Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6959 Fight Shi Yinan!

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Someone chose Song and Yuan, and they both came out.

And this super monster named Gu Chen comes from the famous super city in the west, Nord City!

As an extremely evil person who came out of Nord City, he is naturally full of confidence in himself.

But he didn't want to challenge Jiang Tian blindly, so he was secretly annoyed at this time.

However, in the fight just now, he didn't snatch others, so he was left at the end.

Song Yuan was also taken away, and there were only three opponents left for him to choose!

Jiang Tian, ​​and two other top monsters from the east and south!

Neither one is easy to play, so who should I choose?

Jiang Tian?

Gu Chen shook his head slowly, dispelling the idea.


He felt that Jiang Tian couldn't see through him. Compared with him, he would rather fight against two other people of the same strength.

"I chose you!"

Gu Chen's eyes moved away from Jiang Tian, ​​and quickly fell on the southern evildoer.

"You choose me?"

The southern evildoer who was chosen on the opposite side was also struggling.

Who should I choose?

The reaction was only a little slower, and the opponents who seemed a little weaker were all snatched away by others.

There are only so few targets left for him to choose!

Choose Jiang Tian?

For this incomprehensible opponent, he didn't want to encounter it in advance.

Because even if this battle can be won, it will definitely not be too easy.

And after a very exhausting victory, in the next one or several units, he will become more and more passive.

Therefore, Jiang Tian is obviously not an ideal choice!

But if Jiang Tian is not chosen, there are only two opponents left!

Of these two opponents, one is Gu Chen, and the other is a monster from the east!

It seems that neither of these two is worse than Jiang Tian, ​​and even obviously stronger!

This is definitely the most difficult choice he has ever faced!

While he was hesitating, Gu Chen made the choice for him!

"I chose you!" Gu Chen pointed at him, his fighting spirit surging!

"very good!"

After being selected by Gu Chen, this evildoer from the south was no longer entangled.

Since it won't be easy to choose anyone, it's all the same!

Compared with Jiang Tian, ​​who doesn't know the background, he actually knows more about Gu Chen.

It can be regarded as knowing some fundamentals of the opponent. Although I can't say how confident I am, at least the situation is a little clearer.

"You choose him, then I can only choose Jiang Tian!"

Another evildoer from the Eastern Super City looked a little dignified, with a hint of depression on his face.

Compared with Gu Chen and that southern evildoer, he was more entangled.

Originally, he also wanted to choose that southern evildoer, but with just a little hesitation, Gu Chen took the lead!

"To me, everyone is the same!" Jiang Tian said lightly.

The opponent frowned, as if hearing something special.

Everyone is the same?

"That's right, it's all the same!"

This evildoer from the Eastern Super City nodded slowly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Gu Chen and the southern evildoer beside him also sneered and nodded.


Before choosing an opponent, they still have a little bit of entanglement.

But after they were selected, they immediately relaxed and could face it calmly.

Anyway, it doesn't matter who you choose, there's only a thin line between winning and losing, so why bother so much?

"Has everyone selected an opponent?"

The elder who supervised the battle scanned the audience and asked in a deep voice.

"I've chosen!"

Sixty evildoers responded in unison, majestic!

"The duel will start immediately, and thirty matches will be played simultaneously!"

"This is the beginning?"

"So fast!"

"bring it on!"

"This should be one of the last battles leading to the final battle, and it will also be the least difficult battle in the next few units!"

"let's start!"

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Rumble... Rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the sixty evildoers fought each other against each other, and the turbulent waves of spiritual power set off and shook the God-making Void Realm!

The official Supernova Conference did not clearly set the boundaries between the fighting area and each other.

But all the evildoers knew it well, in order to avoid the interference of outsiders, they each swooped out and occupied a piece of airspace to start a big battle.

In this way, interference from other people can be avoided to the greatest extent, and various accidents and unnecessary consumption can be prevented!

"Jiang Tian, ​​your supernova conference is over!" Shi Yinan announced loudly to Jiang Tian, ​​as if he had won the victory ahead of time.

"Winning or losing is not based on words!" Jiang Tian sneered coldly.

"Hmph, it's useless even if you frantically swiped the reward list. The Supernova Conference has been going on until now, and the rest are all top monsters. Remember, the person who defeated you is Shi Yinan from the Eastern Super City Void City!"

Crack... Rumble!

Amidst the violent roar, Shi Yinan shot wildly.

Two palms overlap and press forward!

The void thousands of feet ahead collapsed instantly as if being pressed down by a terrifying magic hand!

Crack, crack, boom, boom!

The void surged wildly, as if setting off a void tsunami!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, secretly surprised!

Shi Yinan seems to be crazy, but he does have a strong confidence.

The gesture of this palm looks ordinary, but it is actually extremely powerful!

The void was easily crushed by him, and the space was raging wildly, and his strength was far stronger than his opponent in the last match, the red-robed evildoer!

If it was changed to a red-robed evildoer fighting Shi Yinan, it might be over from the beginning!

Shi Yinan will crush and win with an absolute advantage, and the red-robed evildoer will not even have a chance to make a move!

"not bad, very good!"

Instead of being surprised, Jiang Tian was overjoyed, his eyes were full of light!

Such an opponent can bring him a real challenge.

But in fact, the red-robed evildoer just now did not pose any real threat to him from the beginning to the end!

"bring it on!"

With a roar, Jiang Tian went straight to the raging waves in that space!



"Is he dying?"

Countless warriors who were outside the realm of the god-making realm exclaimed in amazement, they were extremely shocked!

The momentum of Shi Yinan's attack was too violent. In their view, it was almost invulnerable and impossible to defeat!

The strength of this person is obviously much higher than that of the red-robed evildoer in the previous round!

Defeating Jiang Tian in the red robe will not only have no advantage in front of this person, but may even be at an obvious disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Tian didn't try his best to dodge and deal with it, but even rushed forward. Did he know that he would be defeated, so he wanted to explode with all his strength while he could still make a move?

"It's not worth it, it's not worth it!"

"With his space dominance, he should be able to deal with the opponent for a while, causing a lot of consumption to the opponent!"

"That's right, it would be the wisest choice to strike back at that time!"

"It's really unwise for him to directly choose head-to-head confrontation!"

"Maybe he has absolute self-confidence? After all, when he fought against the red-robed evildoer just now, he also staged a similar scene!"

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