Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6973 Final battle, composite rules!

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"Don't worry, Beckina, we will definitely safeguard the glory of the western city!"

"A great western warrior will never lose to any opponent!"

All fifteen people stood in a row and were inspected by the overseer elder.

"Everyone, take ten rests!"

"After ten breaths, the final battle will begin immediately!"

Before the words fell, everyone was shocked!

"Ten breaths! So short?"

"This is not the point, the point is the final battle!"

"No lottery, no grouping?"

Everyone asked again and again.

"That's right, fifteen people, directly start the final battle!"

The elder supervisor did not hesitate and answered solemnly.

"Melee, I didn't expect the final decisive battle to be a melee!"

"Fortunately, there are only fifteen people. Although they are the strongest fifteen people in the Supernova Conference, the melee scene with this number of people should not be too chaotic!"

"Not necessarily, I think the rules may not be that simple!"

A monster from the east shook his head slowly, with an extremely cautious attitude.

"Fifteen people directly start the final battle, which is quite difficult in itself. What complicated rules can there be?"

Everyone was puzzled, so they looked to the elder supervisor for an answer.

"Yes, the rules of the final battle are indeed somewhat different, let me explain carefully!"

The elder supervisor cleared his throat and explained to everyone!

"Although the final duel of this Supernova Conference is a melee, it is not a simple and disorderly melee, but a compound rule!" The elder supervisor said in a deep voice.

"Compound rules?"

"What's the meaning?"

The fifteen evildoers were deeply surprised.

Can't wait to ask the elder supervisor.

The elder who supervised the battle said solemnly: "The so-called complex rules are not a single rule. The details are as follows: Fifteen people can fight one-on-one while fighting in melee!"



"Melee...can you single out?"

"Won't there be a conflict?"

Fifteen evildoers frowned, with strange expressions on their faces!

This rule is simply contradictory!

At this time, the countless spectators outside the realm of the gods are also noisy!

"What kind of bullshit rule is this?"

"A scuffle is a scuffle, how can we still be singled out?"

"Could it be that someone is singled out and melee at the same time?"

"Is it going to be a duel or a melee?"

"What if I am singled out and others swarm me and attack me?"

"Shit! This so-called composite rule is bullshit, it's just nonsense!"

Countless spectators felt angry and puzzled.

Such rules are fundamentally self-contradictory. To conduct a final duel under a problematic rule, the top management of the Supernova Conference is simply messing around!

Except for Jiang Tian and Bei Jina who were still calm, the fifteen evildoers shook their heads one after another, deeply puzzled!

"Dare to ask the elder supervisor, what is it to be able to fight one-on-one while fighting?"

"If someone asks me to fight one-on-one, but others want to besiege me, then should I go to the one-on-one fight or fight in a scuffle?"

Sharp questions were posed in front of them, and everyone stared at the elder supervisor, asking for answers!

"This question is not as complicated as you think. To put it simply: heads-up superiority, melee combat is backward!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Elder, please explain clearly, don't let us interpret it ourselves!"

The Elder Superintendent said in a deep voice: "To put it bluntly, when someone chooses a one-on-one duel, others are not allowed to sneak attack or force a siege! But when the one-on-one duel is decided, you can break this restriction and group up to besiege or fight in melee!"

"Also!" The elder supervisor added: "This round of one-on-one duels, the opponent can challenge or refuse, it is not considered a violation!"

When the words spread, everyone was shocked!

"Can you still refuse?"

"I see!"

"In this case, the situation will become much more complicated!"

The faces of all the evildoers became serious!

The rules have been made clear, and there is no objection to them.

But the problem is, the duel mode of heads-up plus melee is a huge difficulty in itself!

These fifteen evildoers have been eliminated layer by layer, and they are already extremely close. No one can say that they can win the other party in a one-on-one fight!

But now, after the one-on-one battle, they still have to face the possible siege and melee. There are too many variables!


At this time, the fifteen evildoers were immediately divided into four camps!

The biggest piece is naturally the eight oriental monsters!

They accounted for more than half of the fifteen people, and they were the party with the greatest advantage!

There are three people on each side of the west and south, and neither side can compete against the evildoer from the east.

But if they work together, they can fight against the evildoer of the East!

The most difficult situation is Jiang Tian!

Of the monsters in the northern city, he is the only one left!

At this time, the eight monsters from the east already have enough confidence!

They took a few steps forward, leaving the monsters from the west, south, and north behind, all of them looked arrogantly and smiled, as if they had won the final victory!

"Everyone, I think the final winner of this supernova conference must be among our oriental monsters!"

"That's natural. Even if we exchange the number of people, we still have one person left, so we can directly send him to the throne of the winner!"

"Who is this person?"

The eight people looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became stiff!

Obviously, in the final duel, no one was willing to take the initiative to give way.

Because this is not a question of humility, but a matter of striving for it with all your strength!

The atmosphere was a bit dull for a while, but it was quickly broken!

"Don't be embarrassing, everyone. Fighting fighters depends entirely on their strength. The Supernova Conference selects the strongest among young evildoers. We still have to fight after all!"

"Of course, before that, we must first suppress the other three parties, so that we can win the final victory!"

"The two camps that pose the greatest threat are the South and the West, but if we confront each other unilaterally, neither side will be our opponent!"

For these oriental monsters, they have twice the number of opponents, and melee does not prohibit siege.

As long as you surround yourself and fight, you will win!

"They obviously understand this too, so I'm sure they will join forces to deal with us!"

"Join together?"

"Yes, they will definitely join forces, just wait and see if you don't believe me!"

The eight oriental evildoers looked at the south and west camps together.

There are three people in each of these two camps, and there are six people in total, and they can already compete head-on with them.

Of course, even if this is the case, the evildoers in the East still have great confidence and certainty to defeat each other!

"Do you have any ideas, Beckina?" asked two young monsters in the western camp.

Among the three of them, Virgina is recognized as the strongest.

Beckina said with a cold face: "I am not afraid of anyone one-on-one, but you are afraid..."

"It's impossible for them to fight us one-on-one. There are eight monsters in the east, more than twice as many as us. Whether it's one-on-one or melee, we can't win!"

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