Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6967 Angel City, Byte!

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And in view of the opponent's skills, he has decided to challenge the next round as soon as possible!

"Beginna, wait for me!"

At this time, the sights of more than 20 evildoers are sweeping over Bei Jina and Jiang Tian!

They have already noticed the undercurrent between Bei Jina and Jiang Tian, ​​and even felt a deep chill!

Obviously, there will be a battle between the two, especially Jiang Tian, ​​who has already held back his energy to make her pay for Song Yuan's serious injury!

"Song Yuan has cultivated the power of space, and Jiang Tian is the master of space. Begina seems to have an advantage in front of such an opponent!"

"That's true. I may not be able to defeat Song Yuan easily, but Begina is not afraid at all. This advantage is too obvious!"

"So Jiang Tianxia will really challenge her in one round?"

"It looks like it is!"

"But she also seems to hope that Jiang Tian will come to challenge!"

"Hope? Jie Jie Jie, you are wrong to think so!" A very old-fashioned monster shook his head and sneered.


"Let me tell you, she didn't want Jiang Tian to challenge her, but decided that Jiang Tian would challenge her!"

"Why?" The other party was still puzzled!

"Because she severely injured Song Yuan in order to challenge Jiang Tian. It can be said that Song Yuan's injury is equivalent to her letter of war. Otherwise, why do you think she injured Song Yuan like that?"

"I see, this Beckina is so scheming!"

The two evildoers communicated silently through sound transmission.

In this short period of time, everyone is weighing which goal they should challenge!


Too hard to beat!

Jiang Tian?

The depth is unpredictable and contains many variables!

Neither of these two people seems to be the ideal target!

Half a quarter of an hour passed quickly!

The elder who supervised the battle immediately ordered all evildoers to prepare for the next round of competition!

"time up!"

"Now announce the rules: In the next round of competition, thirty people will draw lots at random!"


"Draw lots!"

"It's time, and you want to draw lots?"

Everyone was surprised!

In the beginning, there was no lottery when there were many people, but now when there are only 30 people left after being eliminated layer by layer, there is actually a lottery!

In the blink of an eye, everyone's expressions became strange.

Draw lots!

This rule is somewhat unexpected, but for them, it might not be an ideal way.

Because if they are allowed to choose by themselves, there will be some disputes between the choices.

But if it is decided by lottery, then leave everything to luck!

If you choose an opponent who is weak or even injured, it must be a big advantage!

If you choose a powerful enemy with terrifying strength, you can only blame bad luck.

"The lottery begins!"

As soon as the words fell, an elder who supervised the battle made a shot from the air, and shot dozens of brilliant streamers!

These streamers circled and plundered in mid-air, without any rules at all!

In an instant, he shot down towards the crowd!


Before all the evildoers could react, they were enveloped by streaks of aura!

"People of the same color are each other's opponents. Everyone is listed according to color, and the duel begins!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Everyone immediately looked for their opponents!

There are two auras of the same color, and they are rivals to each other.

This method is extremely convenient and can save time to the greatest extent.

"My opponent turned out to be you!"

"Hahaha, I was lucky, and I drew an injured guy!"

"Haha, my luck is also very good, I have won a female Tianjiao!"

A pair of warriors lined up, ready to fight.

But before the fight, they turned their attention to Jiang Tian and Bei Jina.

Will these two meet in this round?

At this time, Jiang Tian and Bei Jina are also looking at each other!

After looking at it, I was stunned!

One of the two is blue and the other is red, they are not opponents of each other!

Bejina, who was shrouded in blue aura, frowned slightly.

At this time, another warrior came to her.

"Begina, you are mine!"

This is a monstrous evildoer from Dongfang City, powerful, and he hasn't even been injured during this period!

"Keep your mouth clean, Dongfang Warrior!"

Bei Jina said coldly, her face was so gloomy that she was about to drip water.

"Hahahaha, you will definitely lose this match. Your plan to fight Jiang Tian is doomed to fail!"

The oriental evildoer seemed to have won the game. After mocking Begina, he looked at Jiang Tian again.

"Jiang Tian, ​​if you can choose your opponent in the next round, I will fight with you!"


Jiang Tian was expressionless.

He actually wanted to fight with Beckina, but since he couldn't draw together, he had to follow the rules.

"Use all your strength to compete with me, don't let yourself leave regrets, northern warrior, Jiang Tian!"

At this time, an evildoer from the west came over and yelled at Jiang Tian in a more blunt tone than Beckina.

"Your trip to the Supernova Conference is over!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Arrogance! Do you really think you are strong, northern warrior?"

"We Western warriors are the ones who can truly be called the ultimate monstrosity!"

"Compared to Beckina, I, Bait, are stronger, and I will eliminate you within ten breaths!"

This martial artist from Angel City, a super city in the west, has disheveled blond hair, and his name is Beite.

He shouted loudly and arrogantly!

"I believe that you will be eliminated by me within ten breaths."

Jiang Tian sneered in response.

"Then come on, northern warrior!"

Bait took a step, crushed the mountain below him, and fled into the void thousands of feet away!

Looking down on Jiang Tian from a high position, he looks like he is the only one who respects me!


Jiang Tian didn't talk nonsense, just shot directly!


Jiang Tian blasted out a Tyrannosaurus attack, and Beit, who was on the opposite side, was also prepared, and blasted out two iron palms covered with golden fur.


Boom, boom...Boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and both of them fell hundreds of feet, the void in between collapsed layer by layer, setting off a violent space storm!

"Flesh dominance!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrunk, and he couldn't help being surprised!

This super evil Beite from the western super city of Angel City is actually a domineering body!

In terms of physical strength alone, the opponent is not inferior to him!

"And it's not just an ordinary body!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed brightly, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit!

"Is this the physical dominance you are famous for, northern warrior?"

Beit looked at Jiang Tian with disdain on his face, and there was an air of arrogance and aloofness between his brows!

He is also physically dominant, since he set foot in martial arts, he has never met an opponent.

Among the powerful enemies in the past, there were also a small number of warriors who specialized in the physical body, and some of them also reached the level of physical dominance.

But no matter what kind of opponent it is, he has never survived three moves in front of him!

His physical dominance is an innate dominance, that is to say, from the moment he was born, he has a super domineering body that can crush warriors of the same level!

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