Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6964 The real hole card-reverse the void!

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One by one, the evildoers opened up the distance with a tacit understanding, no longer forced to fight, and put more energy on this blow.

They know that there is only a thin line between victory and defeat!

Once "Reversal of the Void" is launched, either Song Yuan will turn defeat into victory, or the snow-robed woman will use super powerful methods to forcibly defeat him!

But even if the snow-robed woman can win, I'm afraid she will have to pay a considerable price!

The elders who were aware of the movement in the field chose to be silent at this moment, which is rare!

They did not urge these evildoers to continue fighting, but chose to wait and see like them!

Because they also know that the fight between Song Yuan and Xuepao woman has reached the final moment, and the victory or defeat is only a thin line!

"Reversing the void?" The corners of the snow-robed woman's eyes shrank sharply, and a cold light flashed between her brows!

Although it looked a little surprised, there was no fear at all!

After a short wait and see, she took a step forward, and her whole body turned into a snow dragon-like white storm and blasted abruptly into the vast void full of visions and reversals!


"She actually wants to fight hard!"

"This is really unwise!"

The monsters watching the battle shook their heads one after another.

In fact, the snow-robed woman has always taken the initiative in the scene. If she chooses to avoid her edge at this time and survive this wave of violent attacks, her advantage will only be greater!

Because Song Yuan's consumption is too violent, it must not last long.

As long as he slips to the top, he can win with an easier posture!

But what shocked everyone was that the snow-robed woman did not choose to retreat, but chose to be tough!

In this way, even if she could win by force, she would have to pay a terrible price!

"Unwise, very unwise!"

"More than that, it's just stupid!"

"This woman is simply a crazy woman!"

Countless martial artists who watched the battle outside of Zao Shen Xu also shook their heads, feeling sorry for her.

"Don't she understand that this is only the second unit of competition, and there may be one or more units of hard work in the next round, and each round will be more difficult than now, and if she pays a huge price in this round, she will not be able to support it at all?"

"Which person who has made it this far is not the dragon or the phoenix among men? It is impossible for her not to understand these questions, but she still chooses to be tough!"

"Perhaps she has great confidence and complete certainty?"

"Fully sure? Do you think the gap between the two of them can be that big!"

Countless spectators talked about it, and most of them held a negative attitude.

They don't doubt that the snow-robed woman has a chance to win, but if she forcibly plunges into the reversed void, she will also face huge risks and uncertainties!

Once Song and Yuan used other trump cards, the Xuepao woman is likely to turn victory into defeat.

"The gain outweighs the loss, the gain outweighs the loss!"

"This is her own choice. What's the use of us outsiders being anxious?"

"So arrogant and conceited, I don't think she will be wronged if she loses!"

The attitude of the crowd began to undergo a subtle change, from being overwhelmingly optimistic at the beginning, to questioning and dissatisfied, and now they are beginning to become a little annoyed and angry.

Even many people's positions have changed, and they no longer favor her!

"Compared to this, it is obviously much wiser for Song Yuan to leave the strongest hole card at the last moment!"

"This shows that he has a clear prediction of his cards and the strength of his opponent, so it is extremely wise to deal with it like this!"

"Looking at it now, Song Yuan is still very stable, such a monster is a shrewd existence!"

"Such a shrewd, calm, and wise person deserves a reversal!"

"Song Yuan, I support Song Yuan!"

"I support him too!"


Outside the Realm of God Creation, countless warriors breathed wildly and began to support Song Yuan.

The bursts of wild cries even spread to the God-Creating Void Realm, and the blood of these many evildoers is boiling!

"Reverse the void, turn again!"

Song Yuan crossed his arms, and a wave of strange space power swept out crazily.

The void that had been turned upside down once again changed strangely, subverting after subverting, it looked extremely terrifying!

Jiang Tian looked quite dignified!

Even if he has a Void Dominant Body, if he is in such a chaotic domain, he will be passive for a short time.

Of course, at this moment, he really wished he could take the snow-robed woman instead and face Song Yuan's mad attack!

There is no other reason, only Song Yuan's offensive brought about an unprecedented space storm!

And it's not just an ordinary space storm, it contains the power of the void beyond imagination, and its nourishing effect on him is definitely better than that of Shi Yinan just now!

It's a pity that this is the stage of the final battle of the Supernova Conference, and he cannot be allowed to do whatever he wants.


Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, as if he had missed some treasure.


The snow-colored dragon transformed by the snow-robed woman abruptly blasted into the repeatedly upside-down void, and it seemed to fall apart in an instant!



"So soon... lost?"

"I don't think it's just a defeat, I'm afraid she has suffered a serious injury!"

"Heavy injury? I'm afraid it's not that simple. I think her body may have been torn apart, and she fell to her death!"

"It would be such a pity if such a monstrous woman should perish!"

"That's right, there are less than ten women among the sixty evildoers, and all of them are amazingly talented and beautiful. It's a pity to be eliminated like this!"

"No way, everything is the result of her own choice, she can't blame others, and there is nothing to regret!"

"Yes! Since she made this choice, she must bear the price that comes with it!"

Inside and outside Zao Shenxu, all the evildoers and countless spectators talked endlessly, and they no longer feel very sorry.

After all, it would be a pity if a calm, rational, and brave monster like Song Yuan was eliminated.

In contrast, the impulsive and arrogant snow-robed woman seems more reasonable to be eliminated!


What everyone saw was not the real situation!


The violent roar resounded through the void, and after the white snow dragon blasted into the repeatedly inverted void, it seemed to be torn apart by the terrifying space power.

The snow-robed woman herself was not seriously injured!

At this moment, strange streams of snow-colored streams swirled rapidly outside her body, bringing up strands of white wind blades!

These wind blades are not blades of pure wind power, but blades of the void that contain the power of the void!

Whoosh... 呲啦啦... Kachachacha!

Wherever the white wind blade went, the upside-down void was quickly cut off, and instantly returned to its original state!

This rapid recovery began to spread outward!

But it only spread about Zhang Xu, and was suppressed again by the terrifying power of "Reversing the Void"!

"So strong?"

The woman in the snow robe was shocked!

She found that she had somewhat underestimated Song Yuan's power.

It has to be said that this method of reversing the void is much stronger than she imagined!

Of course, there is no way to pose a fatal threat to her in a short time!

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