Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6972 Isn't this against the rules?

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"You are despicable, northern warrior!"

"Stand up for me! Baite, you idiot, the power of the noble contract flows in your blood, and your physical body is even more powerful. How can you recognize a northern warrior as your master?"

Facing Begina's questioning, Byte's face was pale and ashen.

"Beginna, I don't want to, but the power of the contract is too strong, I can't break free!"

"There is a powerful contract power in your blood, can't it be eliminated?"

Beckina asked coldly.

She really couldn't accept that a top monster in the west like Bait, recognized a northern warrior as the master in public, and it was still on a super stage like the Supernova Conference that could affect the entire Dao Domain.

It is not difficult to imagine that after this battle, Bait's act of publicly recognizing Jiang Tian as the Lord will spread rapidly.

Become a "good story" in the whole Daoyu!

And Bait, the person involved in this "good story", will also become the laughing stock of countless warriors!

This is not just about Beit alone, it is also a disgrace to the entire western super city and the western martial arts world. We must find a way to eliminate it!

"It's useless, I've already passed it, resistance will only force its power, there is no way to erase it!"

Beit has given up struggling and resigned to his fate!

"Shame, you are a disgrace to the Western martial arts world, Bait, don't go back, there is no place for you in the Western martial arts world!"

Beckina issued a warning, her eyes flickering coldly!

Beit couldn't stop laughing miserably!

Yes, he can't go back!

In his situation, once he returns to the western city, he will be condemned verbally and in writing, and even mobbed and killed!

Because the arrogant and conceited Western Martial Arts World will never tolerate such an iconic and ugly character like him, and will definitely try their best to kill him!

"I will fight with you in the next round, despicable northern warrior!"

Bei Jina pointed directly at Jiang Tian, ​​her fighting spirit was overwhelming!

If the rules allow, she can't wait to fight Jiang Tian now and defeat him!

"Whatever!" Jiang Tian said lightly.

No matter it's Beckina or anyone else, he can't stop him from marching towards the final throne of the Supernova Conference!

As for whether Beginna has a chance to fight him, it depends on the next rules and the opponent's luck.

"What should I do next, please master arrange it!"

Bait lay at Jiang Tian's feet and asked cautiously.

Jiang Tian's face sank: "Without my instructions, don't you even know what to do?"

Bait's face was ugly: "The power of the master's contract is too strong, I dare not have my own ideas!"

"..." Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, but he didn't expect his contract mark to be so powerful.

"Whatever!" Jiang Tian coldly dropped the word and walked aside, ignoring the other party.

After Tian walked away, Beit slowly stood up, but he didn't dare to stand too straight, and kept bowing slightly.

He looked at Jiang Tian, ​​then looked around, and suddenly realized that he had nothing to do!

The competition is over, he was eliminated by Jiang Tian, ​​and the trip to the Supernova Conference is over.

What else can he do?

He could act as Jiang Tian's thug and clear the way for Jiang Tian, ​​but the rules don't allow it!



Bait suddenly screamed and flew into the air!

Jiang Tian turned his head to look, and couldn't help being stunned!

Byte was kicked away!

And the person who kicked him was none other than Begina!

"You... what are you doing?"

After Bait landed, he asked Beckina angrily.

"A good dog is out of the way, you are in my way, idiot!"

After Bei Gina kicked Beit away, she went straight to Jiang Tian and stared at him!

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Tian frowned!

He resented the feeling of being stared at!

"Don't try to get rid of me, stupid northern warrior, I must defeat you and wash away the shame you brought to western warriors!"

"I just made a contract with Bait, and you only make up so much. You western warriors are so glass-hearted, do you like to add drama to yourself?"

Jiang Tian was full of sarcasm.

"I have a condition, you must agree!"

"You also want to learn from Baite and forcibly contract others?" Jiang Tian sneered!

Birkina blushed, shook her head and said, "You can't refuse this condition. After I defeat you, you must take back Beit's contract and give him back his freedom!"


Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he threw away the opponent and teleported thousands of feet away.


Beckina pursues him closely, her sharp eyes never leave him!

"Elder Supervisor, isn't her behavior breaking the rules?"

Jiang Tian asked angrily!

The Elder Supervisor looked at the two, shook his head and said, "As long as she doesn't attack you outside the rules, it's not a violation!"

"..." Jiang Tian's face was black!

"Did you hear that? Don't even try to escape from my grasp, northern warrior!"

Bei Jinna's sharp sword-like eyes scraped Jiang Tian's face back and forth, wishing to defeat him with her eyes!

Jiang Tian no longer teleported, anyway, he couldn't get rid of his opponent in the realm of creation, so why waste his efforts?

Beckina is willing to follow, so let her go!

The competitions were completed one after another, and all 15 winners were determined!

These fifteen people, headed by Jiang Tian, ​​Bei Jina, and thirteen other people!

Among all fifteen people, there are as many as eight warriors from Dongfang City!

Of the remaining seven, three are from the South and three are from the West!

The remaining one is Jiang Tian!

At this moment, Beckina's eyes were finally willing to leave Jiang Tian!

She stood with the other two Western evildoers, whispering.

"Eight, the evildoers from Dongfang City actually occupy eight places!"

"The strength of Dongfang City is too strong!"

"In terms of numbers, they have already defeated all their opponents. This is not a good sign!"

The three of them looked at each other with gloomy faces.

Although the east, south, west, and north parties all belong to the Dao domain, there is no shortage of open and secret struggles among them, and it has never been considered harmonious.

Therefore, facing the fact that most of the fifteen people are from the east, Begina and the other two companions looked very ugly!

"Fortunately, the number of evildoers in the south is the same as ours, at least we are equal to the south!"

"There is also the north, only Jiang Tian is alone, we also have obvious advantages!"

The two young evildoers from the western city are not without luck.

"Advantage?" Beckina couldn't help shaking her head, "If the two of you meet Beite, are you sure you can win?"



The faces of the two are ugly!

Bite's physical body was enough for them to have a headache, and the power of the contract in his blood was even more difficult to deal with.

They don't have any confidence to win!

"So, do you think that the advantage of numbers must be an advantage?"

Beckina asked in a cold voice.

The two companions shook their heads one after another!

"So, the situation is far more cruel than you imagined. In the next competition, we must use the most powerful means to deter our opponents!"

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