Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6955 What does it have to do with me?

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"Not necessarily! Didn't you notice that he didn't choose to devour the opponent's blood vision when it was the strongest, but waited until the opponent's injury level fell to start. What does this mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"This shows that he can't bear the backlash of the blood vision in the peak state. He can only swallow it with peace of mind after the vision reaches the range he can bear!"

"Yes, you are right!"

The three nodded one after another, confirming this guess.

Because Jiang Tian's devouring time, in their opinion, there is indeed a problem.

If it is to maximize the benefits, it is better to devour it at the peak state of the vision.

Jiang Tian didn't do that, which probably shows that he doesn't have the ability to withstand the backlash of the peak vision!

"Phew! I'll just say it. Does the blood vision just swallow it?"

"This kid has hidden his hand!"


"Didn't you see that his cultivation realm should not be limited to the late stage of the Starry Sky Realm, because his various methods and actions have greatly exceeded the level that this realm should have!"

"It makes sense, so what is his realm?"

While speaking, the three of them couldn't help but let out their spiritual senses and sensed them.

Everyone was stunned the next moment!

Jiang Tian's state is indeed in the late stage of the original god state!

But they just don't feel right!

"There is a problem, there must be a problem!"

"He must have hidden his realm, which is almost certain!"

"Yes, even we can't see through it, it seems that his methods are quite clever!"

Elder Supervisor Zhan looked at Jiang Tian with even more different eyes!

At the beginning, they also believed that Jiang Tian would be defeated, but now they found that they couldn't see through Jiang Tian!

No wonder this evildoer from Chiyue City was able to rise to the position of more than 5,000 on the reward list in a short period of time.

He does have some special skills and hole cards!

And this time, he obviously didn't use his full strength!

"Potential, he still has potential to be tapped, and this potential may be great!"

"Everyone present is the young generation of Daoyu who is extremely evil, and everyone is very shrewd. After this scene, Jiang Tian will no longer be underestimated by anyone!"

"So, his advantage that was underestimated by others no longer exists!"

The elder supervisor made some comments on Jiang Tian, ​​and also looked forward to the follow-up competition.

at the same time!

Outside the Realm of Creation of Gods, countless warriors became restless!

"Jiang Tian won, he actually won!"

"Is this strange? This is the first round, and the thirty opponents are all weaker opponents!"

"Do you really think that their strength is poor? The monsters from the east, south, and west directions, which one is really bad?"

"It's not that the opponent is too bad, but that Jiang Tian is too strong, beyond expectation!"

Outside the void, everyone was exclaiming, and everyone was expressing their opinions and venting their inner wonder.

And before hundreds of thousands of gambling tables, everyone looked at the strange scholar differently!

Originally full of disdain, but now it is more surprised and questioned!

"How do you know he's going to win?"

"Do you know him well?"

"How much do you know about him?"

Faced with inquiries from countless shopkeepers, elders, and deacons, the strange scholar was full of sarcasm.

"What does it matter to me whether he wins or not?"


Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

"Jiang Tian's victory or defeat has nothing to do with you?"

"You obviously bet heavily on Jiang Tian!"

"Are you taking us for fools?"

Everyone pointed to the gambling account and said loudly.

The strange scholar shook his head and sneered: "I bought the last game of the last round. Is it related to me whether I win or not?"


Everyone was at a loss for words!

At first glance, this seems to be no problem, but if you think about it carefully, the logic is wrong!

"What bullshit?"

"Jiang Tian wants to fight to the last match, then he must pass the previous level first!"

"If you can't even pass this level, what are you talking about about the last round, the last game?"

"I think you are out of your mind to say such nonsense!"

Everyone mocked.

The strange scholar was not annoyed, and asked with a sneer, "So did he win this round?"

"Of course he..."


Faced with the strange scholar's rhetorical question, everyone was completely dumbfounded!


The point is that Jiang Tian won!

That's why it's strange that the scholar can be so confident and act good when he gets a bargain.

If Jiang Tian loses, the huge amount of spirit crystals he bet on will be in vain at this moment!

It's a pity that there is no if!

Because Jiang Tian has passed the first level, leaving the suspense in the next round!


On the hundreds of thousands of gambling tables, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling as if someone had strangled their necks and gambled.

I can't say anything, I feel so uncomfortable!

Bang, click... Boom!

Puff puff puff... wow!

There was another roar in the territory of Zao Shenxu, accompanied by a violent bang, more than a dozen figures fell and flew one after another.

The winners and losers were determined one after another. Excluding Jiang Tian, ​​most of the remaining twenty-nine northern evildoers were defeated!

Some of them should have been defeated long ago, and it was only because some people were paying attention to Jiang Tian's match that they wasted a little time.

Especially for the few pairs of fighters who were close to each other, the two sides had a tacit understanding and did not rush to fight, and the real duel started after Jiang Tian's game was decided.

"If you lose, you will lose after all!"

"Damn it, it's almost there!"

"I'm not reconciled!"

"It's useless, they are too strong, and they haven't tried their best, so it's useless for us to fight!"

More than a dozen northern evildoers shook their heads and sighed bitterly, extremely disappointed.

But this is a contest of strength, and the result is that there is no other way.

I can only admit it!

"Jiang Tian, ​​congratulations!"

"You fought for our northern city!"

"I know you still have potential, play hard in the next round, and try to beat them again!"

"Even if you really can't beat them, you still have to peel off their skin and vent your anger on us northern warriors!"

Everyone waved their fists to cheer for Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian looked calm.

"Everyone has worked hard. Next, I will do my best."

"Next... go all out?"


Hearing Jiang Tian's return, everyone's faces were a little weird, and they were even more unhappy.

Listening to this, in the contest just now, Jiang Tian didn't use his full strength at all, and didn't even take it seriously?

Compared with them who fought hard but failed miserably, Jiang Tian's words are really embarrassing!

"Don't worry, there are still more than a dozen games that are not over yet, I think someone will pass the test!"

Jiang Tian said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, there were a few more games to decide the winner!

The first scene was his old acquaintance, Song Yuan!

"Void Rebellion!"

Song Yuan resorted to the tricks used in Bailian City, placing the opponent in a twisted and turbulent void, forcing the opponent to take the initiative to admit defeat!

His opponent, a western evildoer in a blue robe, had a livid face and was obviously extremely dissatisfied.

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