Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6961 Crazy devour!

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"Hahahaha, Shi Yinan, I have to say, your Tianzhang is very skillful!"

Jiang Tian laughed loudly, urging the Void Dominant Body to devour the power of the Void.

But soon, he discovered that this level of devouring could no longer bring him a significant improvement.

The point is, after the power of the void enters the body, the nourishing effect on him is also declining!

"It's the bottleneck!"

Obviously, just relying on this kind of devouring, the nourishing effect is already unsatisfactory.

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"

After an instant of weighing, Jiang Tian began to directly devour the space storm!


A large piece of space storm was swallowed by Jiang Tian, ​​and it looked like he had swallowed that piece of void!

The disappearance of the space storm triggered the plunder of the surrounding forces, and the void collapsed again!

"Well, what's the situation?"

Shi Yinan was shocked!

After the Nine Dao Base Heavenly Palm was shot, he has been waiting and watching, and now he has not made a move.

Why did the void around Jiang Tian suddenly start to collapse!


This is very abnormal!

Shi Yinan was shocked and wanted to find out.

"What the hell is this kid doing?"

He couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately rushed out, rushing into the space storm!

Then, I saw a terrifying scene!

Just a thousand feet away in front of him, a piece of void is being stirred up by the space storm!

But when he was about to rush into the void, the violent storm suddenly disappeared!

And the disappearing direction is exactly where Jiang Tian is!

Ka Ka Ka!

The moment the space storm disappeared, Jiang Tian opened his mouth and chewed. It looked delicious!


He is devouring the void!

To be precise, it is swallowing a space storm!

"How can it be?"

Shi Yinan was horrified!

The power of the space storm cannot be ignored by any warrior.

Even if it is a great power in the late stage of the original god state, it is impossible to devour it casually.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian is actually devouring the space storm, as if he is enjoying it!

"Impossible, no way!"

"What method are you doing?"

Shi Yinan was horrified!

Space bully!

"Is this the special talent of the space dominance?"

Shi Yinan looked at Jiang Tian and asked sharply.

On the other hand, there was already a layer of cold sweat on his forehead!

If he had rushed faster just now and rushed into the void in front of him, would he have been swallowed into Jiang Tian's belly along with those storms?


Thinking of this, he couldn't help taking a breath, and big beads of sweat fell down!

"Swallowing space storm, you are definitely not an ordinary space dominance, what kind of physique do you have?"

Shi Yinan remembered the descriptions he had seen in some ancient books.

Only a very small number of extremely special blood constitutions have the ability to swallow space storms.

Or it is some super powerful powers, so powerful that they can ignore the backlash and influence of the space storm, and thus enjoy it!

But Jiang Tian's cultivation level didn't obviously surpass him, so it couldn't be the latter.

Then there is only the former!

But the former is more mysterious than the latter!

Because even the ancient books did not list the details of those special bloodlines. After all, the martial arts world is too big, full of strange things, and there are all kinds of special bloodlines.

It is impossible for the person who wrote the classics to have seen everything!

As for Jiang Tian, ​​it is likely that he has a special bloodline physique that is not recorded in the classics!

"Say! What kind of space dominance is yours?"

"How old are you?"

Jiang Tian sneered coldly, and continued to devour the space storm.

He discovered that the space storm's nourishing effect on the Void Hegemony is also good.

It's just that in comparison, the effect of the power of the void is better!

After a few mouthfuls of space storm entered the body, the Void Dominant Body began to move slowly, releasing strong space ripples one after another!


Jiang Tian frowned slightly, a little surprised for a while.

Such a situation was somewhat beyond his expectation.

It seems that the power of the space storm cannot be completely converted into the nourishment of the Void Dominant Body, and most of it will still be excreted from the body.

There is no harm in this situation, but the effect of tonic seems a bit low.

"Sure enough, more powerful void power is needed, what a pity!"

Jiang Tian looked at Shi Yinan opposite, feeling a little disappointed.

Obviously, with Shi Yinan's strength, he could no longer bring him greater nourishment.

The combat power of this opponent is basically at its peak!

"Come on, let's fight head-on!"

"Hahahaha, do you finally have the guts to fight me head-on? Come on!"

Shi Yinan laughed wildly, ready to completely suppress Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian has a space dominance body, is proficient in space secrets, and is not afraid of space storms.

If he keeps avoiding and circling, he really has no good way.

But since it was a head-on contest, it was in his favor!

"Lei Tian Zhang, suppress him for me!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The nine palm prints blasted out again, and the void collapsed nine times in succession, setting off a terrifying spatial storm!

Jiang Tian didn't dodge or avoid being in it, but there was a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

"Void dominance, go up!"

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"

The power of the void poured into the void hegemony crazily, and the Void Swallowing Art was also wantonly devouring the space storm.

But this tonic, the effect is obviously worse than before.

The effect of this nourishment has dropped significantly!

"too fast?"

Jiang Tian was very depressed.

Shi Yinan's shot once brought him a big surprise, but the speed of the decline was also quite astonishing.

After two shots before and after, the effect has already been significantly different.

"That's all!"

After Jiang Tian swallowed a few mouthfuls of Space Storm, he stopped hesitating.


With a flick of his figure, he teleported to the opponent!

"Teleportation technique!"

Shi Yinan's reaction was also not slow, and he seemed to have expected it.

At the same time as Jiang Tian appeared, Lei Tianzhang overlapped and blasted out again!

Crack... bang rumble!

This palm was beyond his expectation, and it hit Jiang Tian firmly!

Shi Yinan was surprised first and then delighted, laughing wildly!

"Hahahaha! Jiang Tian, ​​you asked for this!"

With Jiang Tian's escapism and combat strength, it is not impossible to avoid this palm.

But he bumped into him just like that, and received the palm abruptly!

He knows the terrifying power of Leitian Palm better than anyone else, even if Jiang Tian has both space and physical body, he will definitely be severely injured!

Just when he was expecting that Jiang Tian would be severely injured, hiss and scream, vomit blood and retreat, and even his body might be blown up.

An amazing scene appeared!

Crack... Rumble!

The terrifyingly powerful Leitian Palm hit Jiang Tian's body, but the void spread like a big cake in an instant!

A series of terrifying space cracks swept out, and the void rippled violently, but Jiang Tian himself remained motionless!

"Hiss! Impossible, this is impossible!"

Shi Yinan's face changed drastically, he was shocked!

With a frontal blow from Lei Tianzhang, it hit his chest firmly, and Jiang Tian would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

How is it possible to be motionless?

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