Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6971 I have seen... the master!

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Ho ho ho!

Nie Lei, who had devoured the power of the Golden Light Contract, has obviously increased in power!

And in the sea of ​​qi, the Leiyuan Immortal Physique swallowed up the golden light wave again!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Bait was so shocked that his eyes almost popped!

"Impossible, no! No one can resist the power of my contract. Even if he refuses to accept it, he can only accept it, and he has no power to resist!"

"How can you resist my contract power? Hateful northern warrior, how dare you resist my contract power?"

Beit yelled like a crazy wild dog!

"The power of the bullshit contract is just a self-righteous means of confinement. This method may be useful to others, but it is worthless to me!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly and opened his eyes!


The black light suddenly appeared!

Nie Lei instantly blasted into the opponent's sea of ​​gods!


Beit covered his head and screamed, curled up and rolled over!

The power of his contract lost control in an instant, and the golden light waves that permeated the void quickly rolled back and poured into his body.

"Is it the power of the contract, let me add fire to you!"

A strange smile appeared on Jiang Tian's face, and he formed a mark of spiritual power!

This is the real power of contract!



The imprint of spiritual power entered Bait's body without any hindrance along with the rewinding golden light, and quickly invaded his divine sea.

After branding an indelible mark in the Divine Sea, it was branded in his blood with a strong will!


Bait's body shook violently, and his breath suddenly changed drastically!

He gradually stopped screaming, and his mind began to recover!

But after waking up, the eyes looking at Jiang Tian were full of awe and fear!

"You... what did you do to me?"

Bait asked in a trembling voice, his mouth trembling!

"Actually, it's nothing, just giving you your favorite power of contract!"


Beit's expression changed in horror!

At this moment, he understood why he suddenly felt awe and fear of Jiang Tian!

It turned out that Jiang Tian planted the power of contract in his body!


This is broken!

"Damn northern warrior, quickly erase your contract imprint!"

Beit roared wildly, like a crazy wild dog!

He has always contracted others, and has never been reversed by others.

At this moment, he tasted what it was like to be forcibly contracted by others!

This feeling made him sick and terrified!

Once the contract is concluded, he becomes the other party's servant, even a spiritual pet!

On a day like this, when he thought about it, life would be worse than death!

"Ahhh! Erase that damned contract imprint!"

Baite roared wildly and threw himself at Jiang Tian!

If Jiang Tian refuses to erase the mark, he will die with the other party!

"Kneel down!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and the contract imprint burst out with terrifying will!



Beit knelt down in the void in response, and slid all the way to Jiang Tian's knees!

Suppressed by the powerful force of the contract, he had to bow his head to Jiang Tian!

He has already felt the horror of the contract, as long as the other party has a thought, he will be wiped out!

"How is it, does the contract feel good?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

Ka Ka Ka... Rumble!

Facing Jiang Tian's will, Beit found that it was extremely difficult for him to raise his head and face the opponent directly!

He tried his best to support his body, and his powerful physical body should have given him unparalleled strength, allowing him to face Jiang Tian's gaze.

But he discovered a terrifying fact!

No matter how powerful his hegemony is, he can't resist the suppression of the contract mark!

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!

After struggling for a while, he lowered his head and bowed down to Jiang Tian slowly!

"Bite...have seen...Master...Master!"


The inside and outside of Zao Shenxu were shocked, and everyone was dumbfounded!

"This... what's the situation?"

"Is it too exaggerated?"

"Even if you can't win, you can admit defeat. Why did you just admit the master?"

"What's going on, what happened just now?"

There was an uproar inside and outside the void, and everyone was shocked and puzzled.

The Elder Supervising War stared at the two of them, and his words were astonishing!

"I understand, Jiang Tian used his will to forcibly contract Beit!"

"This super monster in the Western Angel City, who always likes to forcibly contract opponents, finally tasted what it's like to be contracted by others today!"

"This feeling must be very uncomfortable, right?"

Although the elders overseeing the battle did not favor any side, but thinking about Bait's actions, there was a feeling of gloating in their hearts!

The spectators outside the realm of the gods are also shouting happily at this moment!

"Hahahaha, Bait, who has always been tyrannical and domineering, didn't expect this day to come, did he?"

"In the past, when he relied on his strength to forcibly contract opponents one by one, and made them stop production and surrender, he probably didn't expect that he would have this day, right?"

"Maybe, this is retribution!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The fighters on the outside of the god-making virtual realm laughed endlessly, and the atmosphere was extremely cheerful.

They enjoyed the feeling of this moment very much. Beit, who had always been a bully, had a big fall directly after meeting the stronger Jiang Tian.

What a joy!


So cool!

"You...do you still want to fight?" Elder Supervisor asked, frowning.

Seeing Bait's miserable situation, he actually couldn't bear to ask such a question, but as long as one party didn't admit defeat, the process needed to be completed.

"Do you still want to fight?" Jiang Tian didn't answer the elder's question, but looked at Beit.

Bait's face was extremely ugly, he knelt on the ground and shook his head and said, "Bye...how dare Bait hit the master, please forgive me, respected master!"

"Elder, do you think it is still necessary to fight?" Jiang Tian smiled and looked at the elder who supervised the battle.

The elder suppressed a smile, waved his hands and said, "Chiyue City, Jiang Tiansheng!"

The World War I, which had attracted much attention, ended in such a dramatic ending, which really exceeded everyone's expectations!

Looking at this scene, Bejina's eyes were as cold as ice, who were fighting more than ten thousand feet away!

At this time, her opponent, that evildoer from the east took the opportunity to launch a mad attack!

Beckina was furious instantly!



I saw her right hand swipe forward, and the void was directly cut open by her sword finger.

The violent snow-colored sword intent flew across the sky, directly crushing the offensive of that oriental evildoer, and sent him flying!

"Pfft... wow!"


The Dongfang warrior retreated thousands of feet away, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of horror!

That sword made him feel the fear of death, it was terrible!

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed no match for Beckina, and it was reasonable to lose the competition!

"I lost!"

The Oriental evildoer shook his head and sighed, resolutely admit defeat!

"Rocky City, Virgina wins!"

The elder who supervised the battle immediately announced the result.

Bei Jinna ignored this, and rushed out to face Jiang Tian in one step.

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