly.


Of course, the red-robed evildoer is not willing to lose just like that!

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