Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6968 Collision of the physical body!

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This unique and powerful advantage allowed him to look down on martial artists of the same age, level, and even the same generation, and call himself the overlord!

"Your physical strength is indeed good, and you are one of the strongest opponents at the physical level that I have seen so far!"


Hearing Jiang Tian's evaluation, Beit's face darkened, and a cold light appeared in his eyes!

"Is there anyone else whose physical body can stand shoulder to shoulder with me?"

"It's not just shoulder to shoulder, it's even stronger!"

"Impossible, northern warrior, you are lying!"

Beit stared at Jiang Tian, ​​furious!

He thinks that he is physically invincible, even if he just fought with Jiang Tian just now, he still has absolute confidence.

Because he hadn't used his strongest means yet, Jiang Tian didn't show any advantage in this collision.

Therefore, he has the confidence to crush Jiang Tian in the next round and convince his opponent completely!

It is precisely because of this reason that he absolutely does not believe and accepts that there are people who can have a stronger physical body than him!

"Who is it, who is it, northern warrior, if you can't tell the name of that person, then you are lying!"

"Why should I tell you?" Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

He has encountered many warriors with super physical physique.

Among them, the dragon warrior deservedly takes the first place!

And he himself is of dragon blood!

This kind of bloodline body is inherently strong, and it will become stronger and stronger as the cultivation base improves.

Even if you don't deliberately improve, your physical body will become more and more powerful with the change of realm!

Therefore, Bait's physical dominance is not enough to make him ignore all opponents!

"Hahahaha, it really is a lie, hateful northern warriors, the people of Angel City are destined to have the spirit of contract, and also hate those who are full of lies. Today, on behalf of Western Angel City, I will give you an unforgettable lesson!"

"Spirit of contract? Chick!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his eyes full of contempt.

Although it was his first contact with warriors in the Western City of Angels, he had also paid attention to the few matches just now.

This martial artist from Angel City in the west is not as "contractual" as he boasted.

In fact, in addition to his domineering physical strength, there are also cunning minds and insidious schemes!

In the match just now, Bait fought against a southern warrior. He fought for a long time with physical strength alone, and he was about to fall into a long-term stalemate.

Byte made a plan, deliberately feigning injury and screaming, causing the opponent to relax, so as to seize the opportunity of the opponent's distraction to sneak attack and win!

Although cheating is a common method in martial arts, it is not a big problem, but it at least shows that these western martial artists are far from being as bright as they claim!

"I want to learn about your so-called spirit of contract!"

Jiang Tian gave a cold drink, and teleported out again!


The fighting spirit in Beit's eyes soared, and he was a little surprised by Jiang Tian's actions!

From the looks of it, this is another physical attack without any tricks!

In the first collision, Jiang Tian had been forcibly pushed back by him, and the two sides were evenly divided.

It's obviously a thankless effort to fight like this for the second time!

It's a bit stupid for Jiang Tian to do this!


Beit was also unambiguous, clapping his palms wildly and drinking like thunder!

Boom... Boom, boom, boom!

Amidst the loud noise, the two of them came out of the shock again!

But this time, the situation has changed subtly!

How far Jiang Tian was shocked like last time!

It's not the same here with Beit!

He retreated a full 150 to 60 feet, which was a third longer than Jiang Tian!

"Impossible, my physical strength is invincible!"

Bait couldn't accept this fact.

How could he, who always believed himself to be physically invincible, be pushed back by this northern warrior?

Moreover, they retreated one-third more than the opponent!

Don't underestimate the gap of several tens of feet, it means a huge disadvantage in the contest between warriors of the same level, especially the physical overlord!

In other words, at least on the physical level, he lost!

"I don't agree!"

Bait roared and rushed over, clapping his palms wildly towards Jiang Tiangai's top!

The golden hair on his palm grew rapidly, covering the entire palm in an instant, emitting a scorching golden light!

It doesn't look like the palm of a normal human anymore, but the palm of some kind of ape monster!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The palm covered with golden hair slapped down in the air, smashing the void all the way, triggering a terrifying spatial vision!

There was even a space crack tearing towards him, but when it touched his body surface, it was blocked by a layer of strange golden light, which couldn't hurt him at all!


"Oh My God!"

"The strength of the physical body is hard to bear the space crack, Bait's overlord body is too terrifying!"

"Compared to Jiang Tian's overbearing physical body, it's not bad at all!"

"It seems that it even seems to be stronger!"

Outside the Realm of Creation of Gods, countless warriors watching the battle screamed in shock and horror!

And within the God-Creating Void Realm, the elders who supervised the battle also shrank their eyes, secretly surprised!

It has to be said that this extremely enchanting Beite from Angel City in the west does have his own unique and powerful advantages!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so arrogant!

Although he is arrogant, he has the confidence to be arrogant!

Although he is arrogant, he does have the capital to be arrogant!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void as his golden palm slapped down, and terrifying pressure rolled down towards Jiang Tian, ​​like giant mountains covering the top!

Jiang Tian's body has already tensed up before the palm gesture falls on the ground!

Bang bang bang, bang bang... Rumble!

There were bursts of strange noises coming from his body, which sounded extremely frightening!


"Being the same as the overlord of the physical body, Byte launched a berserk attack first, so he has the first-mover advantage!"

"That's right! In the contest between warriors of the same level, especially the collision of physical warriors, this kind of first-mover advantage is quite huge, even enough to decide the outcome!"

"The terrifying pressure enveloping Jiang Tian layer upon layer has made it extremely difficult for him. How can he launch a counterattack in such a passive situation?"

Everyone was shocked and appalled, talking endlessly!

But almost no one is optimistic about Jiang Tian!

Especially in the contest at the level of the physical body, it is basically a collision of massive force and coercion that shakes the void, and there are not too many tricks and complicated moves.

Even if Jiang Tian's reaction is a little slow, he will be controlled by the opponent and control the situation of the battle!

But at this moment, nearly half of the hundreds of physical coercion blasted by Byte's terrifying golden palms had been superimposed on him, making him more and more stressed.

In this case, Jiang Tianmo said to fight back, even if he got rid of it, it was impossible!

"Is this the limit of your physical body?"

Jiang Tian stared at Beit, his eyes full of fighting spirit!

To Bait's surprise, although Jiang Tian's eyes were bright, his face remained calm as usual!


Bait's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt uneasy.

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