Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6960 The power of the sky palm!

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"It's really possible! He has a space dominance body, and he is not afraid of space storms!"

"It seems that there is no problem in saying this, but in fact there is a huge loophole. Do you know what it is?"

"What?" Everyone looked at an old man in white robes.

The old man said solemnly: "The space overlord body is indeed powerful and can withstand space storms, but there is a difference in severity. No matter how strong his overlord body is, it is impossible to resist the power of space storms indefinitely. Facing the red-robed monster Jiang Tian may still have some strength, but facing Shi Yinan, he may really have to pay the price for his carelessness and recklessness!"

"From this point of view, he will undoubtedly lose in this match!"

"Reckless, too reckless!" Someone sighed bitterly!

"It's not reckless, it's stupid. He was dazzled by the victory just now, and he is too arrogant!"

"How could such a stupid person defeat the super powerful Shi Yinan?"

"Defeated, his journey to the Supernova Conference is over!"

Everyone is no longer optimistic about Jiang Tian, ​​thinking that he will lose quickly in the first collision with Shi Yinan!

Shi Yinan thought so too!


Is this really the case?

Not really!


The space is raging wildly, and its power is far stronger than the space storm caused by the red-robed evildoer.

And Jiang Tian still slid into it without hesitation, unfolding the Void Dominant Body and crazily devouring the void power contained in the space storm!

"Come on, be more violent!"

Jiang Tian roared up to the sky, and at this moment he didn't even pay attention to the opponent who was thousands of feet away.


He urged the Void Hegemonic Body with all his strength, devouring the berserk void power freely.

"Up, give me up!"

Jiang Tian roared crazily, feeling the growing power of the Void Dominant Body, his heart was filled with excitement!

He found that with the strengthening of the void dominance, his resistance to space storms and space cracks became stronger and stronger.

The space cracks, space storms, and even the more terrifying space waves that he could not avoid in the past, he feels very kind now, and even likes it!

"Hahahaha, come on, come on more violently!"

Jiang Tian laughed wildly, stretching his arms horizontally, and he exerted the power of the Void Dominant Body to the extreme!

"Huh? How is it possible!"

Shi Yinan was stunned by the scene in front of him!

The method he used just now is called "Raid Sky Palm", and a single palm strike can collapse the void and severely injure the opponent.

When the two palms are overlapped, the terrifying energy of "Leitian Palm" can be erupted, which is even enough to instantly bury the opponent!

But he never expected that Jiang Tian was not only not afraid of his Tianlei Palm, but even took the initiative to throw himself into it desperately.

And the scene at this moment made him even more shocked and terrifying!

Jiang Tian was laughing and shouting wildly, as if he was enjoying some pleasant opportunity?


This is simply outrageous!


Shi Yinan roared sharply, but he didn't think that Jiang Tianzhen would be able to retreat from the violent bombardment of Lei Tianzhang.

After all, with the terrifying power of Lei Tianzhang, even opponents like Gu Chen would be severely injured if they were in it!

How could Jiang Tian survive?

But what happened next shocked him even more!

"Hahahaha, happy, happy!"

Jiang Tian screamed in the sky, extremely excited!

In the previous battle with the red-robed evildoer, although he also devoured a lot of void power, the effect was not satisfactory to him.

But now, in front of the space storm caused by Shi Yinan's collapse of the void, he felt the joy that he had not seen for a long time!

The Void Overlord Physique crazily devoured the power of the void. Under the nourishment of these forces, the Overlord Physique's physique rose step by step, reaching a level that even surprised him!

But at the same time, the power of Space Storm is also declining rapidly!

There are two reasons: one is that the power of Leitian Palm will inevitably decline rapidly after reaching its peak;

"Is this your method, you only have this ability?"

Jiang Tian looked at Shi Yinan who was thousands of feet away, and asked coldly!

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you really think you are strong?"

"Lei Tian Zhang, give me the town!"

Boom... Boom, boom, boom!

Shi Yinan folded his hands and blasted out nine palm prints one after another!

One is stronger than the other!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the nine bases of heavenly palms blasted out one after another, followed by a terrifying scene!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face changed slightly, as if he was in a terrifying storm!

Every blast of the Nine Daobai Tianzhang will collapse the void once!

And every time the void collapses, the power of the space storm is even stronger!

The space cracks that appeared after that became more ferocious and violent!

Nine palm prints blasted out one after another, tyrannizing this void!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The terrifying roar resounded endlessly, and the void fell into a complete frenzy, even causing spatial turmoil within a range of one hundred thousand feet!



"Damn it!"

"What are they doing?"

"Leitian Palm, this is Shi Yinan's Leitian Palm!"

The evildoers who fought in the space of a hundred thousand feet yelled curses and were deeply disturbed.

Some evildoers who knew Shi Yinan's background directly recognized Leitian Palm and were shocked by its power!

"I've sparred with Shi Yinan before, but it seems that his palm is not so strong?"

"That's because he didn't use his full strength. I've also seen his Sky Palm, which is less powerful than half of what it is now!"

"It seems that this is the real power of Leitian Palm!"

"The fight has only just begun, and he has resorted to such tricks. Is Jiang Tian really that strong?"

While these evildoers cursed to avoid the impact of the space storm, they were shocked at the scene of fighting Shi Yinan and Jiang Tian.

In their view, Shi Yinan's victory over Jiang Tian shouldn't have much suspense.

At most, it will take a little effort.

But no one expected that Shi Yinan would resort to such a terrifying method at the very beginning of the fight!

Shouldn't this method be used as a trump card at the final decisive moment?

Everyone looked at the terrifying void, hesitating in their hearts!

They retreated again and again, consciously avoiding them far away.

But looking at the terrifying scene in the void, they paused their duels in a tacit understanding, wanting to see clearly!

"What are you doing?"

"Don't stop, keep fighting, or we'll all be eliminated!"

The elder supervisor noticed the situation here and immediately sounded a warning!


These evildoers did not dare to neglect and had no choice but to continue fighting.

But their minds were still thinking about the battle between Shi Yinan and Jiang Tian.

Therefore, they cover each other with a tacit understanding. It seems that the scene of you coming and going is fierce, but in fact it is just a false move to deal with it.

Their attention is still focused on the violent contest in the opposite void!

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