Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6958 The second unit!

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"Even if we are not real supernovas, we still have a great future in martial arts!"

"That's right, we shouldn't be discouraged, but we should be more and more courageous!"

Everyone cheered up and waited and watched this special contest.

"Six, plus we have already eliminated six!"

"Among the six, except for the five of us, only one is a monster from the south!"

"I have to say, they are indeed too strong!"

"There will be four more eliminated next, who will it be?"

They looked at Jiang Tian and Song Yuan, and found that they had been relatively relaxed so far.

From the looks of it, it is unlikely that he will be eliminated!

So will the next four eliminaters appear in the east, south, and west camps?

Very likely!

After all, in the first round of competition, those people won't be very easy!

Bang bang... click... boom!

A violent roar suddenly sounded, and two evildoers couldn't hold on, and were crushed to the ground!

These two were the evildoers who were injured in the first round of the contest.

One is from the eastern city, and the other is from the west!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it, I don't accept it!"

The two gritted their teeth angrily, but were thrown out of the area by the elder supervisor.

"Elimination is elimination, there are no conditions to talk about!"

"Then there are two 'lucky ones', who will they be?"

The ever-increasing coercion of the supervising elders glanced down playfully.

Jiang Tian and Song Yuan obviously didn't look like they were eliminated, because they showed no sign of difficulty at all.

Then the remaining two are obviously also from the monsters who passed the first round of competition!


Accompanied by a scream, a monster in yellow robes vomited blood and fell to the ground, and began to crawl outside.

He was a passer in the first round, with some hidden injuries on his body, and he started to attack under the huge external force, and was eliminated miserably.

"Uh... poof!"

In a blink of an eye, another person vomited blood and fell to the ground, crawling out consciously with annoyance and regret.

This is a rough-looking woman!

In the first round, he passed the test strongly, crushing a northern evildoer in less than three moves, and was not injured.

But now, she couldn't hold on anymore!

"Just a little bit!"

After climbing out of this area, the rough-looking woman gritted her teeth and shouted angrily, feeling extremely remorseful.

She felt that she still had a chance, but in the first round, in order to achieve a strong victory, her shots were too violent, which made her consume a lot.

And during the rest time just now, because of a little carelessness, he didn't take enough pills, spiritual fruits, and different herbs to supplement.

After all, she was not injured, and she thought that the problem was not serious. Even if someone was eliminated, it should be those with injuries.

Unexpectedly, because of this little bit of carelessness, he was eliminated, and it was too late to regret it!

"very good!"


After ten people were eliminated, the elders quickly put away their coercion.

Hoo hoo!

Many people began to pant, obviously it was not easy just now.

"Passed, finally passed!"

"This is just the first unit, and there will be a second and third unit... and even the final battle!"

"Does anyone know what the second unit rules are?"

"The first unit is so difficult, the second unit will never be easier!"

"The real contest may be about to begin!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to catch their breath, everyone quickly took out the pill to replenish the consumed spiritual power.

Although all of them are extremely evildoers, they dare not be careless.

Especially after experiencing this round of heavy pressure and witnessing someone being eliminated due to carelessness, they dare not neglect in the slightest.

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't you need to take pills to replenish your consumption?"

Song Yuan asked while holding a milky white elixir embellished with gold patterns.

"Not for now." Jiang Tian waved his hand gently.

He was just carrying it with his physical body just now, and didn't consume any spiritual power.

The total amount of spiritual power in his bloodline was already far beyond that of ordinary people, and the fight just now was uneventful, so naturally there was no need to supplement it.

And at this time, he was silently refining the vision of the Heavenly Flame Emperor Vein swallowed into his body.

"Okay!" Song Yuan nodded, and quickly ate the elixir to replenish consumption.

"Prepare for the second unit!" The elder supervisor didn't intend to give them too much time, and immediately began to announce the rules!

"There are only 60 people left now. The rule of the second unit is to randomly select opponents and fight one by one. The selected person must not refuse, otherwise it will be regarded as abstention and eliminated directly!"

"Start picking opponents now!"

Everyone was a little surprised when the elder supervisor gave an order!

Pick your opponent?

Pick directly!

There is no need to draw lots!

Doesn't this mean that you can directly pick soft persimmons?

No one is a fool, and before the final decisive battle, it is natural to preserve the strength to the greatest extent.

As for Jiang Tian and Song Yuan, they actually already had some precautions.

So when the elder's order was issued, dozens of monsters from the east, south, and west did not choose them immediately.

Instead, they aimed at other evildoers who had passed the first round of competition, and fought frantically!

"I choose him!"

"I choose you!"

"I want to fight you!"

"You are mine!"

All of a sudden, there were wild shouts, and some people even grabbed their hands directly, tightly grasping the opponent's arms to prevent being snatched away by others.

In less than one breath, the 20 evildoers who passed the first round were all scrambled!

The only ones left in this group are Jiang Tian and Song Yuan!

But at this time, there are another 20 extremely evildoers, and the target has not been selected yet!

"These two..."

Looking at them, the twenty evildoers fell into hesitation!

It stands to reason that Jiang Tian and Song Yuan should be chosen!

After all, they are northern evildoers with limited strength, so they are easier to handle!

But they didn't make a choice hastily, because they knew that these two people were not as easy to deal with as they imagined!

After a brief hesitation, the twenty people began to look at each other.

Try to choose your opponent among these people!

But after looking around, I also feel a headache!

These people are not soft persimmons, and they are not easy to handle!

Who should I choose?

I'm afraid the results are not too different, it is a difficult duel!

"Choose your opponent within three breaths, or you will all be eliminated!"


Facing the urging of the supervising elders, the twenty monsters dare not wait any longer!

"I choose you!"

"Let's fight!"

"I want you!"

"You hit me!"

"Let's two come!"

Everyone was forced to make a choice, which they thought was the best choice.

The last remaining four fell into hesitation!

Among them, he had vowed to challenge Jiang Tian several times, but at the moment he was struggling!

"Gu Chen, don't you claim to challenge Jiang Tian who is on the reward list? He is there, why didn't you choose?"

"Gu Chen, the opportunity is right in front of you, take advantage of it!"

"Gu Chen, Jiang Tian will leave it to you, I will choose Song Yuan!"

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