Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6963 Song Yuan's hole card-the curtain scroll!

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Song Yuan fished out a broken bronze scroll from his sleeve!

"Oh?" The snow-robed woman raised her eyebrows and looked at the scroll.

"It's time for the decisive battle!"

Song Yuan poured spiritual energy and threw the scroll to the sky.


The scroll soared against the wind, turning into a large piece of bronze-colored light and falling down!

Wherever the bronze radiance goes, a strange force of space pervades the void!

"This is……"

The woman in the snow robe frowned, and immediately raised her vigilance!

This bronze-colored radiance carried a decaying and sinking aura, giving her a lifeless feeling!

With the shroud of light, the void she was in seemed to be frozen, as if it was about to be swept into the long river of history!

"Time spiritual power?"

The woman in the snow robe frowned, feeling extremely uncomfortable!

She let go of her divine sense and silently felt the void, then shook her head.

"No, it's not just time and spiritual power!"

"What kind of strange treasure is this?"

The snow-robed woman had never seen this kind of magic weapon, and she didn't know the details at the moment.

In the blink of an eye, her expression changed!

Raising his arm, he found that the originally snow-white sleeves were now stained with a bronze-colored decaying atmosphere!

It looks as if two rag bags are on the body!


The woman in the snow robe was disgusted.

With a shake of both hands, the two sleeves of the robe instantly turned into powder!


After getting rid of the rotten sleeves, she suddenly remembered something, looked down, and her face changed again!

Her entire dress was stained with bronze stains and rust!


A hostile look appeared on the face of the snow-robed woman!

If the sleeves are dirty, you can throw them away, but if the dress is dirty, you can't just throw it away, right?

"Falling scroll, town!"

Song Yuan squeezed the seal formula with his hands, and urged him from the air!

The power of decay and the aura of perdition emanating from the broken scroll surged again, and began to rewind rapidly, suppressing the snow-robed woman.

He didn't want to use this magic weapon lightly, but the opponent was too strong, so he had to use it!

The ending scroll is a secret treasure handed down by his family, and it is said to be left behind by a certain ancient power.

It contains an aura of decay, decay, and perdition. Once cast, it is enough to make the opponent lose the fighting spirit, and it can even contaminate the opponent's magic weapon and talisman, causing it to lose its original power.

It can even erode the opponent himself, making him sink in the atmosphere of decay and decay, and he will collapse without fighting!


The bronze-colored rays of light fell layer by layer, as if the afterglow of the setting sun was constantly fading away.

An irresistible rotten breath descended!

The snow-robed woman couldn't get rid of this aura, and her originally young heart suddenly felt like old age was approaching!

This feeling is extremely real, as soon as Fang appeared, she felt physically and mentally exhausted, and her fighting spirit was greatly reduced!

The decaying breath became stronger and stronger, invading her lungs with her breath.

The sinking feeling became heavier and heavier, and the snow-robed woman even wanted to fall asleep!

Suddenly, she woke up violently!

When I looked at it again, the snow-white robe had turned into curls like dead leaves!

"Time spiritual power, maybe there is also a deceptive mind illusion!"

The woman in the snow robe muttered to herself, but her eyes were cold.

"But it's not all illusion, because the breath of this magic weapon does contain the power of corruption!"

The woman in the snow robe raised her palm and stared silently.

The skin that was originally like ice and snow is now covered with wrinkles and looks extremely old!

She finally couldn't take it anymore!

Thick hostility erupted in his eyes!

Swipe your right hand and point forward!


White light suddenly appeared, and the void was cut open by her!

But the power of this white light is obviously not as good as before!

Moreover, after the void crack appeared, it also quickly closed, looking like an old man's eyelids drooping weakly!

"How can it be?"

The face of the snow-robed woman changed drastically!

The power of the ending scroll actually strongly suppressed her attack!

In this environment, there is almost no possibility of turning defeat into victory!

"not bad, very good!"

The snow-robed woman looked at Song Yuan coldly, as if she had turned into an old woman in yellow robe!

"This treasure is indeed weird, but this contest is over!"

The snow-robed woman's face darkened, and she moved her right hand forward!


Accompanied by a loud sword cry, a white sword light cut through the void!

This sword light is extremely dazzling!

As soon as Fang appeared, Song Yuan couldn't look directly at him!

"not good!"

Song Yuan's complexion changed drastically!

The ending scroll was broken!

He has only used this magic weapon a few times, and has never missed it.

Think of it as the biggest hole card, the magic weapon for winning!

But now, it is broken!


The white sword light resounded through the heaven and earth, like a terrifying horse cutting towards Song Yuan!


Jiang Tian's expression changed immediately, and he shouted a warning!

Song Yuan was already prepared!

Swallowing the elixir that had been in his mouth for a long time, and at the same time pointing at the center of his eyebrows, he decisively stimulated the potential of the blood!

Rumble rumble!

The berserk space power surged out of his body, and the vast void twisted and shook violently, as if it had turned into a terrifying chaos!

"Reverse the void!"

Song Yuan raised his head to the sky and screamed wildly, and a wave of strange space power shot out from his body!

This void began to change in a terrifying way, as if it was turned upside down in an instant!

"Reversing the void?"

Jiang Tian watched from a distance, secretly surprised!

This is obviously Song Yuan's final hole card!

"Reversing the Void" seems to be only one word different from the commonly used "Void Reversing Chaos", but its power is quite different!

Why didn't Song Yuan use this method when they fought in Bailian City?

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, quite puzzled in his heart.

After thinking about it, there is probably only one possibility: when Song Yuan was in Bailian City, because of his cultivation level, he was still unable to use this method!

In addition to his blood potential, the biggest requirement for this method is to have the power of the original god!

"The power of the original gods!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed, and he was amazed in his heart!

Song Yuan has already comprehended the power of the original god realm!

With such power, Song Yuan's combat power will far exceed that of monsters of the same level, and there will be suspense again in this battle!

But what cannot be ignored is that although Song Yuan has demonstrated the super powerful method of "reversing the void", he can only use it when he stimulates the potential of the blood.

This means that it is extremely difficult for him to use this method, and it is impossible to launch an offensive like this a few times!

There is no other reason, but the price of stimulating the potential of the blood is too great!

"Come on, let's compete!"

Song Yuan roared up to the sky, and wherever he went, the void turned wildly from the inside to the outside.

Presenting scenes of terrifying reversal visions!

This scene attracted many evildoers to wait and see, and some even abruptly stopped the powerful offensive to observe Song Yuan's terrifying methods!


"What a powerful space secret technique!"

"This is not a secret technique, but a powerful technique blessed with blood potential!"

"Such an opponent is really scary!"

"Fortunately, I didn't choose him just now, otherwise I might lose now!"

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