Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"His combat power is very strong, and almost no one can break through with the same level of defense power!"

"It's a pity that this is not the coercion of the same level, but the strong pressure of the supervising elders. It is normal to be unable to bear it!"

"Unfortunately, his physical body is still not strong enough, and this kind of pressure is even more advantageous for warriors with strong physical bodies!"

"No way, the rules are like this, we can only adapt to it, not let it adapt to us!"

Everyone sighed with emotion, and they were almost unable to withstand the pressure!

Among the remaining seven northern warriors, Jiang Tian and Song Yuan were naturally the most relaxed.

They have all practiced space power, and it doesn't take much to bear this kind of pressure.

But the way the two bear it is completely different!

Song Yuan urged the power of space to shroud his body, relieving the pressure of the supervising elders, and it seemed very relaxed.

Jiang Tian didn't even use the power of space, and directly carried it with his physical body!

"Brother Jiang, you..."

Song Yuan looked at Jiang Tian, ​​hesitant to speak.

"It's nothing, just exercise your body."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

Crack... bang bang bang!

As the pressure continued to increase, there were bursts of abnormal noises like firecrackers in Jiang Tian's body.

Obviously, the coercion brought down by the elders is not so easy to bear!

But this change doesn't seem to be enough to overwhelm him.

Jiang Tian didn't even change his face in the slightest!

"If I had Jiang Tian's physical strength, I would definitely be able to go further!"

Song Yuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Brother Song can step into the early stage of the original god realm in a short period of time, and his cultivation base can enter the realm faster than me. He should have greater expectations for his goal!"

Jiang Tian said with a smile.

Since the fight in Bailian City until now, the two can be regarded as old acquaintances.

Fighting side by side here is also a special kind of fate.

"Hahaha, Brother Jiang was joking. In many cases, the realm does not represent the real combat power. If I could suppress the realm, I would not choose to step into the original god realm before the Supernova Conference. Unfortunately, I have no choice!"

Song Yuan shook his head and smiled wryly, deeply laughing at himself.

Although martial artists yearn for a higher realm and stronger cultivation, sometimes there will be a little conflict between the two.

At this time, it is up to the warriors to make their own choices!

Normally speaking, a higher state does represent a higher level of cultivation.

But many evil geniuses will deliberately suppress the realm in order to consolidate their foundation and gain stronger hard power in the follow-up practice.

Because this kind of suppression is a way of sacrificing the state in a short period of time in exchange for a more solid foundation and a combat power far exceeding the same level.

For warriors, the benefits are even greater!

The most obvious benefit is the leapfrog combat power!

Accumulated for a long time, it can even make the leapfrog combat power reach an extremely exaggerated level!

Therefore, as long as conditions permit, most of the evil geniuses like to suppress the realm, and will not blindly pursue advancement.

Song Yuan also thought so when he was in Bailian City!

But after meeting Jiang Tian, ​​he knew that he could no longer suppress the realm!

Unless he completely gave up this Supernova Conference, he must seek advancement as quickly as possible, so as to exchange for powerful combat power through realm improvement.

Only in this way can we catch up and squeeze in before the door of the Supernova Conference is closed!

He did!

In order to avoid Jiang Tian, ​​a powerful opponent, he fled all the way and left the territory of Chiyue City.

Arrive at Hengfeng City and seize the quota of that super city!

Thus miraculously stood on the stage of the Supernova Conference and met Jiang Tian again!

"Brother Jiang, maybe we will have a second fight in the future, and I will not be polite!" Song Yuan said with a smile, his eyes were full of fighting spirit!

"Don't worry, I won't hold back either!" Jiang Tian smiled and nodded.

There is nothing more exciting than letting go and fighting!

Although the former Song Yuan was his defeated opponent, the current Song Yuan is indeed a formidable opponent!

"I know that Brother Jiang still has reservations, so I hope that Brother Jiang can use your strongest means to let me feel your true background!"

Jiang Tian smiled mysteriously: "It depends on your ability!"

"Hahahaha, I'm sure I won't disappoint Brother Jiang!" Song Yuan laughed out loud.

But this scene made the evildoers around them sigh with emotion.

"They... can still laugh?"

"The coercion of the elders...doesn't it...have any effect on them?"

"These two northern... monsters are really... very strong!"

" must be vigilant against him...they!"

Several of the monsters from the east, south, and west were about to be overwhelmed.

Seeing Jiang Tian and Song Yuan so calm, they felt extremely depressed.

Although this unit is not a face-to-face contest, under the coercion released by the elders, everyone's strength level is undoubtedly exposed.

At least so far, Jiang Tian and Song Yuan are better than them!

"Jiang Tian, ​​Song Yuan, we can't hold on anymore!"

"You... must win glory for the evildoers in the north!"

"Let me tell you first... Puff, wow!"

Several northern evildoers were already injured. Although they had recovered a lot after taking the elixir, they still had a lot of impact.

They could no longer withstand the enormous coercion unleashed by the supervisory elders, and five of them were eliminated one after another!

Puff puff puff... wow!

The five people were directly pressed to the ground, and crawled away from the area, looking extremely embarrassed!

After climbing out, they quickly turned over and stood up, wryly smiling again and again.

"After a round of fighting, it's still useless!"

"After all, it's been here, and it's not too regrettable!"

"I really can't believe that there is such a big gap between our strength and theirs!"

Some people's eyes were red, and when they shook their heads, tears flowed out.

Jiang Tian and Song Yuan acted so relaxed and comfortable, but they couldn't even forcefully support them!

Not to mention, the dozens of super evildoers in the east, south, and west are existences that they cannot defeat!

They come from super cities one after another, and all of them are the pride of heaven!

All of them have great opportunities and great luck, and they think that the future of martial arts is infinitely bright!

But in the face of the cold facts, they who have always been extremely proud were shocked and felt extremely uncomfortable!

"Extreme evildoer, super genius, we... really count?"

"I used to be full of confidence in myself, but now... I find that they are the real super monsters and super geniuses!"

"In comparison, we are indeed inferior!"

Several people looked at each other and laughed miserably.

They have always regarded themselves as the ultimate monsters, but with this cruel defeat, their stable state of mind began to shake!

The atmosphere was somewhat depressed, but after a moment of depression, they suddenly woke up!

"Cheer up, although we have been eliminated, no matter how bad we are, we are still new martial arts stars who have come out of the super city!"

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