Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6962 Admit defeat!

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"Space hegemony, power of space... space barrier!"

Shi Yinan suddenly understood!

His palm didn't really hit Jiang Tian, ​​but hit a space barrier erected in front of Jiang Tian!

"No, it's impossible!"

Shi Yinan suddenly reacted!

Even if it's a space barrier, it's impossible to hold back Lei Tianzhang and strike with all his strength.

The moment his palm strikes, this barrier should be broken!

But why, Jiang Tian was not affected at all?

Space Dominant Body, or Space Dominant Body!

Shi Yinan realized the problem!

This is not just an ordinary space barrier, but some kind of super defense method that Jiang Tian used with the help of his space dominance talent.

"Can't even break through the Leitian Palm?"

Shi Yinan's face was extremely ugly!

Just a space barrier offset his mad attack. Doesn't this mean that the gap between him and Jiang Tian is very large?

"I don't believe it can't be blasted!"

In a contest between warriors of the same level, if they can't even break through the opponent's defensive barrier, it means a complete failure, or even shame.

Shi Yinan couldn't accept this situation, he clasped his palms together and blasted again!

Boom, boom, boom...crack...rumble!

Leitian Palm bombarded wildly, hitting nearly a hundred palms in an instant!

Crack... bang... rumble!

The void barrier in front of Jiang Tian was finally broken.

Just as Shi Yinan's face showed a hint of joy, a fist wrapped in purple light bombarded him head-on!

"Hiss! Not good!"

Shi Yinan's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help but put his hands up to cover his face.

Click... bang!

The purple light exploded!

Amidst the loud noise that shook the sky, Shi Yinan screamed and flew upside down, with both arms twisted and deformed!


"Oh My God!"

"One strike wins!"

"The power of the flesh, what a terrifying power of the flesh!"

"Jiang Tian won!"

The evildoers who pretended to fight nearby, but were actually watching were all stunned!

If Jiang Tian didn't make a move, he defeated Shi Yinan with one move.

This is too exaggerated!

"Shi Yinan is seriously injured!"

"It doesn't seem serious, but it's actually not too serious. After all, it's just a physical injury, and there are no serious internal injuries!"

"That's right, this kind of injury is nothing to a martial artist of this level, he can actually fight again!"

"Fight again? Hey, I think the defeat wasn't bad enough this time, let Jiang Tian be tyrannical again?" Some people shook their heads and sneered, their faces full of sarcasm.

Everyone also shook their heads and smiled wryly, embarrassed.

Yes, this kind of injury can recover quickly for warriors of this level, and it doesn't affect their combat power too much.

But the problem is, Jiang Tian obviously has reservations!

If Shi Yinan chooses to fight again, the next injury may not be so simple!

"Do you still want to fight?" Jiang Tian asked lightly, not taking advantage of the situation to pursue.

After all, this is not a life-and-death battle, but a competition at the Supernova Conference.

"I can't fight... I can't fight!"

Shi Yinan felt the severe pain from the cracked bones in his arms, and his face was extremely ugly.

Although his combat power loss was not large, this blow made him fall into great fear!

Fortunately, Jiang Tian didn't change the direction of the attack. If he had turned his fist and bombarded his vitals at the moment when he crossed his arms to protect himself.

His ending must be extremely tragic, and he will be seriously injured if he does not die!

Now it's just a little physical trauma, and it's not a big problem to heal on its own.

"I lost, I lost!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are much stronger than I imagined, and..."

Shi Yinan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Besides, you are far from using your full strength!"

Thinking about this gap, it frightened him!

The Supernova Conference has been going on until now, although there is still a little gap between dozens of monsters, but this gap is not too big in everyone's eyes.

But after the fight with Jiang Tian, ​​he realized that the previous imagination was just wishful thinking!

The real reality is that the gap between him and his opponent is still astonishingly large!

"Jiang Tian, ​​I believe you have the ability to go further, this time, I accept!"

Shi Yinan stood still and bowed his hands to Jiang Tian to salute.

This time he lost, lost completely, lost nothing to say!

He takes it!

Because he knows that even if he fights a hundred times again, even if he uses some tricks to suppress the bottom of the box, he will not be able to defeat Jiang Tian!

"Accept!" Jiang Tian cupped his hands in salute.

"No, I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart, and I'm so convinced that I'm defeated!"

Shi Yinan took a deep look at Jiang Tian and said nothing more.

"Jiang Tian, ​​win!"

The elder who supervised the battle immediately announced the result of the competition.

Jiang Tian then stepped down into the air and landed on a mountain peak to watch other evildoers fight.

The most concerned, of course, is the contest between Song and Yuan.

Because he and Song Yuan are the only remaining two monsters from the northern city!

Now, he has passed!

And Song Yuan is still fighting hard!

At this moment, Song Yuan used his special skill "Void Rebellion", trying to trap his opponent in a frenzied airspace.

But his opponent, a super evildoer from the western city, looked calm and didn't panic at all!

This is a glamorous woman, wearing a snow-white robe!

Between the fights, there is quite an elegant posture that seems to be slowing down and lifting weights lightly.

Facing Song Yuan's mad attack, all kinds of reactions seemed to be in order!

"This woman is so strong!"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

This woman's strength is a bit detached at first glance, otherwise it would be impossible to remain so calm under Song Yuan's mad attack.

At this moment, he couldn't help worrying about Song Yuan!

"You are not my opponent, admit defeat early!"

The woman said with a cold face, her eyes were indifferent.

"Admit defeat? Impossible!"

It's not that Song Yuan can't admit defeat, because he once lost to Jiang Tian, ​​and he lost convincingly.

But that was in the past. Since then, he has bravely broken through the great realm after realizing his shame, and his strength has skyrocketed.

Miraculously rushed to Hengfeng City to win a spot, and came to the Supernova Conference.

And passed two levels in a row, and came to the second unit competition of the final showdown!

At this moment, facing this woman, he has the belief that he must win!

Of course it is absolutely impossible to admit mistakes!

But at the same time, he also discovered that this glamorous woman from the western super city Rocky City has unfathomable strength!

"You are very strong, such an opponent is just right for me!"

With a wave of Song Yuan's big hand, the scene of void and chaos changed drastically!

The twisted and turbulent space began to rewind crazily, like a crazily curled scroll rolling out to crush the opponent!


A cold smile appeared on the face of the snow-robed woman, but she quickly returned to her expressionless face.

I saw her and swipe forward!


A dazzling white light cut through the void instantly, as if opening a door of space!

With light steps, he rushed out in an instant, making Song Yuan's mad attack completely useless!

"It makes no sense!"

Song Yuan's face was extremely serious!

He knew that this was an extremely difficult opponent, and he would definitely not be able to win with his normal means.

And once a strong counterattack is launched, he may not be able to block it calmly!

With this in mind, he no longer hesitated, and grabbed his right hand in his sleeve.

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