Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

Because his blood vision is still there, he can still fight!

But his strength was nothing more than that, even if he could make a bold move, there was really little hope.

He knows this better than anyone else!

"And you?"

The elder supervisor turned his gaze to Jiang Tian.

The red-robed evildoer is obviously still hesitating, so it depends on Jiang Tian.

If Jiang Tian didn't want to fight, then there was really no need to drag this competition any longer.

Because the overall situation has been decided, no matter whether he fights or not, Jiang Tian is the winner!

The only difference is that if you want to fight, the red-robed evildoer will only be injured more severely and lose even worse!

Jiang Tian glanced at the elder supervisor, but did not answer.

At this moment, he was staring closely at the strange fire cloud suspended in mid-air - the blood vision of the red-robed evildoer!

The scarlet-robed evildoer resorted to this method, and originally wanted to fight with him to decide the outcome!

But he didn't expect that Jiang Tian would not give him the slightest chance at all, and at the moment before he thawed out of the trap, he punched out to seal the victory!

This makes the blood vision that he fully stimulated loses its meaning, it can be said that the work is useless!

And at the same time when the red-robed evildoer was severely injured by his punch, the seemingly tyrannical blood vision appeared to fluctuate!

Its scale is rapidly shrinking, and its aura is also rapidly declining!

What is the reason?

Because it has lost the strong cultivation support of the red-robed evildoer, so the decline is inevitable!

After a short consideration, Jiang Tian opened his mouth and swallowed hard!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow!"

Hum rumble!

The Void Swallowing Art unfolded in an instant, and the powerful space force swept across and swallowed up the opponent's fire cloud vision!


At this time, the red-robed evildoer just let out a sullen breath!

Benefited from the nourishment of the secret elixir he swallowed just now, his injury has been stabilized quickly, and he is recovering quickly under the impetus of the elixir!

His realm is recovering!

From the half-step of the original god realm, it began to climb step by step towards the initial stage of the original god realm!

He was originally in the original god state, and there would be no obstacles in recovering from the injured state at this moment.

As long as the blood and spiritual power are fully charged, his cultivation can return to the original god state at any time!

Just when he had already stepped into the original God Realm with one foot, and was about to regain his normal combat power, a scene that shocked him appeared!


Hum rumble!

The void is violently turbulent!

The powerful space force swept across, and his vision of fire cloud was swallowed up by Jiang Tian!

"Huh? Hiss, it's not good... what are you doing?"

"Ah... no! My bloodline vision!"

The body of the red-robed evildoer shook violently, and his cultivation base, which was about to return to its original state, quickly fell again.

It felt like stepping on the ground, and then began to fall rapidly, falling into the abyss!

"My blood vision... no!"

The evildoer in the red robe shouted fiercely, full of remorse and resentment in his hatred!

He never thought that Jiang Tian could have such a means, and could forcibly swallow his blood vision!

Aren't you afraid of being hit back by the violent Emperor Yan's bloodline?


"He actually devoured the opponent's blood vision!"


The three supervising elders were astonished!

No matter what level of contest it is, it is extremely rare to directly devour the vision of blood vessels!

Because this in itself entails a great risk!

The power of the blood vision is extremely violent, not to mention whether it has the ability to devour it, even if it has it, it will face a strong backlash.

Even if the opponent is injured and defeated, the power of the vision should not be underestimated!

If you are not careful, you will suffer a strong backlash!

At the least, the blood vessels are disordered and the spiritual power is out of control; at the worst, the foundation is greatly damaged and the cultivation base is completely useless!

The most frightening situation is triggering a bloody riot, or even igniting one's own spiritual power, resulting in exploding and dying!

"Isn't he afraid of being backlashed?"

"Afraid? Looking at his calm face, it seems that he has done it more than once?"

"It's no wonder that if this son's cultivation base is strong, it's because of this!"

The three supervising elders looked at each other, shocked in their hearts!

Devouring the bloodline vision is indeed a simple and crude but super-effective tonic method, which can greatly improve the strength in a short period of time, and promote breakthroughs and advancements.

However, the most important thing is to be able to withstand its backlash, otherwise doing so is asking for trouble.

But obviously, Jiang Tian has such an ability, not only dares to devour, but also not afraid of being backlashed!

This allows him to put aside his worries and forcibly devour the other party's blood vision!

"My blood vision, return it to me!"

Regardless of the rapidly falling realm, the red-robed evildoer roared and rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​trying to regain the blood vision.

Jiang Tian's face was expressionless, and the breath around his body didn't seem to be floating, so he kept his opponent at a thousand feet away, so that he couldn't get closer!


This is blatant contempt!

The red-robed evildoer knew this, but he couldn't do anything about it!

Because he has fallen to the late stage of the Starry Sky Realm, even the realm is still unstable, and there are signs of continuing to fall.

With his current situation, he can't even beat a normal late stage Starry Sky Realm, let alone a terrifying opponent like Jiang Tian!

Facing the invisible wall of spiritual power, it would be very difficult for him to even stand in place, let alone take a step forward!

"Hmm... Puff, wow!"

After holding on for a while, the red-robed evildoer vomited blood again and retreated, falling hundreds of feet away.


The realm has fallen to the middle of the starry sky realm!


"This contest can stop, let's announce the result!"

"The competition is over, Jiang Tiansheng, stop!"

The three reached a consensus and decisively announced the end of the competition.

Because here, there is no need to continue!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you passed the level!"

The elder supervisor looked at Jiang Tian with complicated eyes, full of emotion in his heart.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Tian bowed his hands to the three of them, then stepped aside.

"I don't accept...I don't accept!"

The red-robed evildoer was still roaring, his eyes were red, unwilling to be defeated.

"Is it useful? I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, you can't even beat them, so what if you don't accept!"

"Young man, you should be sober. You need to know that he is the top 6,000 evildoer on the reward list of the Taoist Palace, and he is already the new city lord of Chiyue City. Losing to him is not too humiliating to you."

"The blood vision has been taken away, what's the use of you shouting here? Go down and heal your wounds!"

Faced with the cold-eyed chase of the three supervising elders, the evildoer in red was furious and spit out a mouthful of blood again.

Although the words are harsh and the results are cruel, this is reality!

The competition ended in a fiasco, no matter how much he yelled, it was useless!

Jiang Tian ignored this defeated opponent, because it was an inconspicuous little rock on his way forward, and he still had more obstacles to overcome.

And there is no need to worry too much about a competition.

Looking at Jiang Tian's calm background, the three supervisory elders talked a lot.

"It seems that he is really not afraid of being backlashed. Maybe he has some kind of secret treasure in his hand to help devour the blood or suppress the power of backlash?"

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